- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄国文,何伟总主编;何伟,张敬源,张娇,贾培培著
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787513558501
- 页数:239 页
Chapter 1 Introduction of Functional Syntax 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Sydney Grammar and the Cardiff Grammar 2
1.3 Functional syntactic categories 6
1.4 Functional syntactic relationships 9
1.5 Summary 11
Exercises 12
Chapter 2 The Clause:Types and Boundary Markers 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 The clause:types 14
2.2.1 The simple clause 14
2.2.2 The coordinate clause 17
2.3 The clause:boundary markers 19
2.3.1 The Binder 19
2.3.2 The Linker 26
2.3.3 The punctuation mark 29
2.4 Summary 31
Exercises 32
Chapter 3 Elements and Functions of the Clause 34
3.1 Introduction 34
3.2 Elements of the clause 35
3.2.1 The Main Verb 35
3.2.2 The Main Verb Extension 36
3.2.3 The Auxiliary Verb 39
3.2.4 The Auxiliary Extension 40
3.2.5 The Infinitive element 41
3.2.6 The Negator 42
3.2.7 The Operator 43
3.2.8 The Subject 44
3.2.9 The Let element 45
3.2.10 The Complement 45
3.2.11 The Adjunct 47
3.2.12 The Linker 51
3.2.13 The Binder 52
3.2.14 The Vocative 52
3.2.15 The Starter and the Ender 52
3.3 Functions of the clause 53
3.3.1 Functions of the clause in the sentence 53
3.3.2 Functions of the clause in the clause 53
3.3.3 Functions of the clause in the nominal group 53
3.3.4 Functions of the clause in the quality group 54
3.3.5 Functions of the clause in the quantity group 54
3.3.6 Functions of the clause in the prepositional phrase 54
3.4 Summary 54
Exercises 55
Chapter 4 Elements and Functions of the Nominal Group 57
4.1 Introduction 57
4.2 Elements of the nominal group 57
4.2.1 The head 58
4.2.2 The modifier 66
4.2.3 The determiner 71
4.2.4 The qualifier 88
4.2.5 The linker 91
4.2.6 The inferer 91
4.2.7 The starter and the ender 93
4.3 Functions of the nominal group 93
4.3.1 Functions of the nominal group in the clause 94
4.3.2 Functions of the nominal group in the nominal group 95
4.3.3 Functions of the nominal group in the quality group 97
4.3.4 Functions of the nominal group in the quantity group 97
4.3.5 Functions of the nominal group in the prepositional phrase 98
4.3.6 Functions of the nominal group in the preposition group 99
4.3.7 Functions of the nominal group in the conjunction group 99
4.3.8 Functions of the nominal group in the genitive cluster 100
4.4 Summary 100
Exercises 101
Chapter 5 Elements and Functions of the Quality Group 104
5.1 Introduction 104
5.2 Elements of the quality group 105
5.2.1 The apex 105
5.2.2 The temperer 106
5.2.3 The finisher 113
5.2.4 The quality deictic 116
5.2.5 The quality quantifier 116
5.2.6 Other elements 116
5.3 Functions of the quality group 117
5.3.1 Functions of the"standard"quality group 117
5.3.2 Functions of the"superlative"quality group 120
5.3.3 Functions of the"ordinative"quality group 123
5.4 Summary 124
Exercises 125
Chapter 6 Elements and Functions of the Quantity Group 128
6.1 Introduction 128
6.2 Elements of the quantity group 129
6.2.1 The amount 129
6.2.2 The adjustor 134
6.2.3 The quantity group finisher 136
6.3 Functions of the quantity group 140
6.3.1 Functions of the quantity group in the clause 140
6.3.2 Functions of the quantity group in the nominal group 142
6.3.3 Functions of the quantity group in the quality group 145
6.3.4 Functions of the quantity group in the quantity group 146
6.4 Summary 146
Exercises 147
Chapter 7 Elements and Functions of the Prepositional Phrase 150
7.1 Introduction 150
7.2 Elements of the prepositional phrase 151
7.2.1 The minor verb 151
7.2.2 The completive 154
7.2.3 Other elements 156
7.3 Functions of the prepositional phrase 157
7.3.1 Functions of the prepositional phrase in the clause 157
7.3.2 Functions of the prepositional phrase in the nominal group 158
7.3.3 Functions of the prepositional phrase in the prepositional phrase 159
7.3.4 Functions of the prepositional phrase in the quality group 160
7.3.5 Functions of the prepositional phrase in the quantity group 160
7.4 Summary 161
Exercises 162
Chapter 8 Elements and Functions of the Preposition Group and the Conjunction Group 164
8.1 Introduction 164
8.2 The preposition group 164
8.2.1 Elements of the preposition group 164
8.2.2 Functions of the preposition group 167
8.3 The conjunction group 168
8.3.1 Elements of the conjunction group 168
8.3.2 Functions of the conjunction group 171
8.4 Summary 171
Exercises 173
Chapter 9 Elements and Functions of Clusters 175
9.1 Introduction 175
9.2 The genitive cluster 175
9.2.1 Elements of the genitive cluster 175
9.2.2 Functions of the genitive cluster 177
9.3 The human proper name cluster 179
9.3.1 Elements of the human proper name cluster 179
9.3.2 Functions of the human proper name cluster 179
9.4 The address cluster 180
9.4.1 Elements of the address cluster 180
9.4.2 Functions of the address cluster 181
9.5 The date cluster 181
9.5.1 Elements of the date cluster 181
9.5.2 Functions of the date cluster 182
9.6 The telephone number cluster 183
9.6.1 Elements of the telephone number cluster 183
9.6.2 Functions of the telephone number cluster 183
9.7 Summary 184
Exercises 185
Chapter 10 Types and Motivations of Discontinuity 187
10.1 Introduction 187
10.2 Types of discontinuity 187
10.2.1 Discontinuity in the prepositional phrase 187
10.2.2 Discontinuity in the quality group 188
10.2.3 Discontinuity in the nominal group 189
10.2.4 Discontinuity in the quantity group 191
10.2.5 Discontinuity in the clause 192
10.3 Motivations of discontinuity 193
10.4 Summary 194
Exercises 194
Chapter 11 An Overall Analysis of Clauses 196
11.1 Introduction 196
11.2 Analysis of the simple clause 196
11.2.1 Analysis of the simple clause without an embedded clause 196
11.2.2 Analysis of the simple clause with an embedded clause 197
11.3 Analysis of the coordinate clause 200
11.4 Summary 202
Exercises 203
Keys 206
References 236
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