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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:周昌德编著
  • 出 版 社:合记图书出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9861268859
  • 页数:449 页

1Learning from the short history(从简短病史中学习) 1

2 Learning from the pictures(从临床图片中学习) 11

3 Learning from the image(从影像学习) 29

3.1Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)(僵直性脊椎炎) 30

3.2 Other diseases except for AS(非僵直性脊椎炎以外疾病) 45

4 Learning from the concise case report(从简短病例报告学习) 77

4.1AS(僵直性脊椎炎) 78

4.2 Behcet’s disease(贝西氏病) 98

4.3 Bursitis(黏液囊炎) 100

4.4 Crystals(结晶性) 101

4.5 Dermatomyositis(皮肌炎) 105

4.6 DISH(原因不明扩散型骨增生症) 110

4.7 Drug(药物引起的) 111

4.8 Eosinophilic fasciitis(嗜酸性筋膜炎) 115

4.9 Infection(感染引起) 116

4.10 Miscellaneous(综合) 125

4.11OA(退化性关节炎) 133

4.12 Paraneoplastic syndrome(肿瘤伴生徵候群) 135

4.13 PSA(乾癣关节炎) 138

4.14 PSS (硬皮症) 146

4.15 RA(类风溼关节炎) 148

4.16 Sarcoidosis(类肉瘤病) 162

4.17 Sjogren’s syndrome(休格兰氏症候群-乾燥症) 164

4.18 SLE(红斑性狼疮) 165

4.19 Sweet’s syndrome(史维特症候群) 192

4.20 Unclassified arthritis(其他未分类关节炎) 194

4.21Vasculitis(血管炎) 195

5 Learning from the detailed case report and discussion(从详尽之病例报告及讨论中学习) 199

5.1An AS patient and hypereosinophilic enteritis 200

5.2 An AS patient with peripheral polyarthritis 211

5.3 Case-1:A 69 year-old female with coexistence of Behcet’s disease and SLE.Case-2: Coexistence of Behcet’s disease and spondyloarthropathy 220

5.4 Case-1:Leukocytoclastic vasculitis developed in a SLE with suspicious RA.Case-2: A case of Bullous SLE 233

5.5 A case of dermatomyositis 246

5.6 A dermatomyosistis patient with non-small cell carcinoma of lung 249

5.7 A case of eosinophilic fasciitis 264

5.8 The rare disorder-Erthromelalgia 270

5.9 The neuro-ophthalmic complications of Wegner’s granulomatosis 277

5.10 A SLE patient with thrombotic microangiopathy 292

5.11A case of idiopathic hypereosinophilia and cardiac involvement 302

5.12 Pulmonary involvement in RA 313

5.13 A case of SLE and PBC 327

5.14 Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus 335

5.15 Is there coexistence of gout in a patient with RA? 348

5.16 Relapsing polychondritis 354

5.17 Salmonellosis in SLE 365

5.18 Sterno-clavicular arthritis 370

5.19 SLE with Crohn’s disease 379

5.20 Intra-cellular infection in SLE 387

5.21SLE with protein-losing enteropathy 402

5.22 SLE patient with necrotizing fasciitis 410

5.23 SLE with Nocardia infection 417

5.24 SLE with transverse myelitis 424

5.25 Sweet’s syndrome (atypical case) 434
