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  • 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:谭卫国,蔡龙权主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2015
  • ISBN:9787562844259
  • 页数:442 页

Part One Basic Theories of Translation 3

1 A Brief Discussion of Translation 3

1.1 The Origin and Function of Translation 4

1.2 Definitions of Translation 6

1.3 The Nature of Translation Studies 9

2 Principles for Translation 11

2.1 Various Principles for Translation 11

2.2 George Campbell's and Alexander Fraser Tytler's Triple Principles 12

2.3 Eugene A.Nida's Functional Equivalence 13

2.4 German Functionalists' Skopos Theory 14

2.5 Yan Fu's Triple Principle for Translation 15

2.6 Fu Lei's“Spiritual Resemblance”(“神似”)and Qian Zhongshu's“Sublime Perfection”(“化境”) 16

2.7 Liu Zhongde's Triple Principle for Translation 18

2.8 Xu Yuanchong's Three-Beauty Principle and His“信达优” 21

2.9 Zhang Peiji's and Sun Zhili's“Faithfulness”and“Smoothness” 22

3 Major Translation Strategies 24

3.1 Towards the Three Major Translation Strategies 24

3.2 Domestication and Foreignization and Their Application 34

3.3 A Comparison of Foreignization and Domestication with Literal Translation and Liberal Translation 49

4 The Process of Translation 55

4.1 On the Process of Translation 55

4.2 Comprehension and Reproduction of the SLT at the Macro-Level 57

4.3 Comprehension and Reproduction of the SLT at the Micro-Level 60

4.4 Improvement of the TLT 63

5 The Reality of the Translator's Subjectivity 65

5.1 Subjectivity and the Translator's Subjectivity 65

5.2 Translators as Human Beings 66

5.3 Translator-Centeredness 68

5.4 Different Versions of the Same Literary Work 69

5.5 Machine Translation 70

6 The Translator's Exertion of His Subjectivity 80

6.1 The Necessity of the Translator's Exertion of His Subiectivity 80

6.2 Requirements of the Translators' Exertion of Subjectivity 84

6.3 Manifcstations of the Translator's Exertion of Subjectivity 89

6.4 Restrictions of the Translator's Exertion of Subjectivity 110

7 Context and Wording in Translation(Ⅰ) 113

7.1 Towards Context 113

7.2 Context for Translation 123

7.3 Wording in Translation 126

8 Context and Wording in Translation(Ⅱ) 132

8.1 Context as a Determiner of Wording 133

8.2 Intra-Lingual Context and Wording 134

Reference Answers to the Exercises 147

Part Two Major Translation Techniques 160

9 词类转译 160

9.1 英语名词与汉语动词相互转译 160

9.2 英语介词与汉语动词相互转译 161

9.3 英语形容词与汉语动词相互转译 162

9.4 英语形容词与汉语副词相互转译 162

9.5 英语副词与汉语动词相互转译 163

9.6 英语名词与汉语形容词相互转译 163

10 增补词语 167

10.1 根据内容增补词语 167

10.2 根据形式增加词语 174

11 省略词语 184

11.1 从内容角度省略词语 184

11.2 从形式角度省略词语 190

12 正说反译与反说正译 197

12.1 原文从正面表达,译文从反面表达(正说反译) 197

12.2 原文从反面表达,译文从正面表达(反说正译) 204

13 语态转译 212

13.1 语态转译在英译汉中的运用 212

13.2 语态转译在汉译英中的运用 216

14 分译法在翻译中的运用 221

14.1 分译法在英译汉中的运用 221

14.2 分译法在汉译英中的运用 224

15 合并法在翻译中的运用 229

15.1 合并法在英译汉中的运用 229

15.2 合并法在汉译英中的运用 231

16 英汉习语的分类与翻译 235

16.1 文化、习语与翻译 235

16.2 英汉习语的种类与翻译 235

17 英语定语从句的译法 243

17.1 英语限制性定语从句的常用译法 243

17.2 英语非限制性定语从句的主要译法 247

17.3 转译法 250

17.4 几种特殊形式的定语从句的翻译 252

18 英语状语从句的翻译 256

18.1 时间状语从句的翻译 256

18.2 原因状语从句的翻译 258

18.3 条件状语从句的翻译 259

18.4 让步状语从句的翻译 260

18.5 目的状语从句的翻译 261

18.6 结果状语从句的翻译 262

18.7 方式状语从句的翻译 263

18.8 地点状语从句的翻译 264

19 英汉长句的翻译 267

19.1 按原句顺序译 267

19.2 逆原句顺序译 268

19.3 适当调整原句顺序 271

19.4 分开翻译 272

19.5 综合处理 274

20 专题翻译 278

20.1 英语隐喻的分类与翻译 278

20.2 英汉广告修辞的翻译 288

翻译练习题参考答案 298

Part Three Translation Practice 315

21 英汉互译范文30篇 315

21.1 英译汉范文20篇 315

21.2 汉译英范文10篇 359

22 全国英语专业八级统考翻译试题及其参考译文(1992—2015) 385

主要参考文献 438
