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第一届教学法国际学术研讨会论文集  英文版
第一届教学法国际学术研讨会论文集  英文版

第一届教学法国际学术研讨会论文集 英文版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:陈以一,(芬)雷瓦拉(MARTTIRAEVAARA)主编
  • 出 版 社:上海:同济大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2013
  • ISBN:9787560853314
  • 页数:363 页
《第一届教学法国际学术研讨会论文集 英文版》目录

Professional Competency Formation Potential of an Academic Subject in Engineering Education:An Account of Stake-Holders'Requirements in Foreign Language Teaching&Andrei N. Kuznetsov 1

Foreign Language Teacher Qualities:Challenges of Intercultural Computer-Mediated Training&Andrei N. Kuznetsov,Ekaterina N. Shchaveleva 5

TOOT Pedagogics—Triple Helix Based Method to Boost Teaching,Learning and Research Performance&Ari Laitala,Pasi Laitala 10

Designing a Teacher Development Programme on Assessment Based on the Results of Experienced Teachers'Survey&Elena Prilipko 14

On the Issue of Possible Ways to Develop the Innovativeness of College Students&Bykova Evgenia Sergeevna 17

Face-to-face Versus Screen-to-screen Teaching:Interactive Multimedia Methods in Teaching Linguistic Theory&Julia Bogatikova 19

Professional Linguadidactics&Krupchenko Anna 23

International and Inter-university Pedagogical Courses:Reflecting on Two Years of Chinese-Finnish Collaboration&Kirsi Kettula,Antti Ainamo,Maija Lampinen,Fan Fei and Jiang Dan 26

Pedagogical Challenges in the Digital Age&Ma Mingyan,Liao Liping 30

Scientific and Research Competence of the Specialists and its Perfection in the Further Professional Education&Nonna Morozova 33

An Online Dialog with Past and Present&Sari Kivim?ki,Anu Koponen 37

On Recitation Language Input Strategy from the Memetics Perspective&Chen Yuhong 40

A Case Study on Cooperative Education in Southeast University&Cui Jun 44

Teacher's Intercultural Competence and Teaching Strategies in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language&Huang Hong 50

A Project-Driven Approach for the Digital Signal Processing Course&He Lingsong,Tan Qiong 54

University Students'Perceptions of Multimedia Use in the English Language Classroom&Li Qiong 57

A Closed-loop Architecture Based on Knowledge Management for Fundamental of Computer Technology&Li Chisong,Li Zhanchun and Jiang Ming 61

Comparative Study on the New Energy Training Programme for Undergraduate at Home and Abroad&Liu Yang,Yi Hui and Cai Shunkang 65

Cross-Cultural Communication:Internationalization and Localization of Higher Education&Tian Hongjie,Liu Hongxia 67

Divergence or Convergence:Comprising Dutch and Chinese Research-university Teachers'Cross-cultural Teaching Experience&Wu Wei 69

Innovative Teaching Method in Landscape Course Design Project—Design Survey Based on Environmentai Behavior Theories&Wang Xia,Shen Yi and Wang Yuanyuan 75

On Teaching Architecture to Undergraduates&Xie Dan 79

Practice and Thinking About Teaching Ability of University Teachers&Xing Lihong,Wei Xin 82

Brief Introduction to College Classroom Control&Zhang Yinying 86

A Note on the Combination of Academic Research and Teaching in Research-oriented Universities&Zhou Ping 88

On Multi-mode Reformation of Graduation Projects of Traffic Engineering Under the Excellent Engineers Education Mechanism&Bai Yu,Wu Jiaorong 92

English-Taught General Education Courses in Mainland Chinese Universities:the Present and the Future&Cheng Yu,Lu Peiming 95

Lecturing Mathematical Modeling for Engineer Students&Chen Xiongda 99

Applications of Teaching Process Supervision Website&Cong Peisheng,Zhu Zhongliang 102

Teaching Art Students in English in China:A Challenging Task and a Rewarding Undertaking&Liu Zhejun 105

The Course Research of ERP Training Based on Constructivism Theory&Li Qinfang,Wu Bing 110

Impacts of Globalization on China's MBA Education—A Case Study of the Global MBA Program Offered by Tongji University&Li Yibin 113

