文化管理 2010年东西方文化与管理国际学术研讨会论文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:成中英,孔令宏主编
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7308124157
- 页数:310 页
C理论:中国哲学视角下的决策、领导与管理&成中英 1
道教对现代管理的三点启示&孔令宏 26
“器”与“道”之间的张力——论科技文化与人文文化及其分演逻辑&王治东 34
道家“势”的管理直觉与西方“序”的管理逻辑——势科学视域中的文化与管理&李德昌 42
无序之序:公共组织文化建构的新思维&李少惠 57
执行力管理与《周易》德性系统权变论窥探&郭刚 66
第三代新儒家视域下的全球文明对话&奚刘琴 75
人之初,性本善&张文贤 81
简论管理学规律、文化之理论关系——管理学基础理论的哲学建构之四&谭人中 93
中国文化转型期人性变迁与人力资源管理模式选择机制&李长江 124
人性的解放与善端的发明——管理伦理的“道” “用”之思&王建光 129
五行六气与社会管理&马保平 138
从道体观论道家管理的哲学基础&张博栋 146
论墨子尚同观对管理思想的启示——兼与涂尔干之社会团结观比较&康蕾 159
风水视域下的管理之道——以《雪心赋》为例&王巧玲 168
寓金蕴玉博鉴约取——“四子”文化与管理&杨先举/魏万磊 181
《老子》无为思想的管理智慧&刘韶军 193
以道为本的“道商”研究&齐善鸿/张党珠/李彦敏 202
儒家传统文化影响下的澳门华商的企业管理&王春霞/周生春 211
现代契约与传统伦理的共生——企业家中庸理性与家族企业治理模式的选择&何轩 223
论企业柔性管理思想的几个问题&安应民/祁娜 233
人类学在商业教育中的应用及工商人类学的崛起&蓝雪华/田广 242
全球化市场中的消费者双重身份认同与品牌定位&郝佳 252
超级电容公交车项目的东方管理学范式分析&孙克任 263
中国传统文化的管理智慧——传统乡村管理思想与现代农村管理哲学&王亚民 273
论家庭生活的八卦因果链&林国雄 279
The C-Theory:On Chinese Philosophical Approach to Decision-Making,Leadership and Management Chung-ying Cheng 311
The Three Revelations of Daoism for Modern Management Kong Ling-hong 345
East and West:Reflections on Multiculture and Global Civilisation Flemming Christiansen 356
The Research on“Dao-Merchants”Oriented by Dao ShanhongQi/DangzhuZhang/Yanmin Li 363
China:A Cultural Strategic Approach Raúl Estrada Lavilla 375
A Comparison of Manageral Power on Small and Medium Sized Enterprises between Developed and Devloping Country JoungYol Lin/Tain-Fung Wu/Amrita Batchuluun 394
Managing Exploitation and Exploration Paradox:The Role of Bundled Capabilities and Innovation Ambidexterity Xiner Lin 405
An Investigation of the Role of Cultural Capital in Human Resources Development Hamid Nakhaie/Zahra Esmailzadeh 430
Identify and Remove the Invisible Barriers:Cross-cultural Issues in International Business Communications RobertGuangTian 440
Global Business:A Big Cultural Blender, Tasty or Not? Tain-FungWu/CeliaChang 451
Anthropological Approach in Business Education Xuehua Lan/Robert Guang Tian 464
Facilitating Chinese Small&Medium Enterprise Participation in the Global Economy:Minimizing the Language&Culture Gap DanielHartung/YongCao/EdwardForrest/ZhengpingShen 473
Discourse of Globalization:Organizational Change in China Travel Service JinLinghui/WuZongjie 484
Dislocation and Loss:The Cultural Reflection of the Performance-related Pay Reform in the Public Institutions Wang Xiao-lu 500
The Third Culture Building Model in Globalization of the Theme Park Industry YuChao 508
On the Philosophical Foundation of Daoist's Management from the Aspect of“Dao-Ontology” Po-Tung Chang 516
The Influences of Eastern and Western Cultures over the Leadership Models of High School Principals Tain-Fung Wu/Pei-ChuanLu/Chih-Jung Tai/Hung-Yi Chu/Wei-Sung Yen 532
Cross-Cultural Personality and Values:A Case Study of Mongolian Vs Taiwanese Doctors and Nurses Tain-FungWu/Munkh-Ulzii Batrnunkh/Alex S.R. Lai 545
Challenges of Cross-Cultural Communication Competence in Lithuania Nijole Petkeviciute/Monika Didzgalvyte 565
The Cross-Cultural Adjustment Affects the Foreign Teachers'Teaching Effectiveness in Taiwan Tain-FungWu/Wan-TranHuang/Chun-YuChien/Xing-JianCao 573
Brief Study on Application of Nonverbal Communication by Tour Guides JieWu 585
A Comparative Study of Overseas Chinese Students View of Christianity and American Christian's View of Christianity in China JianpingYang 602
Research of Organizational Culture of Christian Churches in Eastern and Central Europe Maria Ershova 612
Intellectual Property's Strong Hold on Sustainability James Felton Keith 620
后记&孔今宏 630
附录:浙江大学人文学院东西方文化与管理研究中心简介 632
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