- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:徐继旺编著
- 出 版 社:桂林:广西师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:756333775X
- 页数:364 页
A 1
a(n),one 1
a bit,a bit of 2
a day,one day,some day 3
a country,the country 3
a kind/sort of,kind/sort of,of a kind/sort/ 4
a great deal,a great deal of 4
a moment,the moment 5
a lot,lots,a lot of,lots of 5
aboard,abroad 6
a number of,the number of 6
accident,incident 7
accept,except 7
accent,ascent,assent 7
across,cross 8
according as,according to 8
actor,actress 9
act,action 9
adverse,averse 10
add to,add...to,add up to 10
adapt,adopt 10
agree to,agree with,agree on/upon/ 11
afford,can afford 11
affect,effect 11
alike,like 12
aid,aide 12
alive,live 13
all right,that's all right 14
all in,all in all 14
along,alone,lone,lonely 15
allusion,illusion 15
alley,ally 15
allude,elude 15
aloud,loud,loudly 16
alternative,alternate 17
already,all ready 17
although,though 18
always,all ways 19
alumnus,alumna 19
altitude,attitude 19
altogether,all together 19
amiable,amicable 20
amend,emend 20
answer for,answer to 21
angel,angle 21
amid,amidst 21
among,amongst 21
anything but,nothing but,all but 22
anyone,any one 22
ant,aunt 22
appreciable,appreciative 23
anyway,any way 23
around,round 24
arise,rise,raise 24
as far as,so far as 25
as...as any,as...as anything 25
arraign,arrange 25
as long as,so long as 26
as from,as of 26
ashamed,shameful 27
ascend,descend 27
asleep,sleeping,sleepy 28
ask after,ask for 28
assurance,insurance 29
assay,essay 29
at a cost of,at the cost of 30
assure,ensure,insure 30
at an end,at/in the end/ 31
at a word,in a word 31
at a time,at one time 31
at court,in court 32
at birth,by birth 32
at best,at the best,at one's best,in one's best 32
at least,in the least 33
at intervals,at intervals of 33
at ease,with ease 33
at play,in play 34
at peace,in peace 34
at no time,in no time 34
at(the)pains,in pain 34
at(the)sight of,in/within sight of,in the sight of/ 35
at/on sight,in sight/ 35
at sea,on the sea 35
at that,in that 36
at table,at a/the table/ 36
at the beginning(of),in the beginning(of) 37
at the back of,in the back of 37
at the rate of,at a rate of 38
at the point of,on/upon the point of/ 38
at the corner,in the corner 38
at work,in work 39
at will,with a will 39
at the spot,on the spot 39
aviator,aviatrix 40
attach,attack 40
atony,attorney 40
awake,wake 41
await,wait 41
awful,awfully 42
awaken,waken 42
awhile,a while 43
bad,badly 44
backward,backwards 44
B 44
bath,bathe 45
base,basis 45
baggage,luggage 45
be bound up in,be bound up with 46
be afraid to do,be afraid of doing 46
be good for,be good to 47
be disappointed at/in/with/ 47
be subject to,be subjected to 48
be responsible for,be responsible to 48
before long,long before 49
become,become of 49
be tired of,be tired with,be tired from 49
begin to do,begin doing 50
beside,besides 51
belong to,belong in 51
begin with,to begin with 51
biannual,biennial 52
bloc,block 53
blind,blinded 53
blame sb.on sth.,blame it on sb. 53
blown,brown 54
bloom,blossom 54
borne,born 55
born in,born of 55
brothers,brethren 56
break,bleak 56
bought,brought 56
but that,but what 57
bright,brightly 57
by day,by the day 58
by oneself,of oneself 59
by night,at night 59
by half,by halves 59
by the name of,in the name of,by name,in name 60
by the hundred(s)in the hundred 60
by sea,by the sea 60
by turns,in turn 61
by train,on/in a train/ 61
can but,can not but 62
campaign,companion 62
C 62
canvas,canvass 63
cannot,can not 63
canoe,cannon 63
care about,care for 64
ceremonious,ceremonial 65
cause,course 65
carton,cartoon 65
childish,childlike 66
chaste,chastise 66
certain,curtain 66
cite,site 67
chord,cord/ 67
clean,cleanly 68
clean,clear 68
clear,clearly 69
cloth,clothes,clothing 70
close,closely 70
climatic,climactic 70
colonialist,colonist 71
cock,cook 71
coat,coast 71
compare to,compare with 72
comic,comical 72
complain of,complain to 73
compel,impel 73
complicated,complex 74
complement,supplement 74
confirm,conform 75
confidently,confidentially 75
confide,confine 75
consist of,consist in,consist with 76
consecutive,successive 76
consult,consult with 77
constrain,restrain 77
contemporaneous,contempo-rary 78
content,conented 79
contemptible,contemptuous 79
continual,continuous 80
cooperation,collaboration 81
contrast to,contrast with 81
costume,custom 82
correspond to,correspond with,correspond for 82
