- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:何志谦,杨必伟编
- 出 版 社:亨联营养科学研究所
- 出版年份:1986
- 页数:101 页
1.开幕词&杨必伟 1
2.孕妇和乳母营养需要量&史丹尼·纽顿·居索 4
3.喂养婴儿之全球性展望&G·哈维·安德森 12
4.我国人民膳食营养标准以及学龄前儿童热能与蛋白质需要量&陈学存 19
5.中国孕妇,乳母的饮食习惯与营养状态&金允泽 27
6.中国南方婴儿的喂养,生长与营养状态&何志谦 31
7.供应充份营养而且有健康的婴儿及学龄前儿童食品的技术上的挑战&李夏路 34
8.专题讨论摘要中国妇幼营养研究和教育的重点问题&杨必伟、何志谦 40
opening Remarks& D.L Yeung 45
Nutritional Requirements of pregnant and Lactating Women&S.N.Gershoff 48
A Global ProsPective on lnfant Feeding&G.H.Anderson 57
Dietary Standards and Goals for the people's Republic of China,with Special Emphasis on Nutritional Requirements of Chinese Infants&X.C.Chen 67
Dietary Habits and Nutritional Status of Pregnam and Lactating Women in China&Y.Z.Jin 76
Feeding Practices Growth and Nutritional Status of Infants in South China&o Z.C.Ho 85
The Technical Challenges in Providing Efficient Nutritious and Wholesome Foods to the Infant and Pre-School Population&L.s.Harrow 91
Summary of SymP0sium Priorities in Maternal and Infdnt Nutrition Research and Education tn Chinao &D.L.Yeun Z C.Ho 98
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