PSC/ISM检查及船舶自检手册 英汉对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:魏海军等编著
- 出 版 社:大连:大连海事大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7563217258
- 页数:368 页
PART Ⅰ ISM Code国际安全管理规则 1
1.1 Guidelines for Audits Ashore and on Board公司及船上审核的指导方针 1
1.2 Audit Planning and Performance Inspection审核计划和检查 35
1.3 Internal Audit Report(Corrective Action Request)内部审核报告(要求附带纠正措施) 39
Part Ⅱ Ship Surveys Planning, Preparation and Execution船舶检验的计划、准备和实施 43
2.1 Ship's Particulars and Certificates船舶规范和船舶证书 43
2.2 Ship Certificate Index船舶证书目录 50
2.3 Engine Room机舱 66
2.4 Engine Room Fire-Pollution-Safety Hazard Inspection机舱火灾-污染-安全隐患的检查 107
PART Ⅲ Emergency Situations紧急情况 109
3.1 Main Engine Damage Inspection主机损坏检查 109
3.2 Steering Failure Inspection舵机失灵检查 114
3.3 Structural Failure Inspection结构破损检查 118
3.4 Imminent Collision Inspection碰撞检查 123
3.5 Grounding Inspection搁浅检查 129
3.6 Fire Inspection火灾检查 134
3.7 Heavy Weather/Tropical Storms Inspection恶劣天气、热带风暴检查 142
3.8 Abandon Ship Inspection弃船检查 145
3.9 Man Overboard /Search and Rescue Inspection人员落水/搜寻和救助检查 146
3.10 Piracy/Terrorism/Armed Robbery Inspection海盗、恐怖和武装抢劫检查 150
3.11 Shift of Cargo Inspection货物移动检查 156
3.12 Medical Assistance Inspection医疗援助检查 161
3.13 Towage Assistance Inspection拖带援助检查 165
3.14 Stevedore Damage Inspection装卸作业损坏检查 171
3.15 Excessive List Inspection船舶过度倾斜检查 175
3.16 Flooding Inspection大量进水检查 179
3.17 Helicopter Operations Inspection直升机作业检查 184
3.18 Operational Oil Spill during Bunkering/ Cargo Operations Inspection加油、装卸货油时的操作性溢油检查 188
3.19 Casualty Oil Spills and Hazardous Substance Spills Inspection事故性溢油和危险物质泄漏检查 193
3.20 Power Failure Emergency Procedures Inspection船舶电力故障应急程序检查 199
PART Ⅳ Safety安全 203
4.1 General/Emergency Alarm System Inspection通用、应急报警系统检查 203
4.2 Survival Training Inspection求生演习检查 205
4.3 Safety Training Manual Inspection安全培训手册检查 206
4.4 Boat Drill Inspection救生演习检查 208
4.5 Fire Fighting Equipment Inspection消防设备检查 210
4.6 Fire Detection System Inspection火焰探测系统检查 215
4.7 Fireman's Outfit Inspection消防员装备检查 218
4.8 Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Inspection个人携带呼吸器检查 220
4.9 Portable Oxygen/Explosimeter Inspection便携式氧气、易燃易爆气体检测仪检查 222
4.10 International Shore Connection Inspection国际通岸接头检查 224
4.11 Fire Plan Inspection防火控制图检查 225
4.12 Smoking Regulation Inspection吸烟规则检查 226
4.13 Fire Precautions Guidelines防火指导方针 227
4.14 Fire Drill Inspection消防演习检查 228
4.15 Ship Safety Meeting Minute Guidelines船舶安全会议记录指南 231
4.16 Office Safety Meeting Minute Guidelines公司安全会议记录指南 233
4.17 Ship Safety Team Organigram船舶安全小组结构图 235
4.18 Lifeboat Inspection救生艇检查 236
4.19 Liferaft Inspection救生筏检查 243
4.20 Lifebuoy Inspection救生圈检查 245
4.21 Personal Lifesaving Equipment Inspection个人救生设备检查 248
