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梁宋平教授文集  蛋白质与活性多肽探索
梁宋平教授文集  蛋白质与活性多肽探索

梁宋平教授文集 蛋白质与活性多肽探索PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:梁宋平著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南师范大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2010
  • ISBN:9787564801434
  • 页数:543 页
《梁宋平教授文集 蛋白质与活性多肽探索》目录

第一部分 蛋白质化学与蛋白质组学学术论文 3

8-(6-氨基己基)-氨基-5′-一磷酸腺苷Sepharose 4B亲和吸附剂的制备与应用 3

大熊猫乳酸脱氢酶同工酶M4的纯化与某些性质的研究 9

The primary structure of the lactate dehydrogenase isozyme M4 from giant panda 16

Acomparison of the primary structures of lactate dehydrogenase isozymes M4 from giant panda,red panda black bear and dog 30

Covalent immobilizationof proteins and peptides for solid-phase sequencing using prepacked capillary columns 44

Single-step electroelution of proteins from SDS-polyacrylamide gels and immobilization on diisothiocyanate-glass beads in prepacked capillary columns for solid-phase microsequencing 57

Assignment of the three disulfide bridges of huwentoxin-Ⅰ,a neurotoxin from the spider Selenocosmia huwena 64

Chemical carboxy-terminal sequence analysis of peptides using acetyl isothiocyanate 72

世纪之交的蛋白质序列测定技术 83

Assignment of the three disulfide bonds of Selenocosmia huwena Iectin-Ⅰ from the venom of spider Selenocosmia huwena 89

Indentification of venom proteins of spider S.huwena on two-dimensionalelectrophoresis gel by N-terminal microsequencing and mass spectrometric peptide mapping 99

Chemical carboxyl-terminal sequence analysis of peptides and proteins using tribenzylsilyl isothiocyanate 107

Assignment of the disulfide bonds of huwentoxin-Ⅱ by Edman degradation sequencing and stepwise thiol modification 116

C-terminal sequence analysis of peptides using triphenylgermanyl isothiocyanate 127

De novo sequencing of tryptic peptides sulfonated by 4-sulfophenyl isothiocyanate for unambiguous protein identification using post-source decay matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry 135

Proteome comparative analysis of gynogenetic haploid and diploid embryos of goldfish(Carassius auratus) 147

Proteomic analysis of mouse liver plasma membrane:use of differential extraction to enrich hydrophobic membrane proteins 159

Integration of a two-phase partition method into proteomics research on rat liver plasma membrane proteins 178

第二部分 蜘蛛活性多肽研究学术论文 197

Properties and amino acid sequence of huwentoxin-Ⅰ,a neurotoxin purified from the venom of the Chinese bird spider Selenocosmia huwena 197

虎纹捕鸟蛛毒的生物学活性鉴定 208

蜘蛛肽类神经毒素研究进展 213

A lectin-like peptide isolated from the venom of the Chinese bird spider Selenocosmia huwena 219

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies on huwentoxin-Ⅰ from the venom of the spider Selenocosmia huwena:2.Three-dimensional structure in solution 227

DEPD:a novel database for differentially expressed proteins 240

Solid-phase synthesis of huwentoxin-Ⅰ and its structure and bioactivity analysis 244

Oxidative folding of reduced and denatured huwentoxin-Ⅰ 253

Three-dimensional structure of Selenocosmia huwena lectin-Ⅰ(SHL-Ⅰ)from the venom of the spider Selenocosmia huwena by 2D-NMR 262

Purification and characterization of huwentoxin-Ⅱ,a neurotoxic peptide from the venom of the Chinese bird spider Selenocosmia huwena 271

我国南方捕鸟蛛一新种的生物化学鉴定(蜘蛛目,捕鸟蛛科) 279

The presynaptic activity of huwentoxin-Ⅰ,a neurotoxin from the venom of the Chinese bird spider Selenocosmia huwena 285

The efiect of Huwentoxin-Ⅰ on Ca2+channels in differentiated NGl08-15 cells,a patch-clamp study 293

Function and solution structure of huwentoxin-Ⅳ,a potent neuronal tetrodotoxin(TTX)-sensitive sodium channel antagonist from Chinese bird spider Selenocosmia huwena 302

The structure of spider toxin huwentoxin-Ⅱ with unique disulfide linkage:evidence for structural evolution 317

cDNA sequence analysis of seven peptide toxins from the spider Selenocosmia huwena 328

Purification and characterization of raventoxin-Ⅰ and raventoxin-Ⅲ,two neurotoxic peptides from the venom of the spider Macrothele raveni 338

Structure-activity relationships of hainantoxin-Ⅳ and structure determination of active and inactive sodium channel blockers 346

An overview of peptide toxins from the venom of the Chinese bird spider Selenocosmia huwena Wang[=Ornithoctonus huwena(Wang)] 360

Jingzhaotoxin-Ⅲ,a novel spider toxin inhibiting activation of voltage-gated sodium channel in rat cardiac myocytes 374

Aatinociceptive efiects of intrathecally administered huwentoxin-Ⅰ,a selective N-type calcium channel blocker,in the formalin test in conscious rats 387

Jingzhaotoxin-Ⅰ,a novel spider neurotoxin preferentially inhibiting cardiac sodium channel inactivation 396

Function and solution structure of Huwentoxin-Ⅹ,a specific blocker of N-type calcium channels,from the Chinese bird spider Ornithoctonus huwena 412

Solution structure and functional characterization of Jingzhaotoxin-Ⅺ:A novel gating modifier of both potassium and sodium channels 427

Discovery of a distinct supeffamily of Kunitz-type toxin(KTT)from Tarantulas 444

Proteome and peptidome profiling of spider venoms 467

第三部分 其他散文与短文 491

寄语即将毕业的同学们 491

从伦敦到诺丁汉——访英随笔之一 492

阿希武德教授——访英随笔之二 494

校园绿地与RAMP——访英随笔之三 497

诺丁汉大学生命科学系——访英随笔之四 499

从数字看诺丁汉大学——访英随笔之五 501

电子邮件(E-Mail)与环球信息网(WWW)——访英随笔之六 502

神经生物学研究室——访英随笔之七 504

揭开生命科学的奥秘 506

心中的铭记——缅怀恩师张龙翔教授 507

开学感赋——与九七级研究生共勉 512

《生命科学研究》发刊词 513

登攀桥赤子亭记 514

《生命科学院开发应用科研成果汇编》前言 515

关于学位论文实验——与新入学生物化学研究生的开学笔谈 516

《生物化学与分子生物学实验教程》前言 520

生命科学对教育科学的启示——2005年在湖南师范大学研究生“麓山论坛”上的讲座 521

蛛海拾贝——在第六届全国生物毒素研讨会上所作学术报告的结束语 529

与2006级生命科学学院研究生共勉 530

致敬爱的谢锦云老师 531

在2008研究室工作会议上的结语 535

一位美国教授的中国情结——记波士顿大学教授,湖南师范大学名誉教授R.A.Laursen 536

附录 540

后记 542
