- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:卞金有主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学医学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7810716336
- 页数:666 页
第一章 导论 1
Chapter Ⅰ Introduction 1
第一节 立论基础 1
Section 1 The Establishment of Scientific Basis 1
一、预防医学的哲学思维The philosophical thought of preventive medicine 1
二、预防医学的定义和内容Definition and content of preventive medicine 5
三、社会医学的发展Development of social medicine 6
第二节 发展简史 15
Section 2 Outline of Developmental History 15
一、原始启蒙时代The original initiative era 16
二、科学基础形成与临床科学发展时代The basic science and clinical science era(1850~1950) 21
三、预防口腔医学的诞生和发展时代The emergence and development era of preventive dentistry(1950~2000) 22
四、21世纪口腔健康科学的发展时代The developmental era of oral health science in the 21st century 29
第三节 口腔卫生保健供给体制 34
Section 3 Oral Health Care Delivery Systems 34
一、简介与背景Introduction and background 34
二、影响现代卫生保健系统发展的因素Factors influencing development of modern health care systems 35
三、卫生保健体制的组成Components of health care systems 35
四、卫生保健体制的完善A good health care system 37
五、口腔卫生保健的组织原则与提供模式The principles of organization and models of oral health care delivery system 38
六、发展中国家的卫生保健体制Health care systems in developing countries 39
一、流行病学的定义和发展The definition and development of epidemiology 42
Section 1 Overview 42
Chapter Ⅱ Oral Health Epidemiology 42
第一节 概述 42
第二章 口腔健康流行病学 42
二、口腔流行病学的定义Definition of oral epidemiology 44
三、口腔流行病学的作用The role of oral epidemiology 45
第二节 口腔疾病的流行病学 47
Section 2 The Epidemilogy of Oral Diseases 47
一、口腔疾病的流行趋势The trends and distribution of oral diseases 47
二、口腔疾病的分布状况Distribution of oral diseases 48
三、病因和病因推断The cause and diagnostic testing 49
Section 3 Types of Oral Epidemilogical Studies 51
第三节 口腔流行病学的研究类型 51
一、描述性研究方法The descriptive studies 52
二、分析性研究方法The analytic studies 53
三、实验性研究方法The experimental studies 55
第四节 流行病研究中的偏倚及其控制 60
Section 4 The Bias and its Control in Epidemilogical Studies 60
一、偏倚的类型Types of Bias 60
第五节 口腔健康调查 64
Section 5 Oral Health Surveys 64
一、调查的设计The design of survey 65
二、调查的组织实施The organizing and implementing of survey 66
第四章 龋病预防与控制 72
Chapter Ⅳ Prevention and Control of Dental Caries 72
三、指数与标准Indices and criteria 72
四、调查方法Survey methods 91
五、样本含量Sample size 92
六、调查质量的控制Quality control of survey 96
Section 6 Questionnaire Survey for Oral Health 101
第六节 口腔健康问卷调查 101
一、问卷的类型mode of a questionnaire 101
二、问卷设计The Design of Questionnaire 102
三、问题和答案的设计The Design of Questions and Answers 106
四、质量控制Quality Control 108
第七节 龋病流行病学 111
Section 7 The Epidemiology of Dental Caries 111
一、龋病流行状况和趋势The trends and distribution of dental caries 111
二、龋病流行特征及其影响因素The epidemic characteristics of dental caries and its risk factors 113
四、恒牙龋流行特征及其影响因素Epidemic trends of caries and its risk factors in permanent teeth 115
三、乳牙龋流行特征及其影响因素Epidemic trends of caries and its risk factors in primary teeth 115
五、根面龋流行特征及其影响因素Epidemic trends of root caries and its risk factors 116
六、龋病危险性预测与评价Prediction and assessment of caries risk 117
第八节 牙周病流行病学 117
Section 8 The Epidemiology of Periodontal Diseases 117
一、世界牙周病流行状况和趋势The epidemic trends of periodontal diseases in the world 117
二、中国牙周病流行状况和趋势The epidemic trends of periodontal diseases in china 118
三、影响牙周病流行的因素Tha Risk factors of periodontal diseases 121
一、失牙Tooth loss 122
二、氟牙症Dental fluorosis 122
第九节 其他口腔常见疾病的流行状况 122
