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商业英语入门  即学即用商务英语会话手册
商业英语入门  即学即用商务英语会话手册

商业英语入门 即学即用商务英语会话手册PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:Thomas R.Pellegrine著;林静芬译
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7561125445
  • 页数:241 页
《商业英语入门 即学即用商务英语会话手册》目录

CHAPTER1 Apologies致歉 8

UNIT 1 I'm sorry(对不起) 8

UNIT 2 I'mdeeply sorry(深表歉意) 15

UNIT 3 Please excuse (请多加包涵;请原谅) 23

UNIT 4 I'd like to apologize(我应该向您致歉) 31

UNIT 5 Offer our sincerest apologies(致上我们最真诚的歉意) 39

UNIT 6 I hope(我希望) 47

CHAPTER2 Clarification确认 56

UNIT 1 I'm notsure I understand (我还不是很明白) 56

UNIT 2 Could you please explain (能否请您解释) 64

UNIT 3 What doyou mean...?(你的意思是……?) 71

UNIT 4 I would like to clarify(我想澄清) 78

UNIT 5 I would like to see more information on...(我想看更多……的资料) 86

UNIT 6 I have a question (我有个问题) 93

CHAPTER3 Descriptions描述 102

UNIT 1 In this;on this;in the…(在这个……) 102

UNIT 2 Show(给……看;表示……) 110

UNIT 3 According to our files(根据档案所记载的) 117

UNIT 4 The contents of the...contained(那个……里头有……) 125

UNIT 5 For instance;an example of(例如;举例来说) 132

UNIT 6 The fact that(事实上) 140

CHAPTER4 Explanations解释 150

UNIT 1 Because(因为) 150

UNIT 2 To explain;to extrapolate;to come up with(解释;推断;提出) 157

UNIT 3 To start with;to begin with(首先;第一) 165

UNIT 4 Finally;to top it all off;in the end(最后;最重要的是;结果) 173

UNIT 5 To be honest with you;to tell you the truth(老实说;跟你说真的) 181

UNIT 6 Frankly;frankly speaking(老实说;坦白地说) 188

CHAPTER 5 Re-stating重述 196

UNIT 1 You mean...?you actually mean...?(你的意思是……?你其实是……?) 196

UNIT 2 Are you saying that...?now you're saying...?(你是说……?;现在你又说……?) 203

UNIT 3 In other words(换句话说) 210

UNIT 4 To restate;to repeat(重说;重复) 217

UNIT 5 Let me get this straight(让我把这事搞清楚) 225

UNIT 6 Let me see if I've got it(让我看看我是否搞懂了) 233
