- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:薛惠娟著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787313070029
- 页数:234 页
1 Introduction:Chinese Students and UK Higher Education 1
1.1 My Own Story 1
1.2 Globalisation and International Education 3
1.3 The China Market—Chinese Students and UK Education 7
1.4 Research Questions 16
1.5 Book Structure 18
1.6 Conclusion 20
2 Sources and Methods 21
2.1 Introduction—Sources 21
2.2 Methodology and Research Methods 22
2.3 Quantitative Data—Closed Questions 30
2.4 Qualitative Data 33
2.5 Access and Ethics 38
2.6 Conclusion 39
3 Studying Abroad:Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives 40
3.1 Introduction 40
3.2 Bourdieu,Cultural Capital and Education 40
3.3 The Bourdieusian Movement in Educational Analysis 51
3.4 International Education,Acculturation and Cultural Capital Formation 62
3.5 Conclusion 69
4 Motives,Mechanisms and Choices 71
4.1 Introduction 71
4.2 Reasons and Motives for Chinese to Undertake International Education 71
4.3 The"Structuring Structures"—Family and Education 81
4.4 Programmes in UK Higher Education 94
4.5 Sources of Funding and Channels to UK Higher Education 97
4.6 Conclusion 101
5 Cultural Adaptation and Capital Formation:The Educational Dimension 103
5.1 Introduction 103
5.2 Culture Shock,Acculturation and Cultural Capital 103
5.3 Language Barrier 107
5.4 British Teaching and Learning Styles 112
5.5 Cultural Adaptation and Capital Formation:The Educational Dimension 127
5.6 Conclusion 130
6 Cultural Adaptation and Capital Formation:The Social Dimension 132
6.1 Introduction 132
6.2 Living in the New Culture 133
6.3 Communication and Friend-making 138
6.4 Financial Matters and Part-time Jobs 149
6.5 Cultural Adaptation and Capital Formation:The Social Dimension 153
6.6 Conclusion 158
7 Education,Capital Formation and Career Development 160
7.1 Introduction 160
7.2 Education,Capital and Careers 160
7.3 The Career Trajectories of First-wave Students 163
7.4 The Career Expectations of Current Students 178
7.5 Transformation,Capital Formation and Career Development 183
7.6 Conclusion 186
8 Conclusion:Education and Capital Formation in China 188
8.1 Introduction 188
8.2 International Education for the Chinese People 188
8.3 Capital Formation and the Shaping of Talents in China 189
8.4 Implications of the Research 196
8.5 Questions Raised and Areas for Further Research 201
8.6 Conclusion 202
Appendices 205
Appendix 1 Job History and UK Experiences of Past Students 205
Appendix 2 Significant Chinese Government Policies Affecting Chinese People Receiving International Education(1977-2006) 208
Appendix 3 Results of Statistical Tests 210
Appendix 4 Research Design 211
Appendix 5 Summary of Sample Demographics 212
Bibliography 215
后记 234
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