- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:蒙雪梅,张扬主编;王洋,王艳薇,徐卓睿,张旭晶副主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787560345307
- 页数:263 页
Chapter 1 Early and Medieval English Literature 1
Ⅰ.Historical Background 1
1.The Making of England 1
2.The Anglo-Saxons Period 2
3.The Anglo-Norman Period 2
Ⅱ.Literature 3
1.Anglo-Saxon Literature 3
2.Medieval English Literature 4
Chapter 2 Renaissance 11
Ⅰ.Historical Background 11
1.The Reformation 11
2.The Growth of Modern Science 11
3.The Reign of Queen Elizabeth Ⅰ 11
4.The Renaissance 12
Ⅱ.Literature 12
Chapter 3 The Period of English Bourgeois Revolution 18
Ⅰ.Historical Background 18
1.House of Studwart 18
2.The Civil War 18
3.Restoration 19
4.The Glorious Revolution 19
Ⅱ.Literature 20
1.Metaphysical Poets 20
2.Cavalier Poets 20
Chapter 4 Eighteenth Century English Literature 35
Ⅰ.Historical Background 35
1.Augustan Age 35
2.Industrial Revolution 35
3.Great Changes in Social Life 36
4.Enlightenment 36
Ⅱ.Literature 36
Chapter 5 Romanticism in England 59
Ⅰ.Historical Background 59
1.Negative Influences of Industrial Revolution 59
2.French Revolution 59
Ⅱ.Literature 60
Chapter 6 English Literature of the Mid-and-Late-Nineteenth Century 90
Ⅰ.Historical Background 90
The Victorian Age 90
Ⅱ.Literature 90
1.The Early Period of Victorian Age 90
2.The Mid-Victorian Period 91
3.The Late Victorian Age Period 91
Chapter 7 English Literature of the Twentieth Century before World War Ⅱ 114
Ⅰ.Historical Background 114
1.World War Ⅰ 114
2.World War Ⅱ 114
Ⅱ.Literature 115
Chapter 1 The Literature of the Colonial America 139
Ⅰ.Historical Background 139
1.The First American Farmers(5000 BC—2500 BC) 139
2.Columbian Discovery(AD 1492) 139
3.American Puritanism 140
4.The American Revolutionary War(1775—1783) 140
Ⅱ.Literature 141
1.The Native American and Their Culture 141
2.The Colonial Period 141
3.Symbolism 142
Chapter 2 American Romanticism and Transcendentalism 153
Ⅰ.Historical Background 153
1.Independent Nation 153
2.Westward Expansion 153
3.Growth of Industrialization 153
Ⅱ.Literature 154
1.Early Romanticism 154
2.Late Romanticism 154
Chapter 3 American Realism and American Naturalism 194
Ⅰ.Historical Background 194
1.The Civil War(1861—1865) 194
2.Westward Expansion 194
3.Public Education 194
Ⅱ.Literature 195
1.American Realism 195
2.American Naturalism 195
Chapter 4 Twentieth Century American Literature before the War 207
Ⅰ.Historical Barkground 207
1.World War Ⅰ(1914—1917) 207
2.The Jazz Age(the Roaring Twenties) 208
3.Great Depression 208
4.Roosevelt's New Deal 208
5.World War Ⅱ(1939—1945) 209
Ⅱ.Literature 209
1.American Modernism 209
2.Imagist Movement 210
3.The Lost Generation 210
4.Faulkner's Stream of Consciousness 211
5.American Realism 212
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