Problem-Based Learning in Chinese University Teaching:A Student Perspective&Li Tongji,Remy Rikers 117

A Research on Sport Education Model in the Teaching of College Optional Swimming Class&Li Ruijie,You Songhui,Wang Lejun 121

Teaching an Engineering Course in Multi-Culture Environment&Liu Fang,Zhong Guihui and Craig Taylor 124

Coaching the Intangible—From a Design Educator's Perspective&Liu Zhenyuan 128

Teaching Practice and Reform of Steel Structure Course Design&Liu Shenru,Zhang Qilin,Luo Xiaoqun,Wu Minger,Li Yuanqi and Yang Bin 132

A Study of the Project-oriented Learning Model for Post-graduates of Architecture in DIY Scientific Research&Liu Yige,Wang Fangji 137

Advanced Experimental Techniques in Structural Engineering—A Model Course in Tongji University's Civil Engineering Program&Dai Kaoshan,Lu Wengsheng,Girma Bitsuamlak,Shane Johnson,Ashraf El Damatty 142

Meaningful Environmental Design Studio—How to Keep Students Focused on Sustainability Issues During Studio Projects&Pius Leuba Dit Galland,Zhu Xiaocun 146

The Environmental Specimen Bank Volunteer Group:A Combination of Scientific Research and Social Practice&Qiu Yanling,Zhou Yihui,Zhao Jianfu 150

Comprehensive and Design-oriented Laboratory Courses for Biotechnology Students&Qian Jie,Fang Jianmin and Chen Zhihong 154

Play and Stay in Physical Education&Shen Jiali,Gao Wenqian 158

On the Teaching Method for Professional Courses in Electronic Engineering—A Case Study of the Course"Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics"&Tong Meisong 162

Student-centered Bilingual Teaching of Fundamental Mechanics to Engineering Major&Wu Aihui,Wang Binyao and Wei Lin 167

Integrated Course Design and Classroom Discussions Approaches in Developing Teaching and Learning Skills&Wang Xiaobo 171

Exploring the Application of Simulation Teaching on the Understanding Practicing of Water Supply and Drainage Specialty&Xing Meiyan,Shi Pengfei,Wu Min and Yang Jian 176

An Empirical Study on Having Business College Alumni Participate in Teaching Activities—The Case of School of Economics and Management,Tongji University&Zhou Xianghong,Sun Changling and Fang Yufeng 179

A Communication-action Orientated Approach in Foreign Language Teaching&Zhu Zhenyun 184

Oral Academic Presentation(OAP)Training for Chinese Ph.D.Candidates&Zhang Jingtian,Song Ying,Sun Qi and Ma Weina 187

Building a Comprehensive Laboratory System in Higher Engineering Education&Zhou Jing,Guo Aihuang 191

The Cultivation of Outstanding Transportation Engineers:AALTO University's Pedagogical Innovation&Cong Lin,Zhao Hongduo and Sun Lijun 195

Connotation,Theoretical Basis and Application Effect of"Task-oriented"Teaching Method&Chen Yongfang,Li Xiaoyuan 199

Development and Application of a Universal Embedded System Simulation Software&Chen Yao,Lu Jie,Lu Hua and Zhu Sai 202

Improving EFL Learners'Oral Communication Proficiency Through Listening-Speaking Integration in a Transactional Talk Setting:A New Approach&Dai Jin 207

Methods to Activate Students'Learning in Teaching Digital Electronics&Fang Chunhua 211

Designing the Sino-Finnish Pedagogical Program—A New Interdisciplinary and Multicultural Collaboration of Higher Education&Fan Fei 213

Leaner-Centered Cultivation of Intercultural Competence—The Case of Teaching College German&Ge Yan 218

Organizing Effective Seminars in Courses Delivered All in English&Guo Ying 222

A Methodology for Long-distance Intercultural High Education:Design-Thinking Learning&Gao Bo,Jürg Neuenschwander,Bader Barbara 225

Research on a Situated Teaching Model in Oral Interpretation&Gong Huaping,Song Jianfei 230

Application of Finnish Learning Methods on the Teaching of Comprehensive Experiments of Modern Biology&Gu Hua,Kang Jiuhong 234

The Influence of the Baroque Music on Learning Efficiency from the Perspective of EEG Analysis&Gu Rong,Wang Jingjing and Li Jie 237

