语言学范畴研究丛书 声调 TonePDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:Moira Yip著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7301079923
- 页数:341 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 What is a tone language? 1
1.2 How is tone produced? 5
1.3 The structure of the grammar:Phonetics and phonology 10
1.4 Theplace ofphonologyinthelargergrammar 12
1.5 The organization ofthis book 14
2 Contrastive tone 17
2.1 Which languages are tonal? 17
2.2 Tohalnotations 18
2.3 Field-work issues 21
2.4 Contrasting level tones 24
2.5 Location,number and types of rising and falling tones 27
2.6 Tone and vowel quality 31
2.7 Consonant types and tone 33
2.8 Tonogenesis:the birth of tones 35
3 Tonal features 39
3.1 Desiderataforafeature system 39
3.2 Numbers of level tones 42
3.3 Contours 47
3.4 Feature geometry 52
3.5 Relationship to laryngeal features 56
3.6 Binarity,markedness,and underspecification 61
4 The autosegmental nature of tone,and its analysis in Optimality Theory 65
4.1 Characteristics of tone 66
4.2 Autosegmental representations 72
4.3 The bare bones of Optimality Theory 77
4.4 An OT treatment of the central properties of tone 82
4.5 Tonal behaviour and its OT treatment 84
4.6 Some Bantu phenomena in OT 89
4.7 Initial left-to-right association 93
4.8 Extrametricality 96
4.9 Relation between tone and stress 97
4.10 The Obligatory Contour Principle 99
5 Tone in morphology and in syntax 105
5.1 Morphology 106
5.2 Syntax 113
5.3 Summary 129
6 African languages 130
6.1 Classification 130
6.2 Common or striking characteristics of African tone languages 130
6.3 An extended example:Igbo 162
7 Asian and Pacific languages 171
7.1 Cantonese Chinese 174
7.2 Mandarin Chinese 178
7.3 Wu Chinese 185
7.4 Min Chinese 189
7.5 Types of tonal changes found in Chinese 195
7.6 Tibeto-Burman 196
7.7 Austro-Tai 202
7.8 Mon-Khmer 206
7.9 A coda 208
8 The Americas 212
8.1 Central America 212
8.2 North America 238
8.3 South America 246
9 Tone,stress,accent,and intonation 255
9.1 Introduction 255
9.2 Tone assignment in stress languages 257
9.3 Accentual languages 258
9.4 Intonation as phrasal-level tones:a reminder of prosodic hierarchy 260
9.5 An OT account of Roermond Dutch 279
9.6 Phrasing,speech rate,stylistics 283
9.7 Conclusion 288
10 Perception and acquisition of tone 289
10.1 Adult tone perception 289
10.2 First-language acquisition 295
10.3 Second-language acquisition 309
Bibliography 311
Author index 335
Subject index 339
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