- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:唐宇,张米良主编;王旸副主编;刘丹,刘丹阳编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7560324738
- 页数:293 页
1.Who's Afraid of the Big,Bad Blog? 1
2.The Prescription for Efficient Management 7
3.A Healthy Way of Thinking 13
4.Green Youth and Academic Colours 16
5.All in a Day's Interview 20
6.The Next Generation of MBAs 25
7.Ready,Aim,Shop 29
8.An Intemet Enrtepreneur's Dotty Idea Pays Off 36
9.Outlook:Time to Undo the Merger? 41
10.The Blue-Collar CEO 49
11.The Coming Drug Bust? 54
12.The Seats of Power 58
13.Let's Make a Deal 63
14.Digital Hygiene for the Holidays 68
15.Coming to America 72
16.Be Aware of the Fraudster's Trade 78
17.World Executive Summary—What Could Derail the Current Expansion? 81
18.Will Germany's New Government Make a Difference for Its Economy? 84
19.Brown to Seek £ 1bn Windfall from Banks 89
20.Inequality Could Threaten Rising Prosperity 92
21.Economic Outlook:Polls Apart,Germany Is on Top 95
22.Reuben Brothers Keep Their Feet on the Ground 100
23.Destruction That Is Creating a Better America 105
24.An Interview with N.Gregory Mankiw 109
25.Parent-onomics 101 120
26.The Reality of Markets 125
27.Why Is Economics So Boring? 133
28.The Price Is Right 138
29.The Thing Itself 145
30.Peter Drucker's Legacy 154
31.Customers,Employees Come First for Many Female Executives 159
32.Global Poverty Needs a Global Answer 163
33.Finding Better Solutions Faster 170
34.Presentation Skills 178
35.The Key to Perfect Presentations 181
36.Problem Solving 189
37.Are You Creative? 193
38.Ten Ways to Watch Your Financial Weight 198
39.An Interview with Andrew Campbell 202
40.Engaging Leadership 210
41.The Changing Face of the Chinese Executive 217
42.The Strategic Conundrum 220
43.Cross-border Negotiation:the Most Important Business Skill You Can Possess 226
44.The Adaptive Corporation 234
45.A Delicate Balance between Risk and Reward 242
46.Mastering Uncertainty 249
47.Knowledge Is Today's Capital:an Interview with Thomas A.Stewart 258
48.An Interview with C.K.Prahalad 266
49.Co-creating Unique Value with Customers 274
50.Stretching Strategic Thinking 285
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