英语应该这么说 Anytime Books 5 与Body有关的口语表达PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李宝瑛,( )阿里扎·德斯特(Lsaac Durst)编著;宋金陵,陈红锐译
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:756112550X
- 页数:175 页
Chapter 1. Face 脸 17
01be a face man 18
02make a face at someone 19
03lose face 20
04face the facts 21
05face to face 22
06feed one's face 23
07face the music 24
08keep one's chin up 25
09turn the other cheek 26
10do chin-ups 27
Chapter 2. Head 头 33
01keep one's head on straight 34
02heads up 35
03from head to toe 36
04bury one's head in the sand 37
05have a big mouth 38
06be tongue tied 39
07go in one ear and out the other 40
08have someone's ear 41
09keep one's ear to the ground 42
10nose around 43
Chapter 3. Eyes 眼睛 49
01keep an eye on 50
02look at someone cross-eyed 51
03have the eyes of an eagle 52
04raise one's eyebrows 53
05bat an eyelash 54
06see eye to eye 55
07an eye for an eye 56
08have a bird's eye view 57
09catch someone's eye 58
10look someone in the eye 59
Chapter 4. Neck & Throat 脖子 65
01have a frog in one's throat 66
02stick one's neck out 67
03break one's neck 68
04have a sore throat 69
05neck and neck 70
06save one's neck 71
07pain in the neck 72
08risk one's neck 73
09up to one's neck in work 74
10have a millstone around one's neck 75
Chapter 5. Upper Body 上肢 81
01stiff-arm someone 82
02arm in arm 83
03elbow room 84
04puff one's chest out 85
05give someone the cold shoulder 86
06rub shoulders(elbows)with someone 87
07elbow grease 88
08twiddle one's fingers 89
09be all thumbs 90
10thumbs up(thumbs down) 91
Chapter 6. Back 后背 97
01behind one's back 98
02watch one's back 99
03scratch one's back 100
04turn one's back on 101
05stab someone in the back 102
06pat on the back 103
07get something off one's back 104
08back out on someone 105
09back to back 106
10have a monkey on one's back 107
Chapter 7. Legs 腿 113
01pigeon-toed 114
02have two left feet 115
03be a leg up on someone 116
04be leggy 117
05be on the final 118
06toe the line 119
07turn one's ankle 120
08cost an arm and a 121
09pull someone's 122
10not have a leg to stand on 123
Chapter 8. Skin & Bones 皮肤和骨头 129
01more than one way to skin a cat 130
02big boned 131
03jump out of one's skin 132
04work one's fingers to the bone 133
05be thin-skinned 134
06beauty is skin deep 135
07as dry as a bone 136
08save someone's skin 137
09feel something in one's bones 138
10by the skin of one's teeth 139
Chapter 9. Blood & Muscles 血和肌肉 145
01go for blood 146
02bad blood 147
03blood is thicker than water 148
04muscle car 149
05muscle in on 150
06a blood bath 151
07move a muscle 152
08muscle someone out of the way 153
09blood,sweat,and tears 154
10in cold blood 155
Chapter 10. Organs 身体内部器官 161
01be chicken livered 162
02pour one's heart out 163
03have no heart 164
04yell at the top of one's lungs 165
05save one's breath 166
06take a deep breath 167
07have a weak stomach 168
08can't stomach something 169
09yellow bellied 170
10have a heart of gold 171
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