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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘汉霞编著
  • 出 版 社:广州:华南理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7562320365
  • 页数:264 页


(目录) 1

Unit 1 Introduction(导论) 1

Lesson 1 Definitions of Law(法律的定义) 1

Lesson 2 Classifications of Law(法律的分类) 6

Lesson 3 The Jury and Its Selection(陪审团及其组成) 10

Lesson 4 Alternative Dispute Resolution(非诉讼纠纷解决程序) 16

Unit 2 Procedural Law(程序法) 25

Lesson 5 Jurisdiction(管辖权) 25

Lesson 6 The Adversary System(抗辩制) 36

Lesson 7 Trial(审理) 42

Unit 3 Constitutional Law(宪法) 52

Lesson 8 What Is Constitutional Law?(宪法是什么?) 52

Lesson 9 Why Do We Need Constitutional Law?(我们为什么需要宪法?) 61

Lesson 10 What Rights Does Constitutional Law Protect?(宪法保护哪些权利?) 69

Unit 4 Property Law(财产法) 76

Lesson 11 Introduction to Property Law(财产法导论) 76

Lesson 12 Real Property(不动产权) 82

Lesson 13 Copyright(著作权) 91

Lesson 14 Contract(合同) 97

Unit 5 Contract Law(合同法) 97

Lesson 15 Consideration(约因) 105

Lesson 16 How to Make a Contract(1)—Offer(怎样缔结合同(1)——要约) 114

Lesson 17 How to Make a Contract(2)—Acceptance(怎样缔结合同(2)——承诺) 122

Lesson 18 Breach of Contract and Damages(违约及其赔偿) 130

Unit 6 Tort Law(侵权法) 139

Lesson 19 Introduction to Tort Law(侵权法导论) 139

Lesson 20 Intentional Torts(1)(故意侵权(1)) 147

Lesson 21 Intentional Torts(2)(故意侵权(2)) 157

Lesson 22 Negligent Torts(过失侵权) 165

Lesson 23 Strict Liability(严格责任) 173

Unit 7 WTO(世界贸易组织) 179

Lesson 24 The Multilateral Trading System—Past,Present and Future(多边贸易体制——过去、现在和未来) 179

Lesson 25 The WTO Agreements(世界贸易组织协议) 185

Unit 8 Cyber-law(网络法) 193

Lesson 26 Jurisdiction in Cyberspace(网络空间的管辖权) 193

Lesson 27 Cyber Crimes(网络犯罪) 202

Appendix 1 Legal Idioms(附录1:法律术语) 210

Appendix 2 New Words and Expressions(附录2:生词和短语) 223

Appendix 3 Answers to the Exercises(附录3:练习题参考答案) 238

References(参考文献) 264
