英语应该这么说 Anytime Books 3 与Food有关的口语表达PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李宝瑛,( )Lsaac Durst编著;张健华,李宏译
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7561125488
- 页数:175 页
Chapter 1. Appetizers & Snacks 开胃品与小吃 18
01a shrimp 18
02bread and butter 19
03in a nutshell 20
04twist one's body into a pretzel 21
05big cheese 22
06wing it 23
07junk food junkie 24
08have a sweet tooth 25
09have sticky fingers 26
10do a donut 27
Chapter 2. Breakfast Foods 早餐 34
01waffling 34
02get toasted 35
03have egg on one's face 36
04bring home the bacon 37
05in a jam 38
06sell like hotcakes 39
07pancake someone 40
08as stale as three-day old bread 41
09goose egg 42
10traffic jam 43
Chapter 3. Desserts 甜点 50
01crumble like a cookie 50
02have pie on one's face 51
03toss one's cookies 52
04the icing on the cake 53
05eat humble pie 54
06put a finger in the pie 55
07a piece of cake 56
08a cakewalk 57
09as nutty as a fruitcake 58
10brownie points 59
Chapter 4. Drinks 饮品 66
01bottoms up 66
02milk moustache 67
03mixed drink 68
04liquid courage 69
05milk someone for information 70
06coffee break 71
07one's cup of tea 72
08have ice water in one's vein 73
09beer muscles 74
10a cold one 75
Chapter 5. Fruits 水果 82
01the apple of one's eye 82
02polish the apple 83
03go bananas 84
04as sour as a lemon 85
05peach fuzz 86
06heard it through the grapevine 87
07peachy 88
08compare apples and oranges 89
09with a cherry on top 90
10a plum assignment 91
Chapter 6. Meat 肉类 98
01chew the fat 98
02meathead 99
03put some meat on one's bones 100
04roasted 101
05ham 102
06meat and potatoes kind of guy 103
07beefy 104
08beef up 105
09gnaw on the bone 106
10chicken legs 107
Chapter 7. Sauces 佐料 114
01as sour as vinegar 114
02butter someone's bread 115
03grease someone's palms 116
04cut the mustard 117
05gravy train 118
06hit the sauce 119
07greased lightning 120
08cream someone 121
09window dressing 122
10take a dip 123
Chapter 8. Spices 调味品 130
01back to the salt mines 130
02worth one's salt 131
03spice of life 132
04spice things up 133
05garlic breath 134
06open sesame 135
07salt and pepper hair 136
08as sweet as sugar 137
09mover and shaker 138
10salt away 139
Chapter 9. Utensils & Appliances 餐具 146
01put a cork in it 146
02knife someone in the back 147
03fork over 148
04whip someone 149
05mix it up with someone 150
06the sharpest knife in the drawer 151
07blend in 152
08spoon feed 153
09bottle up 154
10sponge off someone 155
Chapter 10. Vegetable 蔬菜 162
01as cool as a cucumber 162
02spill the beans 163
03salad days 164
04cornball 165
05as red as a beet 166
06in a pickle 167
07hot potato 168
08string bean 169
09beanpole 170
10squash something 171
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