电子商务战略 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:覃征,常杨,李顺东著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787308118606
- 页数:351 页
1 E-Commerce and E-Commerce Strategy 1
1.1 Fundamentals of E-Commerce 1
1.1.1 Definition of E-Commerce 2
1.1.2 Origin and Development of E-Commerce 6
1.1.3 Research Contents of E-Commerce 16
1.2 Strategy 17
1.2.1 Definition of Strategy 17
1.2.2 Main Features of Strategy 20
1.3 Strategic Environment 22
1.3.1 Significance of the Strategic Environment 22
1.3.2 Strategic Environment and Strategy 26
1.4 E-Commerce Strategy 27
1.4.1 E-Commerce Strategy Outline 27
1.4.2 Research Methods for E-Commerce 29
References 33
2 National E-Commerce Strategy 35
2.1 The United States 36
2.1.1 Economic Conditions 36
2.1.2 Background to U.S.E-Commerce Strategy 39
2.1.3 Orientation of U.S.E-Commerce Strategy 41
2.1.4 Contents of U.S.E-Commerce Strategy 42
2.1.5 Effects of U.S.E-Commerce Strategy 44
2.2 European Union 49
2.2.1 EU Basic Conditions 49
2.2.2 Background to EU E-Commerce Strategy 50
2.2.3 Orientation of EU E-Commerce Strategy 52
2.2.4 Contents of EU E-Commerce Strategy 53
2.2.5 Internet Use and E-Commerce in the EU 56
2.3 Japan 59
2.3.1 Introduction to Japan 59
2.3.2 Japan's Information Industry Strategy 60
2.3.3 Background to the Japanese E-Commerce Strategy 63
2.3.4 Strategic Orientation of Japanese E-Commerce 64
2.3.5 Contents of Japanese E-Commerce Strategy 65
2.3.6 Strategic Efforts 71
2.4 China 73
2.4.1 Basic Situation of China 73
2.4.2 Background to Chinese E-Commerce Strategy 74
2.4.3 Orientation of Chinese E-Commerce Strategy 78
2.4.4 Details of Chinese E-Commerce Strategy 78
2.4.5 Effect of Chinese E-Commerce Strategy 83
2.5 Australia 87
2.5.1 Basic Condition of Australia 87
2.5.2 E-Commerce Background of Australia 88
2.5.3 Orientation of Australian E-Commerce Strategy 90
2.5.4 Contents of Australian E-Commerce Strategy 90
2.5.5 Effects of Australian E-Commerce Strategy 92
2.6 The United Arab Emirates 96
2.6.1 Introduction to the United Arab Emirates 96
2.6.2 Strategic Background of E-Commerce 98
2.6.3 E-Commerce Strategic Orientation of the UAE 99
2.6.4 E-Commerce Strategy in the UAE 99
2.6.5 Implementations 101
2.7 India 103
2.7.1 Overview of India 103
2.7.2 Background to Indian E-Commerce Strategy 104
2.7.3 Orientation of E-Commerce Strategy in India 107
2.7.4 Details about India's E-Commerce Strategy 108
2.7.5 Implementation of E-Commerce Strategy 110
2.8 Ireland 112
2.8.1 Introduction to Ireland 112
2.8.2 E-Commerce Strategic Background 115
2.8.3 E-Comrnerce Strategic Orientation 119
2.8.4 E-Commerce Strategy in Ireland 120
2.8.5 Implementation Achievement of E-Commerce Strategy 124
2.9 Singapore 125
2.9.1 Overview of Singapore 125
2.9.2 Strategic Background 126
2.9.3 Strategic Orientation 128
2.9.4 Detailed E-Commerce Strategy 128
2.9.5 Implementation Achievement of the Strategy 132
2.10 Republic of Korea 134
2.10.1 Basic Conditions 134
2.10.2 Background to ROK's E-Commerce Strategy 135
2.10.3 Orientation of ROK's E-Commerce Strategy 136
2.10.4 ROK's E-Commerce Strategy 137
2.10.5 Measures 138
2.10.6 Current Situation and Prospects 139
2.11 Features of Each Nation 142
2.11.1 Common Features 142
2.11.2 National Strategic Personalities 144
References 146
3 E-Commerce Strategy of Industries 151
3.1 Construction Industry 152
3.1.1 Overview of the Construction Industry 152
3.1.2 Advantages of E-Commerce in the Construction Industry 153
3.1.3 Implementations of E-Commerce in U.S. Construction Industry 155
3.1.4 Construction Industry in China Needs E-Commerce 158
3.2 Transportation Industry 159
3.2.1 Impacts of E-Commerce on Transportation 160
3.2.2 Emergence and Development of Transportation E-Commerce 161
3.2.3 China:The Development of Transportation Informatization 164
3.2.4 Prospects for the Transport Industry 166
3.3 Financial Sector 167
3.3.1 Financial Industry 167
3.3.2 Impact of E-Commerce in the Financial Industry 168
3.3.3 Finance Services in E-Commerce 169
3.3.4 E-Commerce Application in the Financial Industrv in China 171
