南京航空航天大学 “枭龙杯”第十一届研究生学术论坛 论文摘要集PDF电子书下载
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- 作 者:南京航空航天大学研究生院,共青团南京航空航天大学委员会,南京航空航天大学科协编
- 出 版 社:南京航空航天大学
- 出版年份:2009
- 页数:86 页
Multimodal vibration control using a synchronized switch based on a displacement switching threshold 1
Semi-active Vibration Control of a Composite Beam Using Adaptive SSDV Approach 1
基于TMS320F2812的悬臂梁振动半主动控制 1
基于压电元件的半主动振动控制研究 1
Modelling,Simulation and Optimization of High Efficiency Piezoelectric Energy Harvester 2
一种不用声学传感器的结构噪声主动控制新方法 2
Semi-active vibration control of a composite beam by adaptive synchronized switching on voltage sources based on LMS algorithm 2
An improved system ofactive noise isolation using an self-sensing actuator and neural network 2
Multi-mode vibration control using nonlinear synchronized switching damping based on the maximization ofconverted energy 3
Vibration control of a composite beam using self-sensing semi-active approach 3
Vibration control of a composite beam by an adaptive semi-active method based on LMS algorithm 3
Multimodal vibration control using a synchronized switch based on a displacement switching threshold 4
Semi-active vibration control of a composite beam using an adaptive SSDV approach 4
Piezoelectric Vibration Damping by an Enhanced Semi-Passive Method 4
Novel approach of self-sensing actuation for active vibration control 4
Application of a Negative Capacitance Circuit in Synchronized Switch Damping Techniques for Vibration Suppression 5
Nonnegative doubly periodic solutions for nonlinear telegraph system 6
Existence and multiplicity results of positive doubly periodic solutions for nonlinear telegraph system 6
Nonnegative doubly periodic solutions for nonlinear telegraph system with twin-parameters 6
A generalized quasilinearization method for telegraph system 6
Existence of Nontrivial Solution for a Nonlocal Elliptic Equation with Nonlinear Boundary Condition 6
Three positive doubly periodic solutions of a nonlinear telegraph system 7
On positive solution of nonlinear telegraph semipositone system 7
On Development of a Multi-Channel PZT Array Scanning System andlts Evaluating Application on UAV Wing Box 8
Design and experimental research of a PZT network based structural health monitoring scanning system 8
基于Shannon复数小波的复合材料结构时间反转聚焦多损伤成像方法 8
基于FBG的机翼盒段结构健康监测系统功能验证研究 8
基于Lamb波主动结构健康监测系统的研制 9
压电光纤综合结构健康监测系统的研究及验证 9
大型飞机的发展对结构健康监测的需求与挑战 9
基于Lamb波相控阵和图像增强方法的损伤监测 9
基于波包能量的裂纹扩展监测实验研究 10
基于时间反转理论的结构损伤图像表征方法 10
疲劳裂纹扩展的实时健康监测 10
An evaluation on the multi-agent system based structural health monitoring for large scale structures 10
The influence of mechanical-electric loads on partial discharge in dielectric material containing a crack 11
孔洞放电热应力[J] 11
二维翼型结冰数值计算研究 12
贴体网格在翼型结冰中的应用 12
二维机翼结冰中的网格生成与流场计算方法 12
Stress Analysis of a Functional Graded Material Plate with a Circular Hole 13
一类非平坦函数的多核最小二乘支持向量回归机的鲁棒回归算法 14
