转型经济中与后金融危机时代企业管理 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵曙明,(美)格拉斯曼,刘春林等主编
- 出 版 社:南京:南京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787305083853
- 页数:752 页
PartⅠ Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management in a Transitional Economy and Post Financial Crisis 3
Challenges Facing Chinese Business Leaders:Theoretical Implications from a Psychological Type 3
Perspective&David J.WOOD 3
Global Leadership in Economic Recovery:The Role of Business in AchievingBalanced,Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in the APEC Region&Coral INGLEY 9
International Business Talents:Cultivation Framework and Evaluation System&Zheng FAN,Ying LIU,Juan DU 19
Identify Conflicts:Analysis of Enlightenment for Cross-Cultural Management from Parsons's Structure and Function Theory&Yinqiu MA,Xiang WANG 28
Leadership Practices in Portugal and China&Jo?o TEODOSIO,António ROBALO 35
Understanding Paradoxes in Middle Eastern Arab Culture&Randy Z.SHOAI,Tony FANG 44
Chinese Organization and Management in Sub-Saharan Africa:Towards a Cross-Cultural Research Agenda&Terence JACKSON,Lynette LOUW,Shuming ZHAO 56
Entrepreneurial and Leadership Traits of Chinese and American Business Students&Lloyd G.GIBSON,Regina A.GIBSON,Shuming ZHAO 69
Transactional and Transformational Leadership in a Turnaround/Crisis Situation in a Multicultural Environment&Lloyd G.GIBSON,Regina A.GIBSON 78
PartⅡ Strategic Management in a Transitional Economy and Post Financial Crisis 87
Managing Technological Capability in Chinese Companies:The Role of Absorptive Capacity and Social Interaction Mechanisms&Tian FENG 87
The Impact of Internationalization on Public Affairs Strategy and Performance:A Ten Year Study&Julius H.JOHNSON,Jr.,Dinesh A.MIRCHANDANI,Martin B.MEZNAR 96
Analysis of Hierarchical Characteristic of Social Capital:A Structural Equation Testing&Mo CHEN,Lujin LIANG,Haijian LIU 115
Sustaining Growth in the Changing Environment through Dynamic Capabilities:the Case of Mind Tree Limited&Nishant KUMAR,Ali YAKHLEF 124
HeXie Management Theory and Sustainable Development&Hui HE,Nelson ANTóNIO,Virginia TRIGO 139
The Evolutionary Path of Competitive Advantage Based on Synergy of Product Complexity and Low Cost&Naren,Hong LIU 153
A"China-Plus-One"Strategy:The Best of Both Worlds?&Peter ENDERWICK 161
Dynamic Integration and Competitive Advantages:Comparing Analysis between State-Owned and Foreign Retailers in Guangzhou&Jian LIN,Min LI,Manli HUANG 169
Minimum and Maximum Available Prices and the Outcome of Competition:A Meta-Analysis of Oligopoly Experiments&Yue WANG 179
PartⅢ Organizational Behavior in a Transitional Economy and Post Financial Crisis 201
Research on the Work Slack Behavior of Sales Staff in the Medicine Industry&Yan ZHANG,Zeng LI 201
Personality Types and Entrepreneurial Orientation&Vesa ROUTAMAA 206
The Structure of Flow in Organization&Zhong LIN,Lei JU 221
The Effects of Trustworthiness on Organization Politics and Outcomes&Bradley J.OLSON,Yongjian BAO 231
Personality Type,Value,and Work Goal:Evidence From Young Chinese Employees and Senior Managers&Huifang YANG,Shuming ZHAO 246
Research on Relations of Face-to-Face and Computer-Mediated Communication Modality,Conflict Strength,and Communication Satisfaction&Jinzhang JIANG,Shanshan WANG,Juan GONG 256
How Subsidiary Top Management Teams Influence Strategic Change and Organizational Performance in 268
Transition Economies&Rebecca MITCHELL,Brendan BOYLE,Elizabeth MAITLAND,Stephen NICHOLAS,Shuming ZHAO 268
Evolution of Boundaryless Organizational:Case Study Based on A.O.Smith&Dongtao YANG,Weiping QIN 282
The Impact of Employment Security on Employee Turnover Intention:The Mediating Effect of Perceived Organizational Support&Yan XU,Shuming ZHAO,Lulu ZHOU 290
PartⅣ Economic Development and Business Management in Japan and China in Post Financial Crisis 299
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis of China Stock Market&Meifen CHU 299
Do Stock Option Rewards Increase Dividend Payments?New Evidence from Japan&Shinya Shinozakia,Konari Uchidab 310
The Strategies for Installing User-Based in Two-Sided Market:An Analysis of the E-Money Industry in Japan&Hua CHENG 325
The Effect of Tax Rebate on Export Performance:Empirical Evidence by China's Textile Export to the U.S&Xiaosong WANG 333
The Financial Problems of Japan by Sector 1986-2008&Isao MURAFUJI 350
