自守形式与L-函数 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘建亚主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:7030331687
- 页数:205 页
L-functions and Functoriality&James W.Cogdell 1
Ⅰ L-functions for GL(n)and Converse Theorems 3
1 Modular Forms and Automorphic Representations 3
2 L-functions for GLn and Converse Theorems 8
Ⅱ L-functions via Eisenstein Series 15
3 The Origins:Langlands 15
4 The Method:Langlands-Shahidi 21
5 The Results:Shahidi 26
Ⅲ Functoriality 30
6 Langlands Conjectures and Functoriality 30
7 The Converse Theorem and Functoriality 36
8 Symmetric Powers and Applications 41
References 47
Twisted Hilbert Modular L-functions and Spectral Theory&Gergely Harcos 49
1 Lecture One:Some Quadratic Forms 49
2 Lecture Two:More Quadratic Forms 53
3 Lecture Three:Preliminaries from Number Theory 56
4 Lecture Four:Subconvexity of Twisted L-functions 61
Acknowledgments 64
References 64
The Voronoi Formula for the Triple Divisor Function&Xiaoqing Li 69
1 Introduction 69
2 Proof of the Main Theorem 71
Acknowledgments 89
References 89
Linnik's Ergodic Method and the Hasse Principle for Ternary Quadratic Forms&Philippe Michel 91
1 Foreword 91
2 Integral Quadratic Forms 92
3 The Hasse Principle 93
4 Quadratic Forms over Lattices 96
5 Equidistribution on Adelic Quotient 101
6 Properties of the Adeles 106
7 The Hasse Integral Principle and Equidistribution of Adelic Orbits 114
8 The Ergodic Method 118
References 129
Automorphic Periods and Representation Theory&Andre Reznikov 131
1 Automorphic Representations and Frobenius Reciprocity 131
2 Bounds on Periods and Representation Theory 143
Acknowledgments 147
References 147
Eisenstein Series,L-functions and Representation Theory&Freydoon Shahidi 149
1 Preliminaries 150
2 L-Groups,L-Functions and Generic Representations 151
3 Eisenstein Series and Intertwining Operators;The Constant Term 154
4 Constant Term and Automorphic L-Functions 156
5 Examples 160
6 Local Coefficients,Nonconstant Term and the Crude Functional Equation 160
7 The Main Induction,Functional Equations and Multiplicativity 162
8 Twists by Highly Ramified Characters,Holomorphy and Boundedness 166
9 Examples of Functoriality with Applications 168
10 Applications to Representation Theory 171
References 173
Lecture Notes on Some Analytic Properties of Automorphic L-functions for SL2(Z)&Yangbo Ye 179
1 Introduction 179
2 An Integral Representation and Functional Equation 180
3 A Converse Theorem 188
4 The Phragmén-Lindel?f Principle and Convexity 193
5 The Rankin-Selberg Theory 197
References 202
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