基于滚动窗法最小二乘支持向量回归机的稳健预测模型 14
一种快速稀疏最小二乘支持向量回归机 14
基于线性无关度的稀疏最小二乘支持向量回归机 14
原空间中的最小二乘支持向量机的新算法 15
关于稀疏最小二乘支持向量回归机的改进剪枝算法 15
Boosting sparse least squares support vector regression and its application to thrust estimation 15
An improved scheme to accelerate support vector regression 16
Recursive reduced least squares support vector regression 16
Robust support vector regression in the primal 16
An improved scheme for pruning algorithms to accelerate spares east squares support vector regression machine 16
Rough nu-support vector regression 16
最小二乘支持向量回归机在发动机推力估计中的应用 17
Thrust estimator design based on least squares support vector regression machine 17
Fast online approximation for hard support vector regression and its application to analytical redundancy for aeroengines 17
Improved significant vector learning for parsimonious regression 17
Wang Jian-Kang.Online parsimonious least squares support vector regression and its application to analytical redundancy for aeroengines 18
基于薄壁管法的稀疏最小二乘支持向量回归机 18
基于K-均值聚类和约简最小二乘支持向量回归机的推力估计器设计 18
单向陶瓷基复合材料单轴拉伸行为 19
界面脱粘对陶瓷基复合材料疲劳迟滞回线的影响 19
纤维泊松收缩对陶瓷基复合材料基体裂纹演化的影响 19
纤维泊松收缩对陶瓷基复合材料疲劳迟滞回线的影响 19
陶瓷基复合材料基体裂纹演化研究 19
陶瓷基层合复合材料迟滞回线模拟 19
自主移动机器人局部路径规划综述 20
A Fuzzy Behavior-Based Architecture for Mobile Robot Navigation in Unknown Environments] 20
基于行为融合的移动机器人自主避障算法 20
未知环境下基于行为控制的智能车辆路径规划研究 20
新型探测车复合式移动系统结构设计及运动分析 20
轮履复合式探测机器人运动学分析与仿真 21
轮履复合式军用地面探测车运动学建模及分析 21
基于CAN网络的超声波测距模块设计 22
基于交流阻抗法的铅酸蓄电池内容测量 22
高精度铂电阻温度测量新方法 22
路面车辆实时检测与跟踪方法 23
结构化道路中车道线的单目视觉检测方法 23
Image Denoising Using Information Measure and Support Vector Machines 23
高精度电容式压力传感器测量方法 24
A Robust Vision based Object Tracking Approach for Intelligent Vehicles 24
面向聚光镜的太阳自动对准技术研究 24
融合多种特征的路面车辆检测方法 24
Intelligent Vehicles Oriented Lane Detection Approach under Bad Road Scene 25
复杂场景下动态目标视觉跟踪方法 26
Lane Detection and Recognition Algorithm Based on Sweep-line 26
路面车辆实时检测与跟踪方法 26
结构化道路中车道线的单目视觉检测方法 26
融合多种特征的路面车辆检测方法 26
三电平双升压式能馈型PWM整流器 27
Three-Level Dual-Boost Reversible PWM Rectifier 27
基于直流电网的非并网风电系统及其控制策略 27
DC Grid Based Non-Grid-Connected Wind Power System and Its Control Strategy 27
定桨距风力发电机组的主动失速控制 28
Active Stall Control of Fixed-Pitch Wind Turbines 28
定桨距直驱式风力发电系统的研究与实现 28
A Novel High Reliability Dual-Boost Half-Bridge Reversible PWM Rectifier 28
Study on Variable Speed Direct Drive Wind Energy Conversion System with Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Generator 29
Design of DC Architecture for Large-Scale Non-Grid-Connected Wind Power Generation System 29
Decoupling Control of Non-Grid-Connected Wind Power System with Droop Strategy Based on DC Micro-Grid 29
磁放大器后级调整同步整流技术研究 30
Study on Synchronous Rectification for Magamp Post Regulation Application 30
PFC双管反激两级组合式软开关变换器研究 30
Study on Integrated Soft-Switch of PFC & Dual-Switch Flyback Converter 30
Analysis,Design and Implementation of Single-Phase Dual-Boost Reversible PWM Rectifiers 30