Section 9 The Epidemiological Status of other Common Oral Diseases 122
三、口腔癌Oral cancer 126
四、牙颌异常Dentofacial anomalies 126
五、口腔黏膜病Oral mucosal diseases 127
六、唇腭裂Cleft lip and palate 128
七、颞下颌关节紊乱Temporomonibular disorders 128
第三章 口腔健康资料统计学基本方法 131
Chapter Ⅲ Statistical Methods for Oral Health Data 131
第一节 口腔健康资料的统计指标 131
Section 1 Statistical Indicators in Oral Health Data 131
一、资料的种类Types of measurement scale 131
二、统计指标Statistical indicators 132
一、核对Proof-reading 137
第二节 资料的整理 137
Section 2 Sorting Data 137
二、分组Sorting data 138
三、整理Data set 138
第三节 资料的统计分析方法 138
Section 3 Statistical Methods in Oral Health Data 138
一、计量资料的统计分析Statistical analysis for measurement data 139
二、计数资料的统计分析Statistical analysis for enumeration data 142
第四节 SPSS/PC应用入门 144
一、SPSS的功能Functions of SPSS 144
Section 4 Access to SPSS/PC 144
二、数据文件的管理Data handling 146
三、描述性统计分析Descriptive statistics 155
四、均数间的比较Compare means 164
第一节 龋病病因及其致病因素 172
Section 1 Etiology of Dental Caries and its Cariogenic Factors 172
一、龋病病因学Etiology of dental caries 174
二、龋病分类Classification of dental caries 183
三、龋病的进展The progress of dental caries 184
一、确定龋病危险因素的方法The methods for determining caries risk factors 185
第二节 龋病危险因素及其预测方法 185
Section 2 Caries Risk Factors and its Predicting Methods 185
二、龋病的危险因素The risk factor of dental caries 186
三、龋病危险因素预测及早期诊断The predication of caries risk factor and diagnosis in its early stage 187
第三节 龋病预防的科学基础与基本对策 188
Section 3 The scientific Basis and Main Strategies for Caries prevention 188
一、菌斑控制Plaque control 188
二、糖替代品Sugar substitutes 192
三、增强宿主的抵抗力Strengthening host ability to anti-caries 192
Section 4 The Pit Fissure Sealants and Preventive Restorations 194
一、窝沟龋流行病学Epidemiological status of fissure caries 194
第四节 窝沟封闭及预防性修复 194
二、牙?面点隙裂沟的解剖形态和龋损Anatomic morphology of pit and fissure of the molar occlusal surface and carious lesion 195
三、封闭剂的粘附机理Adhesive mechanism of sealants 196
四、窝沟封闭的防龋作用Caries preventive effectiveness of fissure sealants 198
五、?面龋预防方法的研究进展Study progress of preventative method of the occlusal caries 198
六、封闭剂的组成和种类Component and type of sealants 199
七、适应证、禁忌证Indication、Contraindication 201
八、临床效果及评价Clinical effect and evaluation 202
九、窝沟封闭的操作方法Operating method of pit and fissure sealants 204
十一、预防性树脂充填Preventive resin restoration 206
十二、预防?面龋的方法选择Alternative method for occlusal caries prevention 206
十、有关窝沟封闭效果的几个问题Some problems on effectiveness of pit and fissure seanlant 206
第五节 非创伤性修复治疗 207
Section 5 Atraumatic Restorative Treatment,ART 207
一、非创伤性修复治疗的建立基础Established basis of ART 207
二、适应证及禁忌证Indication and contraindication 210
三、ART途径要求的器械及材料Equipment and materials for the APT approach 211
四、ART途径的操作步骤The ART approach-step by step 212
五、ART修复失败的原因与处理Failed ART restoratives:Cause and management 214
六、ART的实际应用ART as a practice builder 215
七、ART未来的发展方向Future direction for ART 216
一、氟的环境分布Distribution of fluorides in the environment 218
Section 1 Fluorides and General Health 218
Chapter Ⅴ Fluoride and Human Health 218
第五章 氟化物与人类健康 218
第一节 氟化物与人体健康 218
二、人体氟代谢和排泄Fluoride metabolism and excretion 220
三、氟的排泄Fluoride excretion 223
四、氟的毒性作用Toxic effect of fluoride 223
五、氟的防龋机制Mechanism of fluoride in caries prevention 226
第二节 饮水氟化 228
Section 2 Water Fluoridation 228
一、饮水氟化的历史和现状Development of water fluoridation 228
二、饮水氟化的防龋功效Efficacy of fluoridation for caries prevention 230
