园林景观手绘表现技法 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:任全伟等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787030365897
- 页数:219 页
Chapter 1 I ntroduction 2
1.1 Definition,scope and goal 2
1.2 Traffic system 3
1.3 Background of development of traffic engineering 6
1.4 Responsibility and liability(professional ethics) 8
1.5 Transportation legislation 9
1.6 Characteristics of traffic engineering and challenges that traffic engineersface 10
1.7 Explanation of some technical terms 12
1.8 References 13
Chapter 2 Basic Concepts and Components in Traffic Engineering 16
2.1 Mobility versus accessibility 16
2.2 Classification of roadways 17
2.3 Uninterrupted and interrupted flows 19
2.4 Perception-Reaction Time(PRT) 20
2.5 Visual acuity——Static versus dynamic 21
2.6 Walking speed 23
2.7 Vehicle characteristics 25
2.8 Geometric characteristics of roadways 29
2.9 Traffic control devices 31
2.9.1 Traffic signs 32
2.9.2 Traffic markings 32
2.9.3 Traffic signals 32
Chapter 3 Volume,Density & Speed Studies 36
3.1 Definition of volumes 36
3.2 Definition of speed 44
3.3 Density 46
3.4 Relationship among volume,speed and density 47
3.5 Derivation of flow-speed and flow-density relationships 49
3.6 Finding capacity from basic speed-flow-density curves 50
Chapter 4 Spot Speed,Travel Time,and Delay Stud ies 54
4.1 Spot speed studies 54
4.2 Travel time studies 60
4.3 Delay studies 63
Chapter 5 Statistics and Application in Traffic Engineering 70
5.1 Some basic concepts 70
5.2 Distribution oftrafficflow 73
5.2.1 Poisson distribution 73
5.2.2 Binomial distribution 76
5.2.3 Exponential distribution 78
5.3 M/M/1 system——queuing theory application 81
5.4 Chi-square(x2)goodness-of-fit test 83
Chapter 6 Highway Capacity Analysis 92
6.1 Capacity,level of service and other related concepts 92
6.1.1 Definition of capacity 92
6.1.2 Concept of level of service and measure of effectiveness 93
6.1.3 Other related concepts 98
6.1.4 Factors affecting capacity & LOS(baseconditions) 100
6.1.5 Factors affecting the free-flow speed 101
6.1.6 Samples for free-flow speed estimation 103
6.2 Two types of analysis 104
6.2.1 Steps for operational analysis 104
6.2.2 Example for operational analysis 105
6.2.3 Steps for design analysis 107
6.2.4 Example for design analysis 108
6.3 Capacity analysis for two-lane highway 109
6.3.1 Classification of two-lane highway 109
6.3.2 Capacity of two-lane highway 110
6.3.3 LOS for two-lane highway 111
6.3.4 FFS for two-lane highway 112
6.3.5 Operation analysis for two-lane highway 113
6.4 Capacity & LOS analysis for weaving,merging,and diverging on freeways and multilane highways 117
6.4.1 Basic knowledge 117
6.4.2 Capacity of weaving area 120
6.4.3 Level of service criteria 121
6.4.4 Analysis of weaving areas 121
6.4.5 Analysis of merge and diverge areas 126
Chapter 7 Fundamentals of Intersection Design 154
7.1 Introduction to intersection control 154
7.1.1 Types of intersection 154
7.1.2 Hierarchy of at-grade intersection control 156
7.1.3 Capacity analysis of TWSC intersection 161
7.2 Basic principles and steps of intersection signalization 168
7.2.1 Terms and definitions 169
7.2.2 Saturation flow rate,lost times and capacity 169
7.2.3 The critical lane and time budget 170
7.2.4 Concept of left-turn and right-turn equivalence 172
7.2.5 Delay as a measure of effectiveness 173
7.3 Fundamentals of signal timing and design 174
7.3.1 Development of phase plan 174
7.3.2 Determination of vehicular signal parameters 177
7.3.3 Determination of pedestrian signal parameters 179
7.4 Computer software related to intersection signal timing 179
Chapter 8 Traffic Control Devices 182
8.1 Definition and categories of traffic control devices 182
8.2 Introduction of MUTCD 184
8.2.1 History and background of MUTCD 184
8.2.2 General principles of the MUTCD 185
8.2.3 Contents of the MUTCD 186
8.3 Traffic markings 187
8.3.1 Longitudinal markings 188
8.3.2 Transverse markings 189
8.3.3 Object markers and delineators 190
8.3.4 Word and symbol markings 191
8.4 Traffic signs 191
8.4.1 Regulatory signs 191
8.4.2 Warning signs 194
8.4.3 Guide signs 196
8.5 Traffic signals 198
8.5.1 Characteristics of traffic signals 199
8.5.2 Traffic signals warranty 203
8.5.3 Pedestrian signals 205
8.5.4 Other traffic signals 206
Glossary 209
References 219
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