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人体解剖学标本彩色图谱  局部解剖学  中英文本
人体解剖学标本彩色图谱  局部解剖学  中英文本

人体解剖学标本彩色图谱 局部解剖学 中英文本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:初国良,汪华侨主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京科学技术出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7530430785
  • 页数:258 页
《人体解剖学标本彩色图谱 局部解剖学 中英文本》目录

第一章 头部 Chapter 1 Head 1

图1-1 口唇和外鼻 Oral lips and external nose 1

图1-2 颅顶软组织(浅层) Superficial structures of calvaria(superior structures) 2

图1-3 颅顶软组织(深层) Deep structures of calvaria(deep structures) 3

图1-4 面浅层结构 Superficial structures of the face 4

图1-5 颞下窝 Infratemporal fossa 5

图1-6 面侧深区 Deep lateral aspect of the face 6

图1-7 半卵圆中心水平切面 Horizontal section through semiovale center 7

图1-8 穹隆体水平切面 Horizontal section through body of the fornix 8

图1-9 第三脑室水平切面 Horizontal section through the third ventricle 9

图1-10 蝶鞍水平切面 Horizontal section through the sella 10

图1-11 眦耳线水平切面 Horizontal section through canthomeatal line 11

图1-12 头正中矢状面 Median sagittal section through the head 12

图1-13 头旁正中矢状面 Paramedian sagittal section through the head 13

图1-14 侧脑室三角矢状面 Sagittal section through trigone of the lateral ventricle 14

图1-15 侧脑室下角矢状面 Sagittal section through inferior horn of lateral ventricle 15

图1-16 小脑中脚冠状切面 Coronal section through middle cerebellar peduncle 16

图1-17 视交叉冠状切面 Coronal section through optic chiasma 17

图1-18 外耳道冠状切面 Coronal section through external acoustic meatus 18

图1-19 颅骨侧位像 Lateral radiograph of the skull 19

图1-20 新生儿颅骨侧位像 Lateral radiograph of the skull of newborn infant 20

图1-21 颅骨正位像 Anteroposterior radiograph of the skull 21

图1-22 颈内动脉血管造影侧位像 Lateral arteriograph of internal carotid a 22

图1-23 脑底横断层CT像 Transverse CT of the base of the brain 23

图1-24 鼻咽横断层CT像 Transverse CT of the nose and pharynx 23

图1-25 眶横断层CT像 Transverse CT of the orbit 24

图1-26 鼓室横断层CT像 Transverse CT of the tympanic cavity 24

图1-27 中耳横断层CT像 Transverse CT of middle ear 25

图1-28 鼻窦冠状断层CT像 Coronal CT of paranasal sinuses 25

图1-29 蝶骨冠状断层CT像(1) Coronal CT of the sphenoidal bone(1) 26

图1-30 蝶骨冠状断层CT像(2) Coronal CT of the sphenoidal bone(2) 26

图1-32 眶横断层MRI像(1) Transverse MRI of the orbit(1) 27

图1-31 头正中矢状位MRI像 Median sagittal MRI of the head 27

图1-33 眶横断层MRI像(2) Transverse MRI of the orbit(2) 28

图1-34 眶横断层MRI像(3) Transverse MRI of the orbit(3) 28

图1-35 鼻腔横断层MRI像 Transverse MRI of the nasal cavity 29

图1-36 脑桥横断层MRI像 Transverse MRI of pons 29

图1-37 颅后窝横断层MRI像 Transverse MRI of posterior cranial fossa 30

第二章 颈部 Chapter 2 Neck 31

图2-1 颈前区体表标志 Surface landmarks of anterior aspect of the neck 31

图2-2 颈外侧区体表标志 Surface landmarks of lateral aspect of the neck 32