四、学校饮水氟化School water fluoridation 232
三、饮水氟化防龋的成本效益Cost-benefit of fluoridation for caries prevention 232
五、饮水氟化的安全性Safety in water fluoridation 233
第三节 其他系统用氟防龋措施 233
Section 3 Other Systemic Use of Fluorides for Caries Prevention 233
一、食盐氟化Salt fluoridation 233
二、牛奶氟化Milk fluoridation 236
三、氟片和氟滴剂Fluoride tablets and fluoride drops 238
第四节 含氟牙膏 240
Section 4 Fluoridated Toothpastes 240
一、含氟牙膏的发展历史Development of fluoridated toothpastes 240
二、含氟牙膏的防龋功效Efficacy of fluoridated toothpastes in caries prevention 242
三、儿童应用含氟牙膏的问题The problem in use of fluoridated toothpastes in children 243
四、含氟牙膏的研究进展Research progress of fluoridated toothpastes 244
第五节 其他局部用氟防龋措施 245
Section 5 Other Topical Use of Fluorides for Caries Prevention 245
一、氟水漱口Fluoride mouth-rinsing 246
二、局部涂氟Topical use of fluoride solution 247
三、含氟涂料Fluoride varnishes 248
四、含氟凝胶Fluoride gels 248
五、其他Others 249
Section 6 Dialectical Conception for Fluoride 250
第六节 除氟害兴氟利 250
一、多氟源和总摄氟量Multiple fluoride sources and total fluoride intake 252
二、高氟地区的除氟问题Removal of excessive fluoride 254
三、氟防龋的安全与监测Fluoride intake monitoring in caries prevention 255
第六章 牙周病的公共卫生方面 262
Chapter Ⅵ Public Health Aspects of Periodontal Diseases 262
第一节 从公共卫生的角度认识牙周病 262
Section 1 Recognition of Periodontal Diseases From the Viewpoint of Public Health 262
一、牙周病的概念Concept of periodontal diseases 262
二、牙周病的病因与危险因素The etiology and risk factors of periodontal diseases 263
三、牙周病的流行病学特点Characteristics of epidemiologic studies of periodontal diseases 266
一、三期预防Three stages of prevention 267
Section 2 The Prevention and Control of Periodontal Diseases 267
四、预防牙周病的意义-作为一项公共卫生措施Significance in prevention of periodontal diseases-as a public health measure 267
第二节 牙周病的预防和控制 267
二、自我保健Self care in oral health 268
三、专业性保健Professional oral health care 272
四、药物方法Medicine approach 273
五、应用自我保健和专业保健相结合的方法,在人群中开展口腔卫生项目 273
第七章 自我口腔保健技术和方法 276
Chapter Ⅶ Techniques and Methods for Oral Self-Care 276
第一节 牙刷与刷牙 276
Section 1 Toothbrushes and Toothbrushing 276
一、牙刷Toothbrushes 277
二、刷牙方法Brushing techniques 296
三、洁牙剂及其作用Dentifrices and the functions 306
第二节 其他洁牙用品与方法 317
Section 2 Other Cleansing Aids and Techniques 317
一、牙线及其用法Dental floss and flossing techniques 317
二、牙间刷及其应用Interdental brushes and techniques 320
三、冲洗器Irrigator 322
四、口腔含漱剂及其作用Mouth rinses and functions 323
第三节 口臭的预防与治疗 334
Section 3 Prevention and Treatment of Bad Breath 334
一、口臭形成的原因The causes of bad breath 334
二、诊断与治疗Diagnosis and Treatment 338
Chapter Ⅷ Nutrition,Diet and Oral Health 341
第八章 营养、膳食与口腔健康 341
Section 1 Nutrition and Oral Health 344
一、营养与口腔组织的生长和发育Nutrition and Oral tissue growth and development 344
第一节 营养与口腔健康 344
二、营养与钙化过程Nutrition and calcification processes 348
三、牙齿发育的阶段Stages in tooth development 349
四、营养与牙周组织Nutrition and the periodontium 352
五、牙齿在营养中的价值The value of teeth in Nutrition 354
六、营养,膳食与儿童口腔健康Nutrition,diet and oral health in children 360
Section 2 Nutrition and Oral Diseases 376
一、膳食与龋病Diet and Dental Caries 376
第二节 营养与口腔疾病 376
二、营养与牙周病Nutrition and periodontal disease 380
三、营养与口腔黏膜病Nutrition and the oral mucosa diseases 382
四、膳食与牙侵蚀症Diet and dental erosion 385
五、营养与口腔感染、创伤Nutrition and oral infection,trauma 388
六、营养与口腔癌Nutrition and Oral Cancer 389
七、与营养不良有关的口腔表征Oral Manifestations associated with Malnutrition 393
第三节 口腔疾病防治中的营养指南 395