多脉波整流技术在风力发电中的应用研究 31
Research on Multi-Pulse Rectification Technique in Wind Power Application 31
新型双Boost能馈型PWM整流器 31
A Novel Dual-Boost Reversible PWM Rectifier 31
Fault Diagnosis of Rectification Circuit for Doubly-Salient Electro-Magnetic Wind Generator Using Excitation Current 32
电励磁双凸极风力发电机的转速获取方法 32
基于GPS多天线的高层建筑变形监测系统研究 33
运动体方位测量信息融合技术研究 33
基于GM(1,1)改进模型的建筑物沉降预测 33
无人机航向测量抗差补偿滤波技术研究 34
A platform for inverter system research based on semi-physical simulation 35
Hybrid Variable-Band Hysteresis DPM and Repetitive Control for a 400 Hz Inverter 35
一族基于正激基本单元的自磁复位正激变换器 35
串并联组合式升降压变换器 35
基于全极化GTD模型的雷达目标二维散射中心提取 36
Analysis of Characteristies of Two-Dimensional Runge-Kutta Multiresolution Time-Domain Scheme 37
Convergence Analysis of the Coifman Scaling Function Based-Runge-Kutta Multiresolution Time-Domain Scheme 37
Runge-Kutta Multiresolution time-domain scheme:Convergence analysis and its basic application 37
Applications of Runge-Kutta Multiresolution Time-Domain Scheme in Dielectric Media Interfaees 37
改进的最小类内绝对差阈值分割及快速算法 38
基于递推混沌粒子群的二维Tsallis熵阈值分割 38
基于混沌粒子群的二维指数熵阈值分割 38
基于图谱理论的图像阈值分割快速递推算法 39
基于灰度—梯度共生矩阵和最大相关熵的阈值分割 39
二维直方图θ-划分最大平均离差阈值分割算法 39
基于投影坐标P次方差及粒子群的车牌倾斜检测 40
改进的二维Otsu法及混沌粒子群递推的阈值分割 40
基于改进的二维最大熵及粒子群递推的图像分割 41
平均灰度级—梯度二维直方图最大相关阈值分割 41
基于改进的二维指数熵及混沌粒子群的阈值分割 41
大气压下真空平板玻璃的支撑应力 42
基于MATLAB的真空平板玻璃支撑柱应力数值分析 42
Optimization ofTap Parameters for Internal Thread Cold Extrusion of High Strength Steel Based on Genetic Algorithm 42
喷丸强化NAK80钢析出硬化层残余应力的研究 42
Numerical calculation and experimental research on residual stresses in precipitation-hardening layer of NAK80 steel for shot peening 42
飞机起落架内螺纹冷挤压成形金属流动规律研究 43
冲击载荷对飞机起落架螺纹连接的影响 43
喷丸强化10Ni3MnCuAl钢磨削表面的性能研究 43
10Ni3MnCuAl钢加工表面析出硬化层的性能研究 43
真空平板玻璃封边残余应力的研究 44
喷丸强化对NAK80钢表面完整性的影响 44
飞机起落架大直径内螺纹挤压成形的力学分析 44
基于虚拟仪器的球盘摩擦磨损实验机设计 45
磁场作用下Fe3O4磁流体的润滑特性研究 45
A novel surface texture for magnetic fluid lubrication 45
Study on Static Supporting Capaeity and Tribological Performance of Ferrofluids 45
Study on the Synthesis and Tribological Property of Fe3O4 Based Magnetic Fluids 45
Parameters optimization of laser processing CVD diamond film based on FEM simulation 46
CVD金刚石膜激光打孔温度场有限元仿真 46
小型化热丝CVD金刚石膜沉积设备的研究与开发 46
Facile synthesis and self-assembly of hierarchical porous NiO nano/micro spherical superstructures for high performance supercapacitors 47
Synthesis and utilization of RuO2·xH2O nanodots well dispersed on poly(sodium 4-styrene sulfonate)functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes for supercapacitors 47
Enhanced electrochemical stability and charge storage of MnO2/carbon nanotubes composite modified by polyaniline coating layer in acidic electrolytes 48
Electrochemically induced phase transformation and charge-storage mechnism of amorphous CoSx nanoparticles prepared by interface-hydrothermal method 48