CEO Political Reputation and Corporate Donation—Evidence from China&Jidong YANG 360
The Growth Myth Revisit:A Structural View&Xiaorong LI 375
An Analysis of Macroeconomic and Political Factors Affecting Anti-Dumping Activities against China&Jinping YU,Xiaojing GUO 382
PartⅤ Human Resource Management in a Transitional Economy and Post Financial Crisis 395
An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Top Management Team Fault Lines and Organizational Performance in the Context of Chinese Firms&Zhihong CHEN,Ye QIU 395
People Management and Organized Labour in China's Harmonious Society:"Top-Down"versus"Bottom-Up"Strategies&Malcolm WARNER,Ying ZHU,Tongqing FENG 402
Native Exploratory Research on Structural Dimensions of Ethical Dilemmas of Enterprise Human Resources Management&Aimin YAN,Ge LI,Haorui HUANG 413
The MBA Oath Is Profane&John T.DELANEY 424
The Impact of Perceived Commitment Human Resource Management on Employee Performance:Empirical Evidence from China&Yaqing LIN,Shuming ZHAO 431
Personnel Performance Evaluation:A Model and Method&Ying LIU,Cody DING 441
Battling the Skilled Labor Shortage in China&Oksana S.ODNOVOL,Tuo WANG 449
Research on the Effectiveness of Education Diploma Signaling in Employee Screening&Cisheng WU,Li WANG,Duoqing SU,Zhihong ZHOU 458
Human Resource Management during Post-Merger Integration:A Case Study of BOSCH Corporation&Yun YAO,Shuming ZHAO 472
PartⅥ E-Commerce,Marketing and Enterprise Management in a Transitional Economy and Post Financial Crisis 481
Understanding Individuals'Instant Messaging Continuance:A Media Selection Perspective&Baoxiang SONG 481
On Perceived Benefit,Costs and Risks of Online Transactions for Illegal or Socially Undesirable Goods and Services&Ki Hyoung SOHN 493
A Study on EnterPrise Growth and SMEs'Growth Evaluation&Xinglin CHEN 503
Institutional Reform and the Case of Guanxi&Antony J.DREW,Anton P.KRIZ 509
Trade in Health Services and the Emerging Economies:Challenges and Opportunities for Thailand&Sujinda CHEMSRIPONG,Amir MAHMOOD 518
Integrating CSR Initiatives in Business:An Organizing Framework&Wenlong YUAN,Yongjian BAO,Alain VERBEKE 532
Third Generation Family Businesses:A Comparison of Succession Issues in Two Brazilian Companies&Virginia TRIGO,Nelson ANTONIO 550
Comparison of Knowledge Assimilation and Exploitation in Corporations with Different Ownership Identity&Han ZHANG,Erming XU 561
The Background,Path and Enlightenment of Privatization in Japanese and South Korea's Telecom Operators&Wenchen ZHOU 578
A Marketing Research Roadmap of the Loyalty Paradigm&Jang-hui HAN,Ji-ho CHOI 585
PartⅦ Innovation,Accounting and Finance in a Transitional Economy and Post Financial Crisis 597
Arousing Employee Creativity:Construction of New Research Framework&Jie YANG,Jisheng PENG 597
Study on the Selection of Key Elements about Conceptual Framework of the Government Accounting—Data Analysis Based on Survey of Chinese Government Accounting Reform&Jun PAN,Zhibin CHEN,Qiong YU,Fenghua ZHANG,Jiangjiang ZHANG 604
Survey Research on Influential Factors Concerning Conceptual Framework of Government Accounting&Zhihong CHEN,Zhibin CHEN,Jun PAN,Qiong YU,Fenghua ZHANG 612
Innovation Communication on the Internet—the Missing Link between Technology and Marketing Success&Martin ST?LEIN 618
A Study of the Impacts of Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Creativity and Organizational Innovation&Jianwu JIANG,Haiying HUANG 629
Employee Innovation in Mergers and Acquisitions:Interactive Effects of Threat Perception,LMX and TMX&Lingfeng WANG,J ing LONG,Sheng LI 650
Approach to Defining the Roles and Functions of Government Accounting&Zhibin CHEN 657
Understanding Technological Innovation:Based on Multi-Dimensional and Evolutionary Perspectives&Yong HUANG,Jisheng PENG,Aisen ZHONG 668
Determinants and Price Discovery of China Sovereign Credit Default Swaps&Tom EYSSELL,Hung-Gay FUNG,Gaiyan ZHANG 675
The Growth of the Family Enterprises As Influenced by Institutional Investors&Yihao ZHANG,Ping PEI,Xiaobo LUN 690
Is"Guanxi"Really More Important than Formal Contract for Innovation of an Alliance in the Marketing Channel?The Evidence from China&Dong LIU,Guocai WANG,Xifeng WANG 701
Study on Elements of the Government Accounting&Lianjuan XU,Zhihong CHEN 721
What I See,What I Do:CEO Hubris,CEO Attention and Firm Innovation&Yi TANG,Jiatao LI 734
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