Section 3 Guidelines for Nutrition in the Prevention and Management of Oral Diseases 395
一、糖的消耗Sugars consumption 395
二、健康促进方面Health promotion perspectives 400
三、合理营养与膳食指导Adequate nutrition and diet counseling 402
Chapter Ⅸ Oral Cancer and Its Prevention 412
第一节 口腔癌流行病学及其有关致病因素 412
Section 1 Epidemiology of and Factors Related to Oral Cancer 412
一、口腔癌的流行病学Epidemiology of oral cancer 412
第九章 口腔癌及其预防 412
二、口腔癌的行为特征Oral cancer behavioral characteristics 416
三、口腔癌前病变Oral precancerous lesions 416
四、口腔癌有关的致病因素Causal factors related to oral cancer 419
Section 2 Examination,Diagnosis of Oral Cancer and its Prevention 423
一、定期检查与早期诊断Examination and diagnosis of initual stage 423
第二节 口腔癌早期诊断、检查和预防 423
二、口腔癌的预防Prevention of oral cancer 424
第十章 特殊人群的口腔保健 431
Chapter Ⅹ Oral Health Care for the Special Groups 431
第一节 妇幼口腔保健 431
Section 1 Oral Health Care for the Maternal and Child 431
一、妊娠妇女的口腔保健Oral health care services for pregnant women 432
二、婴幼儿的口腔保健Oral health care services for infant and toddler 434
三、学龄前儿童的口腔保健Oral health care services for preschool children 446
第二节 中小学生口腔保健 448
Section 2 Oral Health Care for School Children 448
一、口腔健康教育的责任者Who is responsible for oral health education 448
二、创建有效的学校口腔保健项目Creating effective,school-based oral health programs 450
三、健康教育的内容Content of health education 452
四、体育运动中的口腔保护Preventive dentistry in sports 455
五、综合口腔保健项目Comprehensive oral health programs 456
六、新西兰和丹麦的学校口腔保健项目School-based programs in New Zealand and Denmark 459
第三节 老年人口腔保健 462
Section 3 Oral Health Care for the Elders 462
一、人口统计学分布Demographic trends 463
二、与增龄有关的生理性变化Physiological changes associated with ageing 464
三、老年人的口腔健康问题Oral health problems of elders 464
四、老年人口腔卫生服务Oral health care for the elders 468
一、辅助口腔清洁方法Attendant care 470
第四节 残疾人口腔保健 470
Section 4 Oral Health Care for Compromised Individuals 470
二、维护口腔卫生的装置Oral hygiene devices 472
三、口腔预防措施Preventive therapies 475
第十一章 口腔健康促进与健康教育 486
Chapter Ⅺ Oral Health Promotion and Health Education 486
第一节 口腔健康促进的理论基础 486
Section 1 The Theoretical Basis of Oral Health Promotion 486
一、健康的概念Concept of health 487
二、影响健康的因素Factors influencing on health 491
三、健康促进的发展The development of health promotion 492
四、健康促进的定义Definition of health promotion 494
五、健康促进的模式与途径Models and approaches of health promotion 496
第二节 健康促进的策略与方法 499
Section 2 Strategies and Methods in Health Promotion 499
一、健康合作伙伴——一起工作Partnerships for health-working together 499
二、公共卫生工作Public health work 502
三、与社区合作和发展社区Working with communities and community development 505
四、帮助人们改变Helping people to Change 507
五、媒体在健康促进中的作用Using the mass media in health promotion 510
二、口腔健康教育的定义与基本概念Definition and basic concepts of oral health education 513
一、口腔健康教育的重要性Oral Health Education is still important 513
Section 3 Oral Health Education 513
第三节 口腔健康教育 513
三、计划口腔健康教育项目Planning oral health education programmes 515
四、评价口腔健康教育Evaluation of oral health education 521
五、评价口腔健康教育方法Methodologies used in evaluating oral health education 523
第十二章 社区口腔保健 530
Chapter Ⅻ Community Oral Health Care 530
第一节 初级卫生保健途径 530
Section 1 The Primary Health Care Approach 530
一、人人享有卫生保健的含义The meaning of"health for all" 530
二、初级卫生保健Primary health care 533
三、初级口腔卫生保健Primary oral health care 536
四、初级口腔卫生保健的作用及其限度The role of primary oral health care and its limitation 539