Electrochemical capacitance of NiO/Ru0.35V0.65O2 asymmtric electrochemical capacitor 48
NiO loaded on hydrothermally treated mesocarbou microbeads(h-MCMB)and their supercapacitive behaviors 49
Interface synthesis of mesoporous MnO2 and its electrochemical capacitive behaviors 49
High-voltage aqueous symmetric electrochemical capacitor based on RuO.7SnO.3O2nH2O electrodes in l M KOH 50
Template-free synthesis ofordered mesoporous NiO/Poly(sodium-4-stryene sulfonate)functionalized carbon nanotubes composite for electrochemical capacitors 50
Effects of rare earths on properties and microstructures of lead-free solder alloys 51
Determination of Anand parameters for SnAgCuCe solder 51
Effects of trace amount of rare earth on properties and microstructure of Sn-Ag-Cu alloys 51
Effects ofcerium on Sn-Ag-Cu alloys based on finite element simulation and experiments 51
Mechanical properties of fine pitch devices soldered joints based on creep model 52
Mierostrueture and creep properties of Sn-Ag-Cu lead-free solders bearing minor amount of rare earth Cerium 52
Properties of SnAgCu/SnAgCuCe solderedjoints for electronic packaging 52
Creep behavior of SnAgCu solders with rare earth Ce doping 53
Effect of thermal cyclingon properties and mierostucture of SnAgCuCe 53
Reliability study of Sn-Ag-Cu soldered joints in quad flat packages 53
Thermal fatigue behavior of SnAgCu soldered joints in fine pitch quad flat package 53
Development of Sn-Zn lead-free solders bearing alloying elements 54
Numerical simulation of soldered joints and reliability analysis of PLCC componentswith J-shape leads 54
基于蠕变模型细间距器件焊点疲劳寿命预测 54
稀土元素Ce对SnAgCu钎料的显微组织和性能影响 54
细间距器件无铅焊点力学性能和断口形貌分析 55
细间距器件焊点力学性能与数值模拟 55
FCBGA器件SnAgCu焊点疲劳寿命预测 55
基板材料对QFP焊点应力应变影响的数值模拟 56
不同钎料对QFP焊点可靠性影响的有限元分析 56
QFP器件不同引线材料对焊点可靠性影响的有限元分析 56
有限元模拟在微连接焊点可靠性研究中的应用 57
QFP器件半导体激光无铅软钎焊研究 57
细间距器件无铅焊点可靠性的数值模拟与试验研究 57
Effects of rare earth Ce on properties of Sn-9Zn lead-free solder 58
Reliability studies of Sn-9Zn/Cu and Sn-9Zn-0.3Ag/Cu soldered joints with aging treatment 58
Effects of Ag on microstructures,solderability of Sn-9Zn solders as well as mechanical properties of soldered joints 58
Investigation on properties of Ga to Sn9Zn lead-free solder 58
Solderability and intermetallic compounds formation of Sn-9Zn-xAg lead-free solders wetted on Cu substrate 59
Effects of Agon properties of Sn-9Zn lead-free solder 59
合金元素Ga对Sn-9Zn无铅钎料性能的影响 59
Sn-9Zn-xAl无铅钎料润湿性能 59
Sn-9Zn-xAg无铅钎料润湿性能及焊点力学性能 60
Water-Triggered,Counter-Anion-Controlled,and Silver-Phosphines Complex-Catalyzed Stereoselective Cascade 61
Alkynylation/Cyclization of Terminal Alkynes with Salicylaldehydes 61
Pybox ligand-promoted copper(Ⅰ)-catalyzed three-component tandem coupling-annulation of terminal alkynes,amines and ortho-alkynylaryl aldehydes 61
An Unexpected,Water-Promoted,Silver-Phosphines Complex Catalyzed Stereoselective Cyclization of 2-(1-Hydroxy-3-Arylprop-2-Yny1)Phenols 61
