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  • 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:邓礼堂编著
  • 出 版 社:协志工业丛书出版股份有限公司
  • 出版年份:1976
  • ISBN:
  • 页数:602 页

第一部 流体流动(Fluid Flow) 1

实验1.因次分析——液滴之形成(Dimensional Analysis—Drop Formation) 1

实验2.牛顿液体之粘度(Viscosities of Newtonian Liquids) 10

实验3.非牛顿流体之流动(Fluid Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluids) 21

实验4.浮子流量计(Rotameter) 32

实验5.皮托管(Pitot Tube) 43

实验6.堰(Weir) 54

实验7.锐孔流量计与文氏流量计(Sharp-edged Orifice Meter and Venturi Meter) 63

实验8.管中流体流动之摩擦系数(Friction Factors for Flow in Circular Pipes) 82

实验9.阀特性系数之决定(Determination of a Valve Coefficient) 96

实验10.射流时间之测定(Determination of Efflux Time) 105

实验11.离心泵之运转试验(Performance Test of a Centrifugal Pump) 114

实验12.搅拌所需之动力(Power Requirement of Agitation) 132

实验13.填充床与流体化床(Flow of Fluid through Packed and Fluidized Beds) 153

实验14.填充塔之压力降落(Pressure Drop of a Packed Tower) 168

实验15.恒压过滤(Constant Pressure Filtration) 181

第二部 热传递(Heat Transfer) 196

实验16.固体之热传导系数(Thermal Conductivity of Solids) 196

实验17.固体中之温度分布(Temperature Profiles in Solids) 211

实验18.自然对流传热(Heat Transfer by Natural Con-vection) 220

实验19.强制对流传热(Heat Transfer by Forced Con-vection) 238

实验20.膜式与滴状冷凝(Film-type and Dropwise Condensation) 249

实验21.红外线辐射(Infrared Radiation) 269

实验22.总包传热系数(Overall Heat Transfer Coeffi-cient) 277

实验23.搅拌槽中之传热(Heat Transfer in Agitated Tank) 290

实验24.填充床中之传热(Heat Transfer in Packed Bed) 299

实验25.套管热交换器(Double Pipe Heat Exchanger) 312

实验26.叉流型热交换器(Cross Flow Heat Exchanger) 325

第三部 质量输送(Mass Transfer) 337

实验27.扩散系数之测定(Determination of Diffusivity) 337

实验28.湿壁塔(Wetted Wall Column) 345

实验29.吸收(Absorption) 361

实验30.干燥(Drying) 377

实验31.蒸发(Evaporation) 393

实验32.冷却塔之操作(Cooling Tower Performance) 401

实验33.平衡蒸镏(Equilibrium Distillation) 412

实验34.简单蒸馏(Simple Distillation) 426

实验35.泡罩塔蒸镏(Distillation in a Single Bubble Cap Column) 433

实验36.搅拌与溶解(Agitation and Dissolution) 450

实验37.筛析(Screen Analysis) 457

第四部 粉粒体技术(Particulate Technology) 457

实验38.以沉降法测定粉体粒径分布(Measurement of Par-ticle Size Distribution of Powders by Sedimen-tation Analysis) 468

实验39.旋风分离器(Cyclone Separator) 497

实验40.粉体比表面积之测定(Determination of Specific Surface Area of Powder) 509

实验41.压碎(Crushing) 519

附录(Appendix) 527

附录Ⅰ 实验数据之处理(Treatment of Experimental Data) 527

附录Ⅱ 报告之写法(Report Writing) 559

附录Ⅲ 实验规则(Laboratory Rules) 562

附录Ⅳ 热电偶(Thermocouple) 564

附录Ⅴ 各坐标系之微分平衡式(The Differential Balances Expressed in Several Coordinate Systems) 575

附录Ⅵ 单位换算表(Table of Conversion Factors) 580

中英文名词对照表 585