五、初级口腔卫生保健人员的充分发展与利用sufficient development and utilization of primary oral health workers 541
六、实施初级口腔卫生保健的若干问题Operational aspects of primary oral health care 542
第二节 社区口腔卫生保健 550
Section 2 Community Oral Health Care 550
一、口腔公共卫生Oral public health 550
二、社区与社区口腔保健Community and community oral health care 552
三、社区口腔保健模式构架An essential model structure for community oral health care 555
四、社区口腔保健模式的评价Evaluation of community oral health care models 560
五、社区口腔保健模式的实践Community care models for oral health in practice 563
六、社区口腔健康状态及其干预Community oral health status and its intervention 568
七、贫困社区口腔卫生保健Oral health care in the deprived communities 572
八、综合基本口腔保健WHO integrated package of basic oral care(IPBOC) 578
第十三章 口腔保健项目管理 584
Chapter ⅩⅢ Programme Management for Oral Health Care 584
第一节 科学管理的基本概念与原则 584
Section 1 Essential Concepts and Principles in the Scientific Management 584
一、管理学简介Introduction of management science 585
二、现代管理的基本概念Essential concepts of modern management 588
三、管理的基本原则Principles in management 589
四、口腔保健项目管理的基本程序Basic procedure of programme management for oral health care 593
第二节 口腔保健项目的计划 597
Section 2 Planning for oral health programmes 597
一、情况分析Situation analysis 600
二、确定重点Determining priorities 601
三、形成项目目标Development of programme goals and objectives 602
四、确立资源与制约因素Identifying resources and constraints 603
五、确定策略选择Establishing alternative strategies 604
六、选择推荐的口腔疾病预防方法Selecting methods recommended for oral disease prevention 607
七、实施、监督、评价与调整Implementation,supervision,Evaluation and Revision 610
第十四章 感染性疾病对口腔临床实践的影响 614
Chapter ⅩⅣ The Impact of Infection Disease on the Practice of Dentistry 614
一、医院感染的定义Definition of Hospital Infection 615
二、医院感染分类Types of Hospital Infection 615
三、与传染病学的区别Distinction of communicable diseases 616
第一节 感染性疾病对口腔实践的影响 617
Section 1 The Impact of Transmissible Disease on the Practice of Dentistry 617
一、人类免疫缺损病毒疾病Human immunodeficiency virus HIV 618
二、病毒性肝炎Viral Hepatitis 620
三、结核Tuberculosis,TB 622
四、人疱疹病毒Human Herpes Virus 624
第二节 感染与控制 625
Section 2 Infection and Control 625
一、感染传播的路径The ways of infection 625
二、防护屏障Protective Barriers 627
三、器械处理Instrument processing 631
四、表面与设备无菌术Surface and equipment asepsis 637
五、废弃物管理Waste management 638
第十五章 循证医学与口腔保健 640
Chapter ⅩⅤ Evidence-based Medicine and Oral Health Care 640
第一节 循证医学的基本概念 641
Section 1 Basic Concepts of Evidence-based Medicine(EMB) 641
一、循证医学的概念The concept of Evidence-based Medicine,EBM 641
二、随机对照(临床)试验Randomised controlled trial,RCT 642
一、研究设计合格的临床试验的检索标准Criteria for searching eligible clinical trials of the study design 646
二、金标准临床试验的特征The characteristics of golden standard for clinical trials 646
Section 2 The Basic Qualifications Possessed in the Validity Evaluation of the Results from Studies 646
第二节 评价研究结果真实性应具备的基本条件 646
三、系统评价Systematic review 647
四、Meta-分析Meta-analysis 648
第三节 证据质量评价与循证推荐 650
Seyction 3 Assessment of Quality of Evidence and Evidence-based Recommendations 650
一、证据质量评价Assessment of evidence quality 650
第四节 循证预防口腔医学的概念与实践 653
Section 4 The Concept and Practice of Evidence-based Preventive Dentistry 653
一、什么是循证医学?What is the evidence-based medicine? 653
二、什么是循证牙医学?What is the evidence-based denfistry? 653
三、什么是循证预防牙医学?What is the evidence-based preventive dentistry? 654
四、Meta-分析:预防口腔医学举例Meta-analysis:examples from preventive dentistry 654
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