水相中银-膦配合物催化的、端基炔对水杨醛的亲核加成-环合串联反应 61
转子碰摩严重程度量化检测方法研究 62
基于关联维数和小波能量谱熵的碰摩故障智能诊断 62
基于连续梁模型的转子系统临界转速计算方法 62
终端区空中交通管制专家系统的设计 63
区域飞行航班完全动态最短路径树算法 63
Spectroscopic studies on the interaction between troxerutin and bovine serum albumin 64
一种实用化石英光纤球形头的研制 64
小柴胡汤的荧光光谱与吸收光谱研究 64
基于荧光光谱的农药残留污水检测与分析 65
基于光纤传感的光固化材料临界曝光量测试 65
Anisotropic Growth of Gold Nano-plates with Well-defined Shapes and Optical Resonances 66
Ag nanoparticle-filled polymer shell formed around Au nanoparticle core via ultrasound-assisted spherulite growth 66
Effects of flow ratios on surface morphology and structure of hydrogenated amorphous carbon films prepared by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition 67
神经元活性和突触动力学耦合演化涌现出的幂律谱和小世界特性 68
二维小世界上神经元网络模型的标度行为及自组织临界性 68
Decentralized Direct Adaptive Output Feedback Fuzzy Tracking Design of Large-scale Nonaffine Nonlinear Systems 69
Coordinated Decentralized Hybrid Adaptive Output Feedback Fuzzy Control for a Class of Large-scale Nonlinear Systems with Strong Interconnections 69
HαTracking Design for a Class of Decentralized Nonlinear Systems via Fuzzy Adaptive Observer 69
Decentralized Indirect Adaptive Output Feedback FuzzyTracking Design for a Class of Large-scale Nonlinear Systems 69
Decentralized Robust Indirect Adaptive Output Feedback Fuzzy Control of Nonlinear Systems Using Error Filtering 70
Decentralized Hybrid Adaptive Output Feedback Fuzzy Control Using Error filtering for a Class of Large-scale Nonlinear Systems 70
组合型自适应模糊分散控制器与车辆纵向跟随控制 70
基于级比优化的广义GM(1,1)预测模型 71
非线性优化GM(1,N)模型及其应用研究 71
次生产前沿面构建、性质及在评价中的运用 71
一种基于标准区间灰数的灰色投入产出模型 72
区间型指标的无偏投影方法及在主客观评价结合决策中的应用 72
基于多元统计组合模型的银行效率及实力评价 72
The Constitutive Error and Optimize Operator Research in the Grey Number's addition and subtraction Inverse Operation 72
制造企业新产品开发的知识管理组织功能研究 73
政府高等教育投入与经济增长的关联分析 73
跨国公司新产品开发的知识管理组织功能研究 73
知识度量问题的研究现状分析 73
金融危机处理与国际金融监管的合作和协调 74
The Prediction and Precaution of Financial Risk in China:Evidence from the data during 1997-2007 74
Short-Run M&A Performance Research Based on Network Industry:Evidence from Information Technology Sector 74
Multi-Level Evaluation Study of Brand Competition of Defense Industry Product on the basis of Grey Relation Analysis 75
The Journal of Grey System 75
The Study on the Interactive Relationship between High-Tech Industry Development and Economical Growth based on 75
Grey Incidence Analysis 75
中国长三角城市物流生产率实证研究 76
基于SCP的中国民航市场研究 76
航空运输市场的寡头垄断与效率分析 76
Productivity Change and Its Inherent Trend in China's Airlines for 2003-2008:An analysis Employing Malmquist Productivity Index and GM(1,1)Model 76
生态效率比率:企业环境绩效审计的新方法 77
特殊销售的会计核算与涉税处理 78
基于期权估价模型的企业价值评 78
基于作业链的航空运输企业成本分析与控制研究 78
我国制造业主创新对策研究 79
公允价值模式下我国投资性房地产会计核算的探讨 79
财务视角下的制造业企业自主创新战略影响因素分析 79
我国商业银行流动性风险的测度实证研究 79
浅论原始巫傩文化的祭祀仪式 80
论“汉乐府”制度的社会及历史影响 81
安徽花鼓灯发展的外部影响因素分析 81
论临摹大师素描的重要性 82
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