courageous,courteous 83
country,century 83
council,counsel 83
crowd,crown 84
credible,creditable,credulous 84
dare do,dare to do 85
dairy,diary 85
D 85
day after day,day by day,from day to day,day in and day out 86
dear,dearly 87
dead,deadly 87
decent,descent 88
debit,debt 88
decided,decisive 89
deception,description,deceptive,descriptive 89
deep,deeply 90
deduction,induction 90
defective,deficient 91
deer,dear 91
delegate,delegation 92
definite,definitive 92
desert,deserted,dessert 93
deprecate,depreciate 93
despite,despise 94
desirable,desirous 94
die of,die from,die with,die by 95
didn't need to do,needn't have done 95
differ from,differ with 96
direct,directly 97
disinterested,uninterested 98
disclose,enclose 98
distrust,mistrust 99
dislike,unlike 99
do sb.good,do good to sb. 100
do one's(some,etc.)v-ing,do the v-ing 100
do with,have done with,have...to do with 101
do so,do it,do that 101
do wrong,do sb.wrong 102
double,doubt 103
draft,draught 104
dove,dived 104
doubtlessly,undoubtedly 104
drink one's health,drink to one's health 105
draw a line,draw the line 105
dumb,dump 106
drunk,drunken 106
drop by,drop in,drop over 106
each other,one another 108
E 108
earthly,earthy 109
early and late,early or late 109
ear,ears 109
eatable,edible 110
east,eastern 110
effective,effectual,efficacious,efficient 111
economic,economical 111
elder,eldest;older,oldest 112
egoism,egotism 112
electric,electrical 113
emergence,emergency 114
emerge,immerge 114
elicit,illicit 114
eminent,immanent,imminent 115
eminence,imminence 115
emigrant,immigrant,migrant 115
English,the English 116
endorse,indorse 116
eruption,irrupotion 117
enviable,envious 117
entrust,distrust 117
especial,special,particular 118
even if,even though,though 119
especially,specially,particu-larly 119
everyone,every one 120
everyday,every day 120
every time,each time 121
every two days,every second day,every other day 121
except,except for,except that 122
exceedingly,excessively 122
excited,exciting 123
eye,eyes 124
expert in,expert at 124
fair,fairly 126
F 126
familiar to,familiar with 127
fall ill,be ill 127
far away,faraway,far and away 128
famous as,famous for 128
farther,further 129
far from,from far 129
few,a few 130
feed on,feed with 130
fill,full 131
fight against,fight with 131
fiance,fiancee 132
flaunt,flout 133
first,firstly 133
firm,firmly 133
flush,blush 134
flour,flower 134
flight,fright 134
for/with joy,to one's joy/ 135
for a moment,for the moment 135
for sale,on sale 136
for oneself,beside oneself 136
forgettable,forgetful 137
forget to do,forget doing 137
forceful,forcible 137
found,founded 138
formally,formerly 138
fork,folk 138
friendly,friendless 139
fresh,flesh 139
genius,genus 141
gain,grain 141
G 141
give one's hand to sb.,give(sb.)a hand 142
gigantic,titanic 142
genteel,gentile 142
glass,grass 143
give sb.a sack,give sb.the sack 143
give sb.a push,give sb.the push 143
go on to do,go on doing 144
go far,go too far 144
glaze,graze 144
glow,grow 144
go to sea,go to the sea 145
go round,go the round(s) 145
gold,golden 146
go to rest,go to one's rest 146
grasp,grip 147
grand,grant 147
grey,gray 148
greenhouse,green house 148
grateful,gratified 148
guess,guest 149
grudge,begrudge 149
half a,a half 151
hair,hare,hire,heir 151
H 151
hand up,hands up 152
hand in hand,hand to hand 152
half an apple,half of an apple 152
hard,hardly 153
hanged,hung 153
have been to,have gone to 154
have word,have a word/a few words with,have words(with)/ 154
hateful,hatable 154
have come,be come 155
healthful,healthy 156
headway,headward 156
hearted,hearty 157
hear of/about,hear from/ 157
historic,historical 158
high,highly 158
how about,what about 159
hold up,uphold 159
however,how ever 160
how soon,how often,how long 160
human,humane 161
if only,only if 162
I 162
illumine,illuminate 163
illegal,illegible,ineligible 163
immense,immerse 164
imaginable,imaginary,imagina-tive 164
implement,implementation 165
immunity,impunity 165
in a family way,in the family way 166
in a/the crowd,in crowds/ 166
improve in,improve on/upon/ 166
in a way,in one's way,in the way 167
in a hole,in the hole,in holes 167
in all,all in,all in all 168
in advance,on the advance 168
in behalf of,on behalf of 169
in case,in case of,in the case of 170
in bloom,in blossom 170
in character,in character of 171
in condition,in a condition 172
in charge of,in the charge of 172
