英语应该这么说 Anytime Books 4 与Animals有关的口语表达PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李宝瑛,( )Lsaac Durst编著;金慧,陈红锐译
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7561125496
- 页数:175 页
Chapter 1. Cats 猫 18
01 as cute as a kitten 18
02 cats have nine lives 19
03 curiosity killed the cat 20
04 take a catnap 21
05 copycat 22
06 when the cat's away,the mice will play 23
07 as playful as a kitten 24
08 play cat and mouse 25
09 rain cats and dogs 26
10 fraidy cat 27
Chapter 2. Dogs 狗 34
01 dog breath 34
02 in the doghouse 35
03 puppy eyes 36
04 let sleeping dogs lie 37
05 doggy bag 38
06 work like a dog 39
07 doggy paddle 40
08 bark up the wrong tree 41
09 every dog has its day 42
10 lead a dog's life 43
Chapter 3. Horses 马 50
01 horse around 50
02 eat like a horse 51
03 get on one's high horse 52
04 hold one's horses 53
05 horse of a different color 54
06 bet on the wrong horse 55
07 horse sense 56
08 put the cart before the horse 57
09 as stubborn as a mule 58
10 change horses in midstream 59
Chapter 4. Cows 牛 66
01 until the cows come home 66
02 grab the bull by its horns 67
03 ride herd on 68
04 cash cow 69
05 bull's-eye 70
06 eat like a cow 71
07 put out to pasture 72
08 a bull in a china shop 73
09 round up 74
10 beef up 75
Chapter 5. Pigs 猪 82
01 live high off the hog 82
02 piggyback ride 83
03 cast pearls before swine 84
04 road hog 85
05 piggy bank 86
06 bring home the bacon 87
07 go hog-wild 88
08 pig out 89
09 be a swine 90
10 when pigs fly 91
Chapter 6. Birds 鸟 98
01 eat like a bird 98
02 leave the nest 99
03 have the eyes of an eagle 100
04 as wise as an owl 101
05 sing like a canary 102
06 chicken out 103
07 duck soup 104
08 wait for the cock to crow 105
09 up with the roosters 106
10 cold turkey 107
Chapter 7. Insects 昆虫 114
01 bug someone 114
02 be a pest 115
03 fly on the wall 116
04 have ants in one's pants 117
05 bug-eyed 118
06 a bug in one's ear 119
07 a fly in the ointment 120
08 stir up a hornet's nest 121
09 as busy as a bee 122
10 scurry around like a roach 123
Chapter 8. Reptiles 爬虫 130
01 snake in the grass 130
02 snake eyes 131
03 shed one's skin 132
04 be a chameleon 133
05 hide in one's shell 134
06 smoke out a snake 135
07 bask in the sun 136
08 a turtle's age 137
09 speak with a forked tongue 138
10 cottonmouth 139
Chapter 9. Wild Animals 野生动物 146
01 monkey around 146
02 the straw that breaks the camel's back 147
03 kangaroo court 148
04 the lion's share 149
05 bear hug 150
06 as sly as a fox 151
07 as tall as a giraffe 152
08 throw someone to the wolves 153
09 squirrel something away 154
10 deer in the headlights 155
Chapter 10. Marine Life 海洋生物 162
01 fish for 162
02 a big fish in a small pond 163
03 head upstream 164
04 as big as a whale 165
05 a fish out of water 166
06 neither fish nor fowl 167
07 the world is one's oyster 168
08 as playful as an otter 169
09 sharks are circling 170
10 be a shrimp 171
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