图2-3 项部 Nape 32

图2-4 颈浅层结构 Superficial structures of the neck 33

图2-5 颈丛皮支 Cutaneous branches of cervical plexus 34

图2-6 甲状腺 Thyroid gland 35

图2-7 颈外侧区浅层 Superior structures of lateral aspect of the neck 36

图2-8 颈前外侧区 Anterolateral aspect of the neck 37

图2-9 颈前区 Anterior aspect of the neck 38

图2-10 颈外侧区深层 Deep structures of lateral aspect of the neck 39

图2-11 颈根部 The root of the neck 40

图2-12 甲状腺和喉 Thyroid gland and larynx 41

图2-13 脊柱颈段矢状面MRI像 Sagittal MRI of the cervical vertebralcolumn 42

图2-14 儿童颈正中矢状面MRI像 Median sagittal MRI of the neck of children 42

图2-15 头颈冠状面MRI像 Coronal MRI of the head and neck 43

图2-16 颈椎前后位X线像 Anteroposterior radiograph of the cervical vertebral column 43

图2-17 颈椎侧位X线像 Lateral radiograph of the cervical vertebral column 44

图2-18 颈椎斜位X线像 Oblique radiograph of the cervical vertebral column 44

图3-1 胸前区体表标志 Surface landmarks of anterior thoracic aspect 45

第三章 胸部Chapter 3 Thorax 45

图3-2 胸背区体表标志 Surface landmarks of dorsal thoracic aspect 46

图3-3 胸侧区体表标志 Surface landmarks of lateral thoracic aspect 46

图3-4 胸壁浅层 Superficial structures of thoracic wall 47

图3-5 胸壁深层 Deep structures of thoracic wall 48

图3-6 肋弓 Costal arch 49

图3-7 胸前壁内面 Internal aspect of the anterior thoracic wall 50

图3-8 女性乳房表面标志 Surface landmarks of female mamma 51

图3-9 女性乳房矢状切面 Sagittal section of female mamma 52

图3-10 女性乳房 Female mamma 53

图3-11 胸腔 Thoracic cavity 54

图3-12 心和肺 Heart and lung 55

图3-13 纵隔右侧面 Right aspect of mediastinum 56

图3-14 纵隔左侧面 Left aspect of mediastinum 57

图3-15 动脉导管三角 Triangle of arterial duct 58

图3-16 胸部横断层(1) Transverse section of the thorax(1) 59

图3-17 胸部横断层(2) Transverse section of the thorax(2) 59

图3-18 胸部横断层(3) Transverse section of the thorax(3) 60

图3-19 胸部横断层(4) Transverse section of the thorax(4) 60

图3-20 胸部横断层(5) Transverse section of the thorax(5) 61

图3-21 胸部横断层(6) Transverse section of the thorax(6) 62

图3-22 胸部横断层(7) Transverse section of the thorax(7) 63

图3-23 胸部横断层(8) Transverse section of the thorax(8) 64

图3-24 胸部横断层(9) Transverse section of the thorax(9) 65

图3-25 胸部横断层(10) Transverse section of the thorax(10) 66

图3-26 胸部横断层(11) Transverse section of the thorax(11) 67

图3-27 胸部横断层(12) Transverse section of the thorax(12) 68

图3-28 胸部横断层(13) Transverse section of the thorax(13) 69

图3-29 胸部后前位X线像 Anteroposterior radiograph of the thorax 70

图3-30 胸部侧位X线像 Lateral radiograph of the thorax 70

图3-31 肋斜位X线像 Oblique radiograph of the ribs 71

图3-32 胸椎X线像 Radiograph of the thoracic vertebral column 72

图3-33 胸椎MRI像和胸骨X线像 MRI of the thoracic vertebral column and radiograph of the sternum 73