in extremes,in the extreme 173
in demand,on demand 173
in future,in the future 174
in front of,in the front of 174
in fashion,in the fashion,in a fashion 174
in issue,in the issue 175
in hospital,in the hospital 175
ingenious,ingenuous 175
in number,in numbers 176
in nature,in sb.'s nature,by nature 176
in open,in the open 177
in one's last moments,at the last moment 177
in one,in ones 177
in order to,so as to(so...as to) 178
in part,in parts 179
in place,in places,in place of 180
in person,in the person of 180
in possession of,in the posses-sion of 181
in point,in point of,on the point of 181
in safety,with safety 182
in receipt of,on receipt of 182
in red,in the red 182
in/within sight,in/within sight of,at/on sight,at/on the sight of/ 183
in secret,in the secret 183
in search of,in search for 183
in stock,in store 184
in spirit,in spirits 184
in the back,on the back 185
in the air,on the air 185
in temper,in a temper 185
in the distance,at a distance 186
in the capacity of,a capacity of,a capacity for 186
in the field(s),on the field 187
in the eyes of,in the eye of 187
in the east(of),to the east(of),on the east(of) 187
in the street,on the street 188
in the morning,on the morning 188
in a/the tree,in trees;on a/the tree,on trees/ 189
in the sun,under the sun 189
in the way,on the way 190
in the wall,on the wall 190
in time,on time 191
in the world,for(all)the world 191
in town,on the town 192
in top,on top 192
in view of,with a view to,with a/the view of/ 193
in trade,in the trade 193
incomplete,uncompleted 194
in words,in other words;in word,in a word 194
index,indices 195
incredible,incredulous 195
ingenious,ingenuous 196
informed,informative 196
industrial,industrious 196
instead,instead of 197
inquire,enquire 197
interested,interesting 198
intelligible,intelligent 198
interfere in,interfere with 199
interpret,interrupt 200
its,it's 201
isn't,is not 201
judge,adjudge 202
jewel,jewelry 202
J 202
jar,jaw 202
just,justly 203
judicial,judicious 203
just now,right now 204
just not,not just 204
keep house,keep the house,keep one's house 206
keep doing,keep on doing 206
K 206
kind,kindly 207
keep silence,keep silent 207
known to,known by 208
know of,know about,know from 208
last,latest 209
L 209
later,latter 210
last time,the last time 210
laugh,laughter 211
lend,loan 212
lay,lie 212
less,lesser 213
liable,likely 214
let's,let us 214
life,lives 215
lit,lighted 216
like to do,like doing 216
lifelong,livelong 216
little,a ittle 217
look around,look about/round/ 218
logic,logical 218
live by,live on/upon/ 218
loose,loosen 219
look at,glare at,stare at 219
lose,loss 220
loyal,royal 221
lovely,loving,lovable 221
luxuriant,luxurious 222
machine,machinery 223
make of,make from,make out of 223
marine,maritime 224
marital,maritial 224
marry,be married 225
market,marketplace 225
masterful,masterly 226
matter,the matter 227
may well,may/might(just)as well,may/might as well...as/ 228
maybe,may be 229
mean,means 229
melted,molten 230
middle,midst 230
mean to do,mean doing 230
mistake,mistaken 231
modal,model 232
more or less,less or more 233
M 233
more than,more...than 234
most,almost 235
morality,mortality 235
move,remove 236
much too,too much 237
near,nearby,nearly 239
name after,name for 239
N 239
negligent,negligible 241
need do,need to do 241
next,the next 242
nevertheless,nonetheless,none the less 242
no less than,not less than 244
no better than,not better than 244
night after night,night by night 244
no longer,not...any longer 245
no little,not a little 245
no more,not...any more 246
none,no one 247
no more than,not more than 247
not in the least,not the least,not least 248
not a bit,not a little 248
not...till/until,not...before/ 249
not...or,nor...or 249
note,notice 250
of age,under age,of an age 251
odd,odds 251
O 251
of use,(of)no use 252
of one accord,of one's own accord 252
official,officious 253
officia,officer 253
on board,on the boards 254
O.K.,okay 254
on fire,on the fire,at the fire,in the fire 255
on earth,on the earth,in the earth 255
on business,in business 255
on no account,of no account 256
on one side,on one's side,etc. 257
on occasion,on the accasion of 257
once again,once and again 258
on Sunday,on the Sunday 258
one...another,one...the other,the one...the other 259
one after another,one after the other 259
one's own,of one's own,on one's own 260
