激光快速成型骨支架进展 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:帅词俊等著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787030420077
- 页数:318 页
Chapter 1 Hydroxyapatite-Based Bone Scaffolds 1
1.1 Structural Design and Experimental Analysis of a Selective Laser Sintering System with Nano-Hydroxyapatite Powder 2
1.2 Structure and Properties of Nano-Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering with Selective Laser Sintering System 8
1.3 The Microstructure Evolution of Nano-Hydroxyapatite Powder Sintered for Bone Tissue Engineering 21
1.4 Fabrication Optimization of Nano-Hydroxyapatite Artificial Bone Scaffolds 32
1.5 Grain Growth Associates Mechanical Properties in Nano-Hydroxyapatite Bone Scaffolds 43
1.6 Simulation of Dynamic Temperature Field during Selective Laser Sintering of Ceramic Powder 51
1.7 Poly(L-lactide acid)Improves complete Nano-Hydroxyapatite Bone Scaffolds through the Microstructure Rearrangement 59
1.8 Processing and Characterization of Laser Sintered Hydroxyapatite Scaffold for Tissue Engineering 71
References 80
Chapter 2 Tricalcium Phosphate-Based Bone Scaffolds 91
2.1 Correlation between Properties and Microstructure of Laser Sintered Porous β-Tricalcium Phosphate Bone Scaffolds 92
2.2 Analysis of Transient Temperature Distribution in Selective Laser Sintering of β-Tricalcium Phosphate 106
2.3 Inhibition of Phase Transformation from β-to α-Tricalcium Phosphate with Addition of Poly(L-lactic acid)in Selective Laser Sintering 113
2.4 Mechanical Properties Improvement of Tricalcium Phosphate Scaffold with Poly(L-lactic acid)in Selective Laser Sintering 122
2.5 In vitro Bioactivity and Degradability of β-Tricalcium Phosphate Porous Scaffolds Fabricated via Selective Laser Sintering 133
2.6 Characterization of Mechanical and Biological Properties of 3-D Scaffolds Reinforced with Zinc Oxide for Bone Tissue Engineering 144
2.7 Nano-Hydroxyapatite Improves the Properties of β-tricalcium Phosphate Bone Scaffolds 160
References 171
Chapter 3 Biodegradable Polymer-Based Bone Scaffolds 188
3.1 Fabrication of Porous Polyvinyl Alcohol Scaffold for Bone Tissue Engineering via Selective Laser Sintering 188
3.2 Development of Complex Porous Polyvinyl Alcohol Scaffolds: Microstructure.Mechanical and Biological Evaluations 198
3.3 Preparation of Complex Porous Scaffolds via Selective Laser Sintering of Poly vinyl Alcohoi/Calcium Silicate 206
3.4 Development of Composite Porous Scaffolds Based on Poly(Lactideco-Glycolide)/Nano-Hydroxyapatite via Selective Laser Sintering 214
References 223
Chapter 4 Bioactive Glass-Based Bone Scaffolds 231
4.1 Fabrication and Characterization of Porous 45S5 Glass Scaffolds via Direct Selective Laser Sintering 231
4.2 Enhancement Mechanisms of Graphene in Nano-58S Bioactive Glass Scaffold:Mechanical and Biological Performance 239
References 254
Chapter 5 Other Bone Scaffolds 259
5.1 Fabrication and Characterization of Calcium Silicate Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering 259
5.2 Graphene-Reinforced Mechanical Properties of Calcium Silicate Scaffolds by Laser Sintering 270
5.3 Enhanced Sintering Ability of Biphasic Calcium Phosphate by Polymers Used for Bone Scaffold Fabrication 280
5.4 Optimization of TCP/HAP Ratio for Better Properties of Calcium Phosphate Scaffold via Selective Laser Sintering 294
5.5 Novel Forsterite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering:Selective Laser Sintering Fabrication and Characterization 303
References 310
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