汉语与汉藏语研究 方言、音韵与文献PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:史皓元,方妮安编辑
- 出 版 社:中央研究院语言学研究所
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9860403435
- 页数:465 页
Section 1:Chinese Historical Linguistics 1
A Model for Chinese Dialect Evolution&Jerry NORMAN罗杰瑞 1
史讳中的音韵问题&Dah-an HO何大安 27
汉与唐宋两代若干常用动作动词的比较&Pang-Hsin TING丁邦新 37
Section 2: Chinese Dialects 53
Northern Min ‘Softened’ Initials in Borrowed Vocabulary&William H.BAXTER白一平 53
On the Relationship between Tones and Initials of the Dialects in the Shanghai Area&Zhongmin CHEN陈忠敏 73
南京方言知庄章三组历时演变与年龄差异研究&GUQian顾黔 and ZHANG Zhiling张志凌 99
江西吉安县云楼方言同音字汇&CHANG Meixiang昌梅香 111
A Comparative Look at Common Southern Jiang-Huai and the Southern Mandarin Influences in He Xuan’s Yunshi&Richard VanNess SIMMONS史皓元 133
Section 3: Tibetan and Tibeto-Burman 155
On Coblin’s Law&Guillaume JACQUES向柏霖 155
Tibeto-Burman *dz->Tibetan z-and Related Proposals&Nathan W.HILL内藤丘 167
A Note on Tibeto-Burman Bone Words and Chinese Pitch-pipes&Laurent SAGART沙加尔 179
Using Native Lexical Resources to Create Technical Neologisms for Minority Languages&James A.MATISOFF马蒂索夫 185
Typology of Generic-Person Marking in Tshobdun Rgyalrong&Jackson T.-S.SUN孙天心 225
Section 4: Language Contact and Transcription 249
Phonological Notes on Han Period Transcriptions of Foreign Names and Words&Axel SCHUESSLER许思莱 249
Why Did Sin Sukju Transcribe the Coda of the Yao药Rime of 15th Century Guanhua with the Letter ? 〈f〉?&Zev HANDEL韩哲夫 293
The Che-Zhe Syllables of Old Mandarin&Zhongwei SHEN沈锺伟 309
愚鲁庐学思脞录二则&LU Guoyao鲁国尧 331
The Ricci-Ruggieri Dicionario Europeu-Chines: Linguistic and Philological Notes on Some Portuguese and Italian Entries&Joseph A.LEVI雷祖善 343
Section 5: Texts and Written Chinese 367
Two Competing Interpretations: Cong从or Bi比in Oracle-Bone Inscriptions&Ken-ichi TAKASHIMA高?谦一 367
The Lingering Puzzle of Yan焉:A Problem of Oral Language in the Chinese Reading Tradition&David Prager BRANNER林德威 379
Textual Criticism and the Turbulent Life of the Platform Sutra&Morten SCHLUTTER徐德 399
Spring and Autumn Use of Ji及and Its Interpretation in the Gongyang and Guliang Commentaries&Newell Ann VAN AUKEN方妮安 429
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