- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:“核医学和放射治疗中先进技术的基础研究”项目组编
- 出 版 社:北京:原子能出版社
- 出版年份:2000
- ISBN:7502222243
- 页数:251 页
快中子治疗前列腺癌初报&北京快中子治疗协作组 1
快中子及光子照射小鼠胸腔器官的病理变化&冯林春等 6
质子治疗装置的束流扩展研究&余建国等 9
小型医用质子同步加速器的慢引出设计&丁小平等 17
医用质子直线加速器的设计研究&周立农等 23
带电粒子束的等时周期场聚焦&郁庆长 31
Electron dose calculation using multiple-scattering theory:A hybrid electron pencil-beam model&Luo Zhengming et al. 37
On the possibility of determining an effective energy spectrum of clinical electron beams from percentage depth dose(PDD)data of broad beams&Luo Zhengming et al. 54
Incorporation of the electron energy-loss straggling into the Fermi-Eyges equation&Steve B.Jiang et al. 60
An overview of the bipartition model for charged particle transport&Luo Zhengming 68
Effects of pre-exposure of mouse testis with low-dose 16O8+ions or 60Co γ-rays on sperm shape abnormalities,lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase(SOD)activity induced by subsequent high-dose irradiation&Zhang H.et al. 100
Chromosomal aberrations induced by 12C6+heavy ion irradiation in spermatogonia and spermatocytes of mice&Zhang H.et al. 107
Preliminary research for cancer therapy with heavy ion beams at HIRFL&Wei Zengquan 114
展宽重离子束的Bragg峰&李强等 120
Extending Bragg peak of heavy ion beam and melanoma cell inactivation measurement&Li Qiang et al. 124
氧离子辐射对体外人精子自发化学发光、运动性、顶体反应和存活率的影响&张红等 128
Study of boron neutron capture therapy used neutron source with protons bombarding a thick 9Be target&Yue Gang et al. 135
A combination of gadolinium and boron compounds for use in Gd-BNCT&Zhao Yunling et al. 143
Excitation functions for natW(p,xn)181~186 Re reactions and production of No-Carrier-Added 186Re via 186W(p,n)186Re reaction&Zhang Xiaodong et al. 147
[188Re]Rhenium sulfide suspension:a potential radiopharmaceutical for tumor treatment following intra-tumor injection&Yu Junfeng et al. 157
Preparation of[188Re]Rhenium sulfide suspension and its biodistribution following intra-tumor injection in mice&Yu Junfeng et al. 168
Synthesis,characterization and biodistribution of new 99mTc nitrido complexes with derivatives of alkyl xanthates&He Jiang et al. 174
乏氧组织显像剂99mTc-PnAO-硝基咪唑的制备和初步动物实验&朱霖等 180
Evaluation of the clinical value of combination of 99mTc-MIBI myocardial SPECT and 18F-FDG PET in assessing myocardial viability&Zhang Xiaoli et al. 183
A comparison of 99mTc-MIBI myocardial SPET with electron beam computed tomography in the assessment of coronary artery disease&Yao Zhiming et al. 192
Quantitative analysis of technetium 99m 2-methoxyisobutyl isonitrile single-photon emission computed tomography and isosorbide dinitrate infusion in assessment of myocardial viability before and after revascularization&Li Shengting et al. 201
The value of Tc-99m MIBI SPECT during isosorbide dinitrate infusion in assessment of viable myocardium in patients with myocardial infarction&Li Shengting et al. 212
Nitrate-augmented myocardial imaging for assessment of myocardial viability&He Zuoxiang et al. 221
Preliminary study on application of artificial neural network to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease with magnetic resonance imaging&Deng Xiaoyuan et al. 231
放射性药物99mTc-HL91在实验性小鼠G422移植性脑胶质瘤模型的研究&周颖等 240
99mTc-HL91"hot spot"imaging of mice bearing human carcinoma by gamma camera and the effects of tumor necrosis on imaging&Yao Zhiming et al. 245
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