![疯狂英语口语绝招 脱口而出经典 blurt out sentences](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/5/s6071cbd.jpg)
![疯狂英语口语绝招 脱口而出经典 blurt out sentences](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/5/s6071cbd.jpg)
疯狂英语口语绝招 脱口而出经典 blurt out sentencesPDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:《疯狂英语》编辑部制作
- 出 版 社:广州:广东省语音音像出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7884973251
- 页数:212 页
1.Are you sure...? 1
2.Are you used to...? 3
3.As far as I remember 5
4.As far as...is concerned, 8
5.Be careful with 10
6.But this doesn't mean that 12
7.By the way 15
8.Compared to 17
9.Did you use to 19
10.Don't ever 21
11.Do you agree...? 23
12.Do you carry this in...? 25
13.Do you have...available? 27
14.Do you mind...? 29
15.Do you feel like...? 31
16.Shouldn't we...? 34
17.Have you ever...? 36
18.not...until 38
19.He is as...as 40
20.He is either...or 42
21.He is so...that 44
22.He is not only...but also 46
23.Help yourself to 48
24.How about...? 50
25.How come...? 52
26.How dare you...! 54
27.How do you like...? 56
28.How long does it take...? 58
29.How often...? 60
30.I bet 62
31.I can hardly believe that 64
32.I can't help 66
33.I can't say 68
34.I cannot wait to 70
35.I dare say 72
36.I'd like you to 74
37.I'd hate for you to 76
38.If it hadn't been for 78
39.If there is one thing that...me,it's 80
40.I have no idea 83
41.I have get to 85
42....as...as possible 87
43.I'll let you know 90
44.I'd be grateful 92
45.I'm afraid 94
46.I'm calling to 96
47.I'm looking forward to 98
48.I'm not really happy with 100
49.I'm thinking about 102
50.I really go for 104
51.It is...that 106
52.It's too bad that 108
53.It's my fault for 110
54.It's not that...but 112
55.It's on the tip of my tongue 115
56.It's said that 117
57.It's up to 120
58.It's your turn 122
59.It may surprise you,but 124
60.I have been 126
61.I've had enough of 128
62.I wonder if...? 130
63.I would rather...than 133
64.No matter what 135
65.No wonder 137
66.Now that I(come to)think about it, 139
67.Once you 141
68....only to find 143
69.On one hand...on the other hand 145
70.See that 148
71.Speaking of 150
72.Thanks to 152
73.Thank you for 154
74.The first thing I'm going to do when..is 157
75.The more...the more 159
76.There is nothing as...as 161
77.There is nothing I like better than 163
78.We'd be better off without 165
79.We'd better 167
80.We may as well 169
81.What becomes of...? 171
82.What can I dofor...? 173
83.What do you mean by...? 175
84....what-do-you-call-it(watch-ya-ma-call-it) 177
85.What do you say...? 180
86.What...for...? 182
87.What if...? 184
88.What I'm trying to say is 186
89.What's the matter with...? 188
90.What would you do if...? 190
91.What's the use of...? 192
92.What's your favorite...? 194
93.Where can I...? 196
94.Where there is...there is 198
95.Whether or not 201
96.Why not...? 203
97.Would you care for...? 205
98.You are notto 207
99.You can never...too 209
100.You only have to...in order to 211
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