语言认知研究 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高治东等著
- 出 版 社:武汉:武汉大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787307151888
- 页数:547 页
1 Metacognitive Awareness Guidance in the Teaching of EFL Reading 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Literature review 4
1.3 Method 9
1.4 Results and discussion 18
1.5 Conclusions 25
References 27
2 Cognitive Analysis of the Ordering of Multiple Attributives of English Sentences 30
2.1 Introduction 31
2.2 Literature Review 35
2.3 Theoretical Framework 43
2.4 Cognitive Analysis of the Ordering of Multiple Attributives of English Sentences 53
2.5 Pragmatic Value of the Ordering of Multiple Attributives 69
2.6 Conclusions 78
References 81
3 An Embodied Study of Gradient Features of English Spatial Prepositions 83
3.1 Introduction 84
3.2 Spatial Prepositions,Metaphor and Gradient 88
3.3 Theoretical Framework of Embodied Cognition 97
3.4 Research Design 103
3.5 Gradient Features of English Spatial Prepositions 141
3.6 Conclusions 145
References 148
4 Embodied Analysis of Generation and Comprehension of Verb-Particle Constructions 152
4.1 Introduction 153
4.2 Literature Review of Verb-Particle Constructions 156
4.3 Theoretical Framework of Embodied Cognition 165
4.4 Research Design 174
4.5 Embodiment of Generation and Comprehension of VPCs 196
4.6 Conclusions 201
References 204
5 A Contrast Study of Uyghur Middle School Students' Cognition of Colour Codability in English and Chinese 209
5.1 Background of the Study 210
5.2 Literature Review:Studies of Color Terms 213
5.3 The Prototype Theory and the Holistic Model as Theoretical Framework 220
5.4 Methodology 228
5.5 Similarities and Differences of Uyghur Middle School Students'Color Codability in English and Chinese 237
5.6 Conclusions 253
References 258
6 An ECM Analysis of Reciprocal Functions of News Headline Interrogatives 262
6.1 Research Background 263
6.2 Literature Review 265
6.3 Theoretical Framework 275
6.4 Research Methodology 282
6.5 Applications of ECM and CRP to Reciprocal Functions of Interrogatives 288
6.6 Conclusions 314
References 316
7 Cognitive Study of Textual Functions of Passive Sentences in Abstracts of English Academic Papers 319
7.1 Introduction 320
7.2 Literature Review of Studies of Passive Sentence 322
7.3 Theoretical Frameworks 326
7.4 Research Methodology 337
7.5 Textual Function Analysis of Passive sentences of Abstracts in Journal ofPragmatics 343
7.6 Conclusions 362
References 366
8 Cognitive Study of the Pragmatic Functions of Discourse Marker Well 370
8.1 Background of the Study 370
8.2 Previous Studies on Discourse Markers 374
8.3 Theoretical Framework 381
8.4 Research Design 387
8.5 Corpus-based Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of Discourse Marker Well 392
8.6 Conclusions 416
References 419
9 A Cognitive and Metapragmatic Awareness Study of the Functions of You Know 422
9.1 Introduction 423
9.2 Literature Review 425
9.3 An Analysis of You Know as a Discourse Marker 441
9.4 Metapragmatic Awareness of You Know from Textual Perspective 449
9.5 Metapragmatic Awareness of You Know from Interpersonal Perspective 459
9.6 Factors Influencing the Use of You Know 467
9.7 Conclusions 472
References 475
10 A Survey of the Studies on Preposition Over from the Perspective of Embodied Theory 480
10.1 Introduction 481
10.2 Grammatical Studies of Over 484
10.3 Semantic Studies of Over 500
10.4 Evaluation of the Approaches Employed in Previous Studies of Over 511
10.5 Embodied Hypothesis Model 524
10.6 Conclusions 530
References 532
中文摘要 538
1 英语阅读教学中的元认知意识指导 538
2 英语多层定语语序的认知语用分析 540
3 英语空间介词渐变特征的具身研究 540
4 动词-小品词结构生成与理解的具身分析 542
5 维族中学生英汉色彩语码认知对比研究 543
6 疑问句新闻标题交互功能的事件域认知模型分析 543
7 英语学术论文摘要中被动句语篇功能的认知分析 544
8 话语标记语well语用功能的认知分析 545
9 You know功能的认知与元语用意识研究 545
10 基于具身理论的介词Over研究综述 546
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