others,the others 261
ordiance,ordnance 261
onto,on to 261
overflow,overfly 262
out of question,out of the ques-tion 262
part from,part with 264
pant,pants 264
P 264
pass by,pass through 265
partially,partly 265
passed,past 266
pay for,pay off 267
patronise,patronize 267
peasant,peasantry 268
peaceful,peaceable 268
per cent,percentage 269
pennies,pence 269
persecute,prosecute 270
perpetrate,perpetuate 270
perspective,prospective 271
personal,personnel 271
piece,pierce 272
pest,pester 272
perspicacity,perspicuity 272
plain,plane 273
play a game,play the game 274
plant,planet 274
plenty,plenty of 275
play a trick on,pay tricks with 275
possess,process 276
politic,political 276
possible,probable 277
practicable,practical 278
powder,power 278
present,pleasant 279
precede,proceed 279
price,prize 280
preventive,preventable 280
principle,principal 281
prophecy,prophesy 282
proof,roof 282
prescribe,proscribe 282
proved,proven 283
protect,protest 283
put on,put upon 284
provided,providing 284
quarrel about,quarrel with 286
Q 286
quiet,quite 287
quarter,a quarter 287
quite a few,quite a little 288
rare,rarely 289
R 289
recollect,re-collect 290
receipt,recipe 290
rather a ,a rather 290
remains,remainder 291
regrettable,regretful 291
regret to do,regret doing 291
remember to do,remember doing 292
research,re-search 293
require sb.to do,require doing 293
respectable,respectful,respec-tive 294
reserve,preserve 294
result in,result from 295
responsible,responsive 295
right along,right away 296
revolution,evolution 296
retreat,retract 296
rotted,rotten 297
rob,robe 297
satisfied,satisfactory 299
safe,safely 299
S 299
scant,scanty 300
say to oneself,talk to oneself 300
seize,size 301
seasonal,seasonable 301
scrap,scrape 301
sensible,sensitive 302
seminar,seminary 302
sew,sow 303
sensual,sensuous 303
sham,shame 304
sit,seat 304
sigh,sign 305
shrunk,shrunken 305
shoot,shot,short 305
ski,skid 306
single,singular 306
slow,slowly 307
so do I,so I do 308
so far,so far as 309
so so,so and so 310
so long as,as long as 310
so that,so...that 311
socia,sociable 312
someplace,some place 313
someone,some one 313
sole,soul 313
sometime,some time,some-times 314
spend on,spend in 315
speciality,specialty 315
spoon,spoonful 316
spit,spite 316
stationary,stationery 317
stair,stare 317
spotty,spotted 317
staunch,stanch 318
statue,stature,status 318
stop to do,stop doing 319
stimulant,stimulus 319
stee,steal 319
straightway,straightforward 320
storey,story 320
successful,successive 321
strapped,strapping 321
such as,such as...to,such...as,such...that 322
suggestible,suggestive 323
sure,surely 324
sunk,sunken 324
summon,summons 324
sure of,sure to,sure that 325
surprised,surprising 326
sweat,sweet 327
take a turn,take turns 328
take a fancy to,take the fancy of 328
T 328
take form,take the form of 329
take advantage of sth.,take advantage of sb. 329
take the road,take to the road 330
take place,take the place of 330
talk about,talk of,talk over 331
take wing,take(to itself) wings 331
terrific,terrible 332
tend,attend 332
the best part of,the better part of,the greater part of 333
thankfu,thankworthy 333
thank you for,thank you to 333
the same as,the same that 334
the reason that,the reason why 334
till,until 335
therefor,therefore 335
time,times 336
tired,tiring,tiresome 337
too...to,only too...to 338
to blame,to be blamed 338
transient,transitory 339
tramp,trample 339
toward,towards 339
try to do,try doing 340
try one's best,do one's best 340
treasure,treasury 340
twenty more,more than twenty 341
turn over a leaf,turn over a new leaf 341
underneath,beneath 342
uncomfortable,discomfortable 342
U 342
unqualified,disqualified 343
unorganized,disorganized 343
unmoral,immoral 343
upward,upwards 344
used to,be used to 345
valuable,valued 346
vacation,vocation,avocation 346
V 346
vibrant,vibration 347
variance,variation 347
waive,wave 348
waist,waste 348
W 348
welcome,welcomed 349
warm,worm 349
west,western 350
with a pencil,in(a)pencil 351
what's wrong,what's the matter 352
with a view to,with a/the view of/ 352
when,while 353
whisky,whiskey 354
win,win over 355
whose,who's 355
worry about,be worried about 356
with chid,with a child 356
worth,worthy 357
worthless,unworthy 358
wrong,wrongly 359
wreath,wreathe 359
yet,as yet 361
year-round,the year round 361
Y 361
young,youthful 362
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