图3-34 乳房侧位X线像 Lateral radiograph of the mamma 74

图3-35 食管X线像 Radiograph of esophagus 75

图3-36 T7横断层CT像 Transverse CT of T7 76

图3-37 肺横断层CT像 Transverse CT of lung 77

图3-38 纵隔横断层CT像(1) Transverse CT of mediastinum(1) 78

图3-39 纵隔横断层CT像(2) Transverse CT of mediastinum(2) 79

图3-40 纵隔横断层CT像(3) Transverse CT of mediastinum(3) 80

图3-41 纵隔横断层CT像(4) Transverse CT of mediastinum(4) 81

图3-42 纵隔横断层CT像(5) Transverse CT of mediastinum(5) 82

图3-43 纵隔横断层CT像(6) Transverse CT of mediastinum(6) 83

图3-44 纵隔横断层CT像(7) Transverse CT of mediastinum(7) 84

图3-45 纵隔横断层CT像(8) Transverse CT of mediastinum(8) 85

第四章 腹部 Chapter 4 Abdomen 86

图4-1 腹部体表标志 Surface landmarks of the abdomen 86

图4-2 腹前外侧壁浅层 Superficial structures of anteroposterior abdominal wall 87

图4-3 腹前外侧壁中层 Middle structures of anteroposterior abdominal wall 88

图4-4 腹前外侧壁深层 Deep structures of anteroposterior abdominal wall 89

图4-5 腹股沟管 Inguinal canal 90

图4-6 膈 Diaphragm 91

图4-7 上腹部器官(1) The viscera of the upper abdomen(1) 92

图4-8 上腹部器官(2) The viscera of the upper abdomen(2) 93

图4-9 上腹部器官(3) The viscera of the upper abdomen(3) 94

图4-10 网膜囊(胃结肠韧带已打开) Omental bursa(opened gastrocolic lig.) 95

图4-11 网膜孔和肝肾隐窝 Omental foramen and hepatorenal recess 96

图4-12 十二指肠 Duodenum 97

图4-13 左结肠旁沟 Left paracolic sulcus 98

图4-14 肠系膜上动脉 Superior mesenteric aorta 99

图4-15 肠系膜下动脉 Inferior mesenteric aorta 100

图4-16 肝门结构 Structures of porta liver 101

图4-17 胰、十二指肠和脾 Pancreas、duodenum and spleen 102

图4-18 肝门静脉及其属支模式图 Diagram of portal vein and its tributaries 103

图4-19 阑尾 Vermiform appendix 104

图4-20 回盲瓣 Ileocecal valve 105

图4-21 腹后壁 Posterior abdominal wall 106

图4-22 腹膜后间隙 Retroperitoneal space 107

图4-23 第2肝门横断面 Transverse section of the second porta hepatis 108

图4-24 贲门横断面 Transverse section of cardia 109

图4-25 T11横断面 Transverse section of T11 110

图4-26 肝门横断面(1) Transverse section of porta hepatis(1) 111

图4-27 肝门横断面(2) Transverse section of porta hepatis(2) 112

图4-28 幽门横断面 Transverse section of pylorus 113

图4-29 L1横断面 Transverse section of L1 114

图4-30 左肾静脉横断面(1) Transverse section of left renal vein(1) 115

图4-31 左肾静脉横断面(2) Transverse section of left renal vein(2) 116

图4-32 右肾静脉横断面 Transverse section of right renal vein 117

图4-33 L3横断面 Transverse section of L3 118

图4-34 主动脉叉横断面 Transverse section of bifurcation of aorta 119

