南大评论 2009年12月1期PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:洪银兴著
- 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787305064364
- 页数:263 页
Contemporary Chinese IssuesStudies on Back Feeding of Agriculture and the Countryside by Industry and the City&Hong Yinxing 3
Vertical Disintegration of Production in the Global Economy:An Empirical Study Based on Input-output Tables of Jiangsu Province in China&Liu Zhibiao and Wu Fuxiang 22
Self-identity of the Passively Urbanized Group in the Process of Obtaining Urban Adaptability and Modernity:An Empirical Study on 561 Land-displaced Peasants in Nanjing&Tong Xing and Zhang Haibo 40
The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights by Criminal Laws in China:Status Quo,Problems and Suggestions for Improvement&Shao Jiandong 66
Chinese Humanities and Social Science Researches:An Analysis of References in CSSCI&Su Xinning and Zhang Jie 85
Theoretical Inquiries in the Global ContextThe Problematic of Lacan's Philosophy&Zhang Yibing 103
The Daoist Doctrine of Heaven-humanity Relationship and Its Significance for the Value Orientation Modern Environmental Ethics&Xu Xiaoyue 119
The Aestheticization of Everyday Life in the"Post-revolutionary Era"&Zhou Xian 130
Jewish Diaspora in China and Their Contributions&Xu Xin 144
Chinese Literary and Cultural StudiesAnxiety in the Shadow of Great Masters:The Tang Poet Xue Neng&Mo Lifeng 165
On the Combination of the"Textual Research on Historical Documents"and the"Historical Comparative Method"&Lu Guoyao 190
Special Background for the Existence of Chinese Regional Novels and the Loss of Value&Ding Fan 206
Women and the Search for Modernity:Rethinking Modern Chinese Drama&He Chengzhou 223
Foreign Literature and the Shaping of Modern Values in the Chinese Society&Wang Shouren 238
InterviewI am not a Post-Marxist,but an Marxist:An Interview with Professor Terry Eagleton&Wang Jie and Xu Fangfu 251
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