4.22 Drills Programme演习程序 251
4.23 Planned Maintenance of Safety, Fire Fighting&LifeSaving Equipment安全、消防和救生设备预防性维修保养计划 253
PATR Ⅴ Bridge Equipment and Navigational Procedures驾驶台设备和航行程序 259
5.1 Compass Inspection罗经检查 259
5.2 Position Fixing Instruments Inspection船舶定位仪器检查 261
5.3 Radar and Plotting Equipment Inspection雷达与标绘装置检查 264
5.4 Data Recording Equipment Inspection数据记录仪检查 267
5.5 Indicators Inspection指示器检查 269
5.6 Information Receiving Equipment Inspection信息接收设备检查 272
5.7 Steering Systems Inspection操舵系统检查 273
5.8 Navigation and Signalling Lights Inspection航行灯和信号灯检查 275
5.9 Nautical Publications Inspection航海出版物检查 277
5.10 Pre-arrival/Pre-sailing Inspection抵港前和离港前检查 278
5.11 Guidelines for Officers in Charge of a Navigational Watch驾驶员航行值班指南 281
5.12 Guidelines When Involved in Anchoring Operations抛锚作业指南 285
5.13 Guidelines When under Pilotage引航指南 288
5.14 Master/Pilot Inspection船长、引航员检查 289
5.15 Wheelhouse Instruction/ Information Inspection操舵室须知/资料检查 291
5.16 Bridge/ Wheelhouse General Inspection驾驶台一般性检查 291
5.17 Navigation Equipment Instruments Maintenance Log Inspection航海设备仪器维护保养记录检查 293
PART Ⅵ The Global Maritime Distress and Safety System(GMDSS)全球海上遇险与安全系统 296
6.1 Minimum GMDSS Carriage Requirements船上配备GMDSS设备的最低标准 296
6.2 General Ship Information (details to be compiled at theoutset of the radio equipment inspection)船舶概况(在无线电设备检查开始前进行详细汇编) 297
6.3 MSI Reception Facilities Inspection海上安全信息接收设备检查 299
6.4 Energy Sources Inspection电源检查 300
6.5 Alerting Facilities Inspection报警设备检查 301
6.6 Communication and Other Equipment Inspection通信和其他设备检查 302
6.7 Radio Room General Condition Inspection报房常规检查 309
6.8 Radio Personnel Inspection无线电人员检查 311
PART Ⅶ Reference, Records and Inspection须知、记录和检查 316
7.1 Logbook Inspection记录簿检查 316
7.2 Ship's Records and References Inspection船舶记录和须知检查 318
7.3 Vessel's Operational Documentation Inspection船舶的营运文件检查 321
7.4 Hot Work Permit热加工作业许可 322
7.5 Cold Work Permit冷加工作业许可 326
7.6 Enclosed Space Entry Permit进入封闭空间许可 329
7.7 Safety Precautions Inspection for Diving Operations潜水作业的安全预防措施检查 331
7.8 Safety Tour Inspection安全巡视检查 332
7.9 USCG Principal Requirements Inspection美国海岸警卫队的主要检查项目 333
PART Ⅷ General Condition of Accommodation生活区概况 339
8.1 Drug and Alcohol Policy Inspection毒品和酒类政策检查 339
8.2 Galley and Provision Store Room Inspection船上厨房和食品储藏室检查 340
8.3 Hospital/Dispensary Inspection医院、诊所检查 343
8.4 Accommodation Inspection生活区检查 346
PART Ⅸ Standards of Training and Certification of Watchkeeping Officers值班船员的培训和发证标准 349
9.1 Explicit New Company Responsibilities Inspection公司新的外部职责检查 349
9.2 Implicit New Company Obligations Inspection公司新的内部职责检查 357
9.3 Crew Member Familiarisation Inspection船员对船舶的熟悉检查 365
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