图4-35 回盲部横断面 Transverse section of ileocecal part 120

图4-36 腹主动脉造影前后位像 Anteroposterior arteriograph of abdominal aorta 121

图4-37 腹腔动脉造影前后位像 Anteroposterior arteriograph of celiac trunk 121

图4-39 椎静脉丛造影前后位像 Anteroposterior venogram of vertebral venous plexus 122

图4-38 胆囊造影前后位像 Anteroposterior view of gallbladder contrast 122

图4-40 结肠造影 Anteroposterior view of colon contrast 123

图4-41 胃气钡造影 Anteroposterior view of air and barium contrast of stomach 124

图4-42 钡碘造影前后位像 Anteroposterior view of barium and iodine contrast 125

图4-43 消化道钡造影前后位像 Anteroposterior view of barium contrast of alimentary tract 126

图4-44 腹部淋巴管造影像 Lymphangiogram of the abdominal lymphatics 127

图4-45 腰椎矢状位MRI像 Sagittal MRI of the lumbar vertebral column 127

图4-46 腰椎前后位像 Anteroposterior radiograph of the lumbar vertebral column 128

图4-48 腰椎侧位像(2) Lateral radiograph of the lumbar vertebral column(2) 129

图4-47 腰椎侧位像(1) Lateral radiograph of the lumbar vertebral column(1) 129

图4-49 腰3~4椎间盘横断层CT像 Transverse CT of L3~4 intervertebral disc 130

图4-50 肾前后位像 Radiograph of kidney 130

图4-51 肾盂造影前后位像 Anteroposterior view of renal pelvis contrast 131

图4-52 上腹部横断层CT像(1) Transverse CT of the upper abdomen(1) 131

图4-53 上腹部横断层CT像(2) Transverse CT of the upper abdomen(2) 132

图4-54 上腹部横断层CT像(3) Transverse CT of the upper abdomen(3) 132

图4-55 上腹部横断层CT像(4) Transverse CT of the upper abdomen(4) 133

图4-56 上腹部横断层MRI像 Transverse MRI of the upper abdomen 133

图4-57 下腹部横断层CT像(1) Transverse CT of the lower abdomen(1) 134

图4-58 下腹部横断层CT像(2) Transverse CT of the lower abdomen(2) 135

图4-59 下腹部横断层CT像(3) Transverse CT of the lower abdomen(3) 136

图4-60 腹部冠状断层MRI像(1) Coronal MRI of abdomen(1) 136

图4-61 腹部冠状断层MRI像(2) Coronal MRI of abdomen(2) 137

第五章 盆部和会阴 Chapter 5 Pelvis and Perineum 138

图5-1 盆腔血管(1) Blood vessels of pelvic cavity(1) 138

图5-2 盆腔血管(2) Blood vessels of pelvic cavity(2) 139

图5-3 女盆腔正中矢状切面 Median sagittal section of female pelvic cavity 140

图5-4 子宫 Uterus 141

图5-5 女盆腔入口(左侧) Inlet of female pelvic cavity(Left side) 142

图5-6 男性会阴 Male perineum 143

图5-7 盆腔冠状切面模式图(经直肠) Diagram of coronal section of pelvic cavity(through rectum) 144

图5-8 女性盆腔冠状切面模式图(经阴道) Diagram of coronal section of female pelvic cavity(through vagina) 145

图5-9 男性盆腔冠状切面模式图(经膀胱) Diagram of coronal section of male pelvic cavity(through urinary bladder) 146