Integrating Teaching,Learning and Doing:A Case Study of Education in Environmental Informatics&Guo Ru 242

Study on Problem-Oriented Teaching of Applied Liberal Arts—Based on Innovative Practice Course of School-enterprise Cooperation&Huang Song 244

Learning from International Advertising Education Concept—Research and Discussion on Advertising Teaching Method in Chinese Universities and Colleges&Huang Meiqin 249

From Planning a Course to Creating a Learning Environment—The conception and mode of outstanding talent's cultivation&Hu Jing 253

On the Anti-hierarchical Questioning Method&Han Zhigang 256

Fostering Better Presentational Skills Among EFL Learners From a Critical Thinking Perspective&Ji Hongwei,Wang Huan 258

Interesting Open Experiment in Teaching Application&Ju Lei,Zhang Qiyuan,Wang Hua,Zhu Zhongliang,Cong Peisheng 263

Research on Practical Teaching Mode of Construction Machinery Specialized Courses&Li Anhu 266

Reciprocal Learning Strategy in the Computer Assisted Language Learning Environment&Liu An,Bu Yuhua,Ji Hongwei,Wang Huan 268

Guided-group-discussion-based Active Learning:A Case Study of Traffic Control Methods and Practice Course&Ma Wanjing,Wu Bing,Li Linbo 274

Between Heads and Hands&Mei Qing 278

Application of 7 Wh-words in English Composition Teaching&Qian Yang 282

On Teaching the Course Sociology of Disaster to Students of Civil Engineering Featuring a Social View on Disaster&Ren Xiaosong,Lyu Yifan 286

Evaluation and Experience of UIUC Intensive Program for Teaching in English Sponsored by Tongji University&Su Dan 289

Ecological Instruction:Getting Interactive Classroom in Landscape Planning and Design Studio&Wang Min,Cui Qianli 292

Significance and Inspiration of Academic Competitions to Innovation Talent Cultivation&Wan Guochun,Tong Meisong,Lu Dongjie,Wan Yudong 297

Subjectivity Deficiencies in Teaching College Courses on Humanities and Social Sciences in English/English-Chinese&Wang Chuanxing 300

Promoting Assessment Literacy Among Chinese College English Teachers&Wang Hua 303

How to Make Students More Able&Wang Jun 307

The Design of Probability and Statistics Experimental Course&Wang Yongzhi,Hua Hong 310

Discussion of Microwave Engineering Teaching—A Teaching Aids Smith Chart System&Wu Xia,Guo Aihuang 314

On Learner-oriented Course Design of Public Speaking in Lowering the Foreign Language Anxiety of Chinese Non-English Majors&Wang Jie 317

A Research on Problem-based Assignment in"Public Economics"Course&Xu Jie 322

Effective Organization of Graduation Project Guided under the Coalition of University and Enterprise:Case Analysis&Yu Hang,Liu Fang 325

The Setting and Teaching Methods of Bilingual or English-only Intellectual Property Law Courses in China:An Example from Tongj i Law School&Zhang Taolue,Zhang Weijun 328

Developing Planning Students'Creativity by Teaching Multi-agent Simulation&Zhu Wei 333

On the Method Study of the Practice Teaching of the Fine Arts General Education Courses in University—A Case Study of Piano Studio Class&Zhang Chi,Wu Li Hanna 337

Construction of Academic Writing Curriculum for Postgraduates&Zhang Jingtian,Song Ying,Li Yuxiang and Xu Tao 340

A Review of College Digital Electronic Technology Education&Zhang Xiurong 344

The Construction of Teaching Mode Based on"Excellent Engineer Training Program"—A Case Stud Based on Physical Geography and Geomorphology&Zhao Jing 346

University Students'Pedagogical Preferences in China—an Empirical Study Based on Questionnaire Survey&Zhang Shujie,Li Siwei 349

Teaching Reform and Practice of Bioinformatics Aimed at Training Innovative Talents&Zhang Xiaoyan 353

Touch the Culture with Your Hand and Mind—Teaching Reform and Exploration of the Course"Chinese Traditional Furniture and Its Culture"&Zuo Yan 357

Theory and Practice:Method for Quickly Evaluating the Spectroscopic Experiment&Zhu Zhongliang,Cong Peisheng 360
