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生物化学  供医学各专业本科生、留学生、长学制、研究生用
生物化学  供医学各专业本科生、留学生、长学制、研究生用

生物化学 供医学各专业本科生、留学生、长学制、研究生用PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)费里尔(DENISER.FERRIER)编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学医学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787565906183
  • 页数:552 页
图书介绍:Lippincott’s illustrated reviews 系列之一。图文并茂,简明扼要。章节符合国内教学顺序。厚薄适中。第五版出书时间为2012年7月。第五版翻印版由科学出版社于2011年6月出版。全书分为六个部分,涵盖了生物化学的最主要内容,包括蛋白质、酶的结构和功能,生物能学与氧化磷酸化,糖、脂和氮的代谢,代谢整合,遗传信息的贮存与表达。
《生物化学 供医学各专业本科生、留学生、长学制、研究生用》目录

UNIT Ⅰ:Protein Structure and Function 1

Chapter 1:Amino Acids 1

Chapter 2:Structure of Proteins 13

Chapter 3:Globular Proteins 25

Chapter 4:Fibrous Proteins 43

Chapter 5:Enzymes 53

UNIT Ⅱ:Bioenergetics and Carbohydrate Metabolism 69

Chapter 6:Bioenergetics and Oxidative Phosphorylation 69

Chapter 7:Introduction to Carbohydrates 83

Chapter 8:Introduction to Metabolism and Glycolysis 91

Chapter 9:Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle and Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex 109

Chapter 10:Gluconeogenesis 117

Chapter 11:Glycogen Metabolism 125

Chapter 12:Metabolism of Monosaccharides and Disaccharides 137

Chapter 13:Pentose Phosphate Pathway and Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate 145

Chapter 14:Glycosaminoglycans,Proteoglycans,and Glycoproteins 157

UNIT Ⅲ:Lipid Metabolism 173

Chapter 15:Dietary Lipids Metabolism 173

Chapter 16:Fatty Acid,Ketone Body,and Triacylglycerol Metabolism 181

Chapter 17:Phospholipid,Glycosphingolipid,and Eicosanoid Metabolism 201

Chapter 18:Cholesterol,Lipoprotein,and Steroid Metabolism 219

UNIT Ⅳ:Nitrogen Metabolism 245

Chapter 19:Amino Acids:Disposal of Nitrogen 245

Chapter 20:Amino Acid Degradation and Synthesis 261

Chapter 21:Conversion of Amino Acids to Specialized Products 277

Chapter 22:Nucleotide Metabolism 291

UNIT Ⅴ:Integration of Metabolism 307

Chapter 23:Metabolic Effects of Insulin and Glucagon 307

Chapter 24:The Feed-Fast Cycle 321

Chapter 25:Diabetes Mellitus 337

Chapter 26:Obesity 349

Chapter 27:Nutrition 357

Chapter 28:Vitamins 373

UNIT Ⅵ:Storage and Expression of Genetic Information 395

Chapter 29:DNA Structure,Replication,and Repair 395

Chapter 30:RNA Structure,Synthesis,and Processing 417

Chapter 31:Protein Synthesis 431

Chapter 32:Regulation of Gene Expression 449

Chapter 33:Biotechnology and Human Disease 465

Appendix:Clinical Cases 489

Index 522