图5-11 S1横断面(2) Transverse section of S1(2) 147

图5-10 S1横断面(1) Transverse section of S1(1) 147

图5-12 S2横断面 Transverse section of S2 148

图5-13 S3横断面 Transverse section of S3 149

图5-14 第1尾椎横断面 Transverse section of IST coccygeal vertebra 149

图5-15 髂骨体横断面 Transverse section of iliac body 150

图5-16 股骨头上部横断面 Transverse section of superior part of femoral head 150

图5-17 股骨头下部横断面 Transverse section of inferior part of femoral head 151

图5-18 股骨颈横断面 Transverse section of neck of femur 151

图5-20 耻骨上支横断面 Transverse section of superior ramus of pubis 152

图5-19 股骨大转子横断面 Transverse section of greater trochanter 152

图5-21 耻骨联合横断面 Transverse section of pubic symphysis 153

图5-22 阴蒂横断面 Transverse section of clitoris 153

图5-23 成人骨盆前后位像 Anteroposterior radiograph of adult pelvis 154

图5-24 儿童骨盆前后位像 radiograph of children pelvis 155

图5-25 子宫输卵管造影像 Anteroposterior view of uterus and uterine tube contrast 155

图5-26 女性盆腔横断层MRI像 Transverse MRI of female pelvic cavity 156

图5-27 男性盆部冠状断层MRI像(1) Coronal MRI of male pelvic cavity(1) 156

图5-28 男性盆部冠状断层MRI像(2) Coronal MRI of male pelvic cavity(2) 157

图5-29 女性盆腔矢状切面MRI像 Sagittal MRI of female pelvic cavity 158

图5-30 阴茎MRI像 Penis MRI 158

图5-31 男性生殖道造影像 Contrast of male genital tract 159

图5-32 精囊横断层MRI像 Transverse MRI of seminal vesicles 159

图5-33 前列腺横断层MRI像 Transverse MRI of prostate 160

图5-34 膀胱横断层CT像 Transverse CT of bladder 160

图5-36 男性盆部横断层CT像(2) Transverse CT of male pelvis(2) 161

图5-35 男性盆部横断层CT像(1) Transverse CT of male pelvis(1) 161

图5-37 男性盆部横断层CT像(3) Transverse CT of male pelvis(3) 162

第六章 上肢 Chapter 6 Upper Limb 163

图6-1 腋窝 Axillary fossa 163

图6-2 上肢浅静脉 Superficial veins of the upper limb 164

图6-3 肘后区 Posterior aspect of the elbow 165

图6-4 手 The hand 165

图6-5 手背 Dorsal aspect of the hand 166

图6-6 腕前区 Anterior aspect of the wrist 167

图6-7 腋腔 Axillary cavity 168

图6-8 三边孔和四边孔 Trilateral foramen and quadrilateral foramen 169

图6-9 肘窝 Cubital fossa 170

图6-10 前臂 The forearm 171

图6-11 手掌神经 Nerves of the palm of the hand 172

图6-12 手背静脉网和皮神经 Venous plexus and cutaneous nerves of the dorsum of the hand 173

图6-13 手背和手桡侧 Dorsal and radialis aspect of the hand 174

图6-14 左腕冠状切面 Coronal section of left wrist 175

图6-15 肩关节正位片 Anteroposterior radiograph of the shoulder joint 176

图6-16 肩关节MRI冠状断面 Coronal MRI of the shoulder joint 176

图6-17 前臂和上臂X线像 Radiograph of forearm and upper arm 177

图6-18 肘关节X线像 Radiograph of elbow joint 178

图6-19 前臂侧位像 Lateral radiograph of forearm 179

图6-20 腕骨X线像 Radiograph of carpal bones 179

第七章 下肢 Chapter 7 Lower Limb 180

图7-1 膝部体表标志 Surface landmarks of the knee 180

图7-2 膝后区体表标志 Surface landmarks of posterior region of the knee 181

图7-3 足体表标志 Surface landmarks of the foot 182

图7-4 大隐静脉及属支 Great saphenous vein and its tributaries 183

图7-5 股前区浅层 Anterior superficial structures of the femur 184

图7-6 股前区深层 Anterior deep structures of the femur 185

图7-7 收肌管 Adductor canal 186

图7-8 臀区 Gluteal region 187

图7-9 梨状肌上孔和下孔 Suprapiriformis foramen and infrapiriformis foramen 188

图7-10 股后区浅层 Posterior superficial structures of the femur 189

图7-11 股后区深层 Posterior deep structures of the femur 190

图7-12 腘窝浅层 Superficial structures of popliteal fossa 191

图7-13 腘窝深层 Deep structures of popliteal fossa 192

图7-14 腘动脉分支(1) Popliteal artery and its branches(1) 193

图7-15 腘动脉分支(2) Popliteal artery and its branches(2) 194

图7-16 小腿前面 Anterior aspect of the leg 195

图7-17 小腿内侧 Medial aspect of the leg 196

图7-18 小腿后区 Posterior aspect of the leg 197

图7-19 足 The foot 198

图7-20 足背和足冠状切面 Dorsum and coronal section of the foot 199

图7-21 踝管 Malleolar canal 200

图7-22 足外侧面 Lateral aspect of the foot 201

图7-23 左足矢状切面 Sagittal section of left foot 201

图7-24 髋关节横断层CT像 Transverse CT of hip joint 202

图7-25 膝关节X线像 Radiograph of knee joint 202

图7-26 膝关节MRI像 MRI of knee joint 203

图7-28 踝关节X线像 Radiograph of the ankle joint 204

图7-27 小腿前后位像 Anteroposterior radiograph of the leg 204

图7-29 踝关节矢状面MRI像 Sagittal MRI of the ankle joint 205

图7-30 足X线像 Radiograph of the foot 205

第八章 脊柱区 Chapter 8 Vertebral Region 206

图8-1 背部深层 Deep structures of the back 206

图8-2 枕下三角 Suboccipital triangle 207

图8-3 肩胛区 Scapular region 208

图8-4 腰部 Lumbar region 209

附录 Appendix 211

一、主要动脉分支 Primary artery branchs 211

二、主要静脉属支 Primary vein branchs 215

三、淋巴干简表 Lymphatic system simple table 217

四、脑神经简表 Cranial nerves simple table 218

五、脊神经简表 Spinal nerves simple table 220

六、骨骼肌简表 Skeletal muscle simple table 221

索引 Index 231
