- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:姜君丽著
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林科学技术出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7538433368
- 页数:180 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Bilingualism,multilingualism and the globalization 7
1.2 The objective of the thesis 7
1.3 The organization of the dissertation 7
Chapter 2 Language and the learning of a language 7
Introduction: 25
2.1 The nature of language 25
2.2 Reasons for second language learning 25
2.3 Language development 25
2.4 Secondlanguage acquisition 25
2.5 The role of comprehensible input,output and interaction 25
Summary: 25
Chapter 3 The critical role of inp 25
3.3 How to get the best out of reading 42
Chapter 4 Input,interaction,output and notice in SLA 42
Summary 42
Introduction 42
3.2 Input and autonomous learning 42
3.1 Krashen's Theory of Second Language Acquisition 42
Introduction 62
4.1 Input is not enough 62
4.2 The role for output 62
4.3 Language is memory-based 62
4.4 Schmidt and noticing 62
Summary 62
Chapter 5 The role of age on language education 62
5.4 Experimental factors favoring childhood language learningSummaryChapter 6 A review of immersion education in Canada 78
5.3 The critical period in second language acquisition 78
Introduction 78
5.1 The critical period and time-bound learning 78
5.2 Other evidences for the critical period 78
Introduction 104
6.1 General program description 104
6.2 Outcome and explanation 104
6.3 Academic achievement 104
6.4 First language development 104
6.5 Second language development 104
6.6 ocial and psychological effect 104
6.7 Linguistic interdependence and common underlying proficiency(CUP)6.8 The importance of the first language6.9 French immersion programs6.10 Conditions for generalizing immersion educationSummaryChapter 7 Bilingual teaching in China:research a 104
7.4 Principle findings of the experiment 115
Chapter 8 Bilingualism,bilingual education 115
Summary 115
7.1 Bilingual schools in China—term problem 115
7.3 The experiment 115
7.2 Hypothesis 115
Introduction 115
Introduction 134
8.1 Bilingualism:definition 134
8.2 Bilingual education and the effect 134
8.3 Blingualism and Mental linguistic and cognitive development8.4 Threshold levels of linguistic proficiencySummaryChapter 9 Bilingual proficiency 134
Introduction 161
9.1 Theoretical approaches to the construct of'language proficiency'9.2 Basic interpersonal communicative skill(BICS)and cognitive/academic language proficiency(CALP)9.3 Pedagogical implication of the theoretical framework9.4 Grammatical competit 161
Bibliography 166
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