3.4 Manufacturing 173
3.4.1 Manufacturing Industry and E-Commerce 173
3.4.2 Necessity of Adopting E-Commerce in the Manufacturing Industry in China 175
3.4.3 E-Commerce Strategy of China's Manufacturing Industry 176
3.4.4 Snapshot and Foresight of E-Commerce in China's Manufacturing Industry 178
3.4.5 A Technical Perspective:E-Commerce Solution for Manufacturing Industry 180
3.5 Textiles andApparel 182
3.5.1 Textiles in China 182
3.5.2 E-Commerce in Textiles 184
3.5.3 Current Situation of China's Textile E-Commerce 187
3.5.4 E-Commerce Strategy in China's Textile Industry 191
3.6 Telecommunications Industry 194
3.6.1 Telecommunications Industry in China 194
3.6.2 E-Commerce:The Driving Force of China's Telecommunications Industry 196
3.6.3 E-Commerce Strategy of China's Telecommunications Industry 197
3.6.4 E-Commerce Practice in China Telecom 200
3.7 Comparisons 203
References 205
4 E-Commerce Strategy in Enterprises 207
4.1 IBM:Are You Ready for E-Commerce? 208
4.1.1 History of IBM 209
4.1.2 Background of IBM's E-Commerce Strategy 211
4.1.3 Contents of IBM's E-Commerce Strategy 212
4.1.4 Measures 214
4.1.5 Strategic Positioning and Implementation 218
4.2 GE:Revolution in Traditional Industry 220
4.2.1 GE:the Giant inTraditional Industry 220
4.2.2 Background of GE's E-Commerce Strategy 222
4.2.3 GE's E-Commerce Strategy 224
4.2.4 Implementation of GE's E-Commerce Strategy 225
4.2.5 Benefits to GE's E-Commerce Strategy 227
4.3 Googlism 232
4.3.1 Google:A Rising Star in the InternetAge 233
4.3.2 E-Commerce Strategy of Google 234
4.3.3 Technologies Behind Google's Great Results 236
4.3.4 Google'sAchievements 240
4.3.5 Effects on People's Daily Life 241
4.4 Haier's Legend 242
4.4.1 Introduction to Haier 242
4.4.2 Haier's Development Phases 243
4.4.3 Contents of Haier's E-Commerce Strategy 245
4.4.4 Effects of Haier's E-Commerce Strategy 247
4.5 Taobao:The Largest Online Trading Platform in Asia 248
4.5.1 What is Taobao? 248
4.5.2 Background of Taobao's Establishment and Development 249
4.5.3 Taobao's E-Commerce Strategy 250
4.5.4 Effects of Taobao's E-Commerce Strategy 254
4.6 Growth of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China 259
4.6.1 Basic Condition of ICBC 260
4.6.2 E-Commerce Development Background of ICBC 260
4.6.3 E-Commerce Strategy and Implementation 262
4.6.4 Benefits of ICBC E-Commerce Strategy 264
4.7 Rise of Lenovo 268
4.7.1 Introduction to Lenovo 268
4.7.2 E-Commerce History of Lenovo 270
4.7.3 Strategic Background 273
4.7.4 Details of Lenovo's E-commerce Strategy 274
4.7.5 What Lenovo Gets 278
4.8 Conclusions 279
References 281
5 E-Commerce Strategies in Specific Strategic Environments 285
5.1 Howto Fight Against Financial Crises 285
5.1.1 Financial Crisis 285
5.1.2 Impact of Financial Crisis on B2C E-Commerce in U.S 287
5.1.3 Opportunities Brought about by the Financial Crisis to China's E-Commerce 291
5.1.4 China's B2B Websites in the Financial Crisis 293
5.2 Unexpected Natural Disasters 295
5.2.1 Serious Influences on Human Society 296
5.2.2 Emergent Materials and Emergency Logistics 297
5.2.3 E-Commerce in Emergency Logistics 299
5.2.4 Weakening Negative Influences of Natural Disasters Using E-Commerce 300
5.3 ToP Ten Industrial Revitalization Plans 303
5.3.1 Background 303
5.3.2 Opportunities of E-Commerce in Top Ten Industrial Revitalization Plans 304
5.3.3 Summary 311
References 311
6 Technical E-Commerce Strategy 313
6.1 E-Commerce Fundamental Technology 314
6.1.1 Web Technology 314
6.1.2 Electronic Data Interchange 318
6.1.3 RFID,GPS,and GIS Technologies 319
6.1.4 Security and Other Implementation Issues 322
6.2 Mobile Communication Technology 326
6.2.1 Mobile Communication 326
6.2.2 Wireless Telecommunications Networks 331
6.2.3 Technical Limitation of Mobile Communication 332
6.3 E-Commerce Emerging Technology 332
6.3.1 IPTV 333
6.3.2 SNS (Social Network Service) 334
6.3.3 Cloud Computing 338
6.3.4 The Internet of Things 339
6.4 Technology:Strategic Issue of E-Commerce 342
References 346
Index 349
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