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中学生英汉对照小读物  幽默故事  2  英汉对照
中学生英汉对照小读物  幽默故事  2  英汉对照

中学生英汉对照小读物 幽默故事 2 英汉对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:《中学生英汉对照小读物》委员会编
  • 出 版 社:北京:民主与建设出版社
  • 出版年份:1995
  • ISBN:7801120353
  • 页数:95 页
《中学生英汉对照小读物 幽默故事 2 英汉对照》目录

Small Frying Pan 1

我的锅小 1

Send Some Men to the Sun 2

把人送向太阳 3

The Castle Is Too Near the Railway 3

城堡离铁路太近 4

A Muddleheaded Offcial Judges a Case 5

湖涂官判糊涂案 6

Sour Wine 7

酸酒 7

I Haven't Got A Dog 7

我并没有养狗 8

"He's Going to Now" 9

“他现在准备这样做了” 9

A Miracle 10

一个奇迹 11

Unlucky Words 11

不吉利话 12

Nourishing the Lungs 12

润肺 13

At the Barber's 13

在理发店里 14

Did That Take You An Hour? 14

这花了你一个小时吗? 15

"You Are Looking For A TV Set" 16

“你正寻找一台电视机” 16

Vomiting After Getting Drunk 17

醉呕 17

Undeserved Reputation 18

徒言楼高 18

I Don't Like Saying"No"All the Time 19

我不喜欢老是说“不” 20

I Don't Want to Send Him 20

我不想让他走 21

A Lazy Woman 22

懒女人 22

Unwilling to Lose Even One Hair 23

一毛不拔 23

It's Rain Very Hard 24

下起了暴雨 24

Before the Trouble Starts 25

麻烦出现之前 25

Same Appearance 26

嘴脸全象 27

Stealing a Sheep 27

偷羊 28

Buy A Mouse-Trap 28

买老鼠笼子 29

Fight A Duel 29

决斗 30

Ten Pence 31

10个便士 32

Hot-Tempered Mu Ning 32

暴烈的穆宁 33

A Boasting Competition 33

比吹牛皮 34

I Pay For You 34

我给你们发工资 35

How I Get Up the Stars 36

我怎么到星星上来了 37

In the Restaurant 37

在饭馆里 38

Supply 39

提供 39

Brothers Good at Telling Lies 40

撒谎兄弟 41

"Beat Me Half to Death" 42

“打个半死” 42

To Gains Five Kilograms A Day 43

一天就长5千克 44

Many Files 44

文件太多 45

Putting the Mosquito Dispelling Charm in the Wrong Place 46

驱蚊符贴得不对 46

Pedantry 47

书生误事 47

I Call Him Tom 48

我叫它汤姆 48

A Clerk 49

办事员 49

The Thin Skin of the Head 50

头皮簿 50

Not a Vegetarian 51

不吃素 51

Like A Gentleman 51

有教养 52

An Umbrella 53

雨伞 53

Eternal-Youth Wine 54

不死酒 54

Joint Brewery 55

合本做酒 55

Lights Were Red 56

红灯 56

Changed to tyre 57

换轮胎 57

The Confucian Moralist 58

道学先生 58

A Miser 59

吝啬鬼 59

You Must Be Strict with Children 60

你必须对孩子要求严格 60

I Save Two Pence Less 61

我少省了两便士 62

For Love or for Money? 62

为爱还是为财? 63

Buying Shoes 63

买鞋 64

Real Skill 64

真本事 65

A Bad King 65

昏君 66

The Browns 67

布朗父子 68

Thirty Percent For Composition and Seventy Percent for Recitation 69

三分诗,七分读 70

More Justice 70

有理 71

A Naughty and Clever Boy 71

一个淘气而又聪明的男孩 72

What Left Behind? 72

留下了什么? 73

Born in the Year of the boa 74

属蟒 74

Write a Letter 75

写信 75

A Foolish Young Man 76

一个愚蠢的年轻人 77

A Small Talk About Monkeys 77

谈猴 78

Stealing a Rope 78

偷绳 79

Answer To Two Questions 79

回答两个问题 80

Christmas Cards 80

圣诞卡 81

The Dumb Can Speak 82

“哑巴”说话 82

Key to Mending Shoes 83

补鞋窍门 83

An Important Telephone 84

一个重要的电话 85

Wake Me up at Seven 85

七点叫醒我 86

A Baby Born Within Seven Months 87

七月儿 87

Razing the Ground 87

刮地皮 88

I Have Stopped Drinking Beer 88

我已经戒酒了 89

He Fought with the Fork 90

他与叉子干仗 90

Hellen's Eyes Were Not Good 91

海伦的视力不好 91

The Coolest Place 92

最凉快的地方 93

Born in the Year of the Ox 93

属牛 94

An Artist 94

一位画家 95
