高等学校文科教材 英语 第2册 非英语专业用PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:复旦大学外文系文科英语教材编写组编
- 出 版 社:北京:商务印书馆
- 出版年份:1989
- ISBN:7100001757
- 页数:242 页
Lesson One 5
Text:Tom Meets with the Prince 5
Dialogue:Asking the Way 9
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Preposition 9
Ⅱ.The Absolute Forms of the Possessive Pronoun 11
Ⅲ.The Reflexive Pronoun 12
Word Study:get,have 13
Lesson Two 19
Text:Lost-A Coat 19
Dialogue:Advice 22
Grammar:The Present Perfect Tense 23
Word Study:take,bring 26
Lesson Three 33
Text:The Sea 33
Dialogue:Weather 35
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Degrees of Comparison of the Adjective and the Adverb 36
Ⅱ.The Numeral 38
Word Study:look,know 42
Lesson Four 47
Text:The Taj Mahal 47
Dialogue:At the Post Office 50
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Voice 51
Ⅱ.The Passive Voice(Ⅰ) 52
Word Study:go,come 54
Lesson Five 59
Text:All for the Wounded 59
Dialogue:Illness 62
Grammar:Ⅰ.Types of Sentences 62
Ⅱ.The Advcrblal Clause(Ⅰ) 64
Word Study:turn,leave 66
Lesson Six 73
Text:Britain v 73
Dialogue:A Telephone Call 75
Grammar:The Object Clause(Ⅰ) 77
Word Study:feel,hold 78
Revision Exerciscs(LL.1—6) 85
Lesson Seven 91
Text:The Peace Rose(Ⅰ) 91
Dialogue:Shopping 94
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Attributive Clause(Ⅰ) 95
Ⅱ.The Past Continuous Tense 97
Word Study:tell,grow 99
Lesson Eight 106
Text:The Peace Rose(Ⅱ) 106
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Non-finite Forms ofthe Verb 110
Dialogue:At the Barber Shop 110
Ⅱ.The Infinitive(Ⅰ) 111
Ⅲ.The Past Perfect Tense 113
Word Study:sce,hope 114
Lesson Nine 121
Text:The Boston Tea Party 121
Dialogue:At the Restaurant 124
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Passive Voice(Ⅱ) 125
Ⅱ.The Object Complement and the Subject Complement 127
Word Study:make,spend 128
Text:Bank Services 135
Lessen Ten 135
Dialogue:Hobbies 138
Grammar:The Infinitive(Ⅱ) 140
Word Study:find,ask 144
Lesson Eleven 152
Text:The Grateful Crane 152
Dialogue:Making Vacation Plans 156
Grammar:Ⅰ.The Participle(Ⅰ) 157
Ⅱ.The Past Future Indefinite Tense 159
Word Study:say,keep 160
Text:Sailing Round the World 168
Lesson Twelve 168
Dialogue:Seeing Someone Off 171
Grammar:The Gerund(Ⅰ) 172
Word Study:meet,begin 175
Revision Exercises(LL.7—12) 183
Supplementary Readings 191
Ⅰ.The Prince's New Life Begins 191
Ⅱ.Lost in the Fog 193
Ⅲ.Food from the Sea 194
Ⅳ.The Lorelei 196
Ⅴ.Dr.Bethune Apologized 197
Ⅵ.Cambridge—The University Town 199
Ⅶ.'Little Red Devils' 201
Ⅷ.Over the Himalayas and Beyond 203
Ⅸ.The Boycott 205
Ⅹ.Early Days of the Mail 206
Ⅺ.A Wise Judge 208
Ⅻ.An Unknown Young Pilot 210
Appendix 1 Irregular Verbs to Be Found in Book Ⅰ and Book Ⅱ 212
Appendix 2 Differences in British and American Spellings 215
Appendix 3 Poems 216
Appendix 4 Songs and Riddles 220
Appendix 5 Vocabulary 223
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