双曲问题 理论、数值方法及应用 第2卷 国内英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李大潜,江松主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787040345360
- 页数:759 页
Volume2 365
Contributed Talks 365
Convergence Analysis of the Particle Method for the Camassa-Holm Equation&Alina Chertock,Jian-Guo Liu,Terrance Pendleton 365
Stable Numerical Scheme for the Magnetic Induction Equation with Hall Effect&Paolo Corti 374
A Local Discontinuous Galerkin Discretization for Hydrostatic Free Surface Flows Using σ-transformed Coordinates&Andreas Dedner,Christoph Gersbacher 382
Analysis ofQuasineutral Limits&Donatella Donatelli,Pierangelo Marcati 390
On the Full Dissipative Property of the Vlasov-Poisson-Boltzmann System&Renjun Duan,Robert M.Strain 398
On the Space-Time Expansion Discontinuous Galerkin Method&P.Engel,C. Rohde 406
Energy Conservative and Stable Schemes for the Two-layer Shallow Water Equations&Ulrik Skre Fjordholm 414
Sharp Interface Limits for Korteweg Models&Jan Giesselmann 422
On the Convergence of Semi-discrete High Resolution Schemes with Superbee Flux Limiter for Conservation Laws&Nan Jiang 431
Asymptotic Limits of the Compressible Magnetohydrodynamic Equations&Song Jiang,Qiangchang Ju,Fucai Li 439
Waiting Time for a Non-Newtonian Polytropic Filtration Equation with Convection&Chunhua Jin, Tong Yang,Jingxue Yin 447
Stability of Rarefaction Waves to the 1D Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Density-dependent Viscosity&Quansen Jiu,Yi Wang,Zhouping Xin 453
Ten-Moment Two-fluid Plasma Model Agrees Well with PIC、Vlasov in GEM Problem&E.A.Johnson,J.A.Rossmanith 461
Numerical Simulation of Nonclassical Shock Waves in Porous Media with a Heterogeneous Multiscale Method&Frederike Kissling,Christian Rohde 469
Implicit Finite Difference Scheme for the Magnetic Induction Equation&Ujjwal Koley 478
On Effects of Stochastic Regularization for the Pressureless Gas Dynamics&Anastasia Korshunova,Olga Rozanova 486
Jump Conditions across Phase Boundaries for the Navier-Stokes Korteweg system&Dietmar Kroener 494
Numerical Treatmerit of a Non-classical Transport Equation Modelling Radiative Transfer in Atmospheric Clouds&Kai Krycki,Martin Frank 502
Finite Volume Methods for the Two-fluid MHD Equations&Harish Kumar 510
Nonlinear Stability of Large Amplitude Traveling Waves to Hyperbolic-parabolic System Modeling Chemotaxis&Tong Li,Zhi-An Wang 519
Quasi-neutral Limits of the Two-fluid Euler-Poisson Systems& Yong Li,Song Jiang,Qiangchang Ju,Hailiang Li 527
Dynamically Adaptive Simulation of Solute Transport Driven by Shallow Flows&Qiuhua Liang 535
Asymptotic Stability of Rarefaction Waves in Radiative Hydrodynamics&Chunjin Lin 543
A Symplecticity-preserving Gas-kinetic Scheme for Hydrodynamic Equations under External Forcing Field&Jun Luo,Kun Xu 551
Shock Wave Admissibility and Shock-induced Phase Transitions in a van der Waals Fluid&Andrea Mentrelli,Tommaso Ruggeri,Masaru Sugiyama,Nanrong Zhao 559
L1Stability for Scalar Balance Laws;Application to Pedestrian Traffic Magali Mercier 568
Solver for the Generalized Riemann Problem for Balance Laws with Stiff Source Terms:The Scalar Case&Gino Montecinos,Eleuterio Toro 576
Related Problems for TV-estimates for Conservation Laws on Surfaces&Thomas Mueller,Dietmar Kroener 584
Properties of Path-conservative Schemes for Hyperbolic Systems ofBalance Laws&Maria Luz Munoz-Ruiz,Carlos Parés Madronal 593
A Fast Sweeping Method for Computing the Effective Hamiltonian&Martin Nolte 601
A Spectral Difference Method with Dubiner Polynomials oi Triangulations&Martina Pawlak,Thomas Sonar 610
Adaptive Grids and the Entropy Error Indicator&G.Puppo,M.Semplice 617
Large-time Behavior of Solutions to the Inflow Problem of Full Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations&Xiaohong Qin,Yi Wang 625
Mechanism of Singularity Formation for Linearly Degenerate Quasilinear Hyperbolic Systems&Peng Qu 634
Extension of Harten's Artificial Compression Method and of an Entropy-based Detector of Discontinuity to Unstructured Triangular Grids,using Arminjon-Viallon's Staggered Central Scheme& Olivier Rouch,Paul Arminjon 642
Layered Structures:Instability of the Shock Waves and Elecrtodynamical Instability&Roman Semenko 651
Global Classical Discontinuous Solutions to the Generalized Riemann Problem for Linearly Degenerate Hyperbolic Conservation Laws under Small BV Perturbations of the Initial Data&Zhi-Qiang Shao 659
One Class of Systems of Conservation Laws Admitting Delta-shocks&V.M.Shelkouich 667
A Conservation Law with Nonlocal Flux for Erosion Profiles&Wen Shen,Tianyou Zhang 675
A Moving-mesh Relaxation Scheme for One-dimensional Barotropic Two-phase Flow with Cavitation&Keh-Ming Shyue 684
Well-posedness of the Free Boundary Problem for Non-relativistic and Relativistic Compressible Euler Equations with a Vacuum Boundary Condition&Yuri Trakhinin 692
Convergence Rate to the Stationary Waves for Viscous Conservation Laws with Non-convexity on the Half Space&Yoshihiro Ueda 700
Numerical Simulation of Shock-bubble Interactions Using Conservative Front Tracking Method&M.A.Ullah,Wenbin Gao,De-Kang Mao 707
Asymptotic Stability of Viscous Contact Wave for the 1D Radiation Hydrodynamics System&Jing Wang,Feng Xie 715
Dispersive Limits of the Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation&Kung-Chien Wu,Chi-Kun Lin 723
Semiclassical Limit of Quantum Semiconductor Models&Hao Yan,Li Chen 731
A Result on Global Solutions to 3D Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation&Penghong Zhong,Shu Wang,Ke Wang,Ronghui Yang 739
Exact Configuration for 3D Ginzburg-Landau Equation Based on Some ODEs&Penghong Zhong,Shu Wang,Ke Wang,Ronghui Yang 748
Author Index 757
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