Rebuilding Common Property Management 重建公共产权资源管理PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙秋著
- 出 版 社:贵阳:贵州科技出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:7806627372
- 页数:257 页
Chapter 1 Introduction:exploring a new research approach in a rapidly changing country 1
1.1 Changing natural resource management regimes 1
1.2 The central government's recent efforts to achieve sustainable development 2
1.3 Exploring new natural resource management approaches 4
1.4 A focus on local institutional development 6
1.5 Objectives of this study 7
1.6 The GAAS-led CBNRM research project and this research 8
1.7 Defining key concepts 10
1.8 Structure of the book 12
Chapter 2 The context:brief historical background,and the genesis of the GAAS action research efforts 15
2.1 Land reform since 1949 15
2.2 Emerging issues in natural resource management 21
2.2.1 Forest management under HCRS 21
2.2.2 Grassland management under HCRS 23
2.2.3 Management of irrigation system under HCRS 24
2.2.4 Crosscutting observation 26
2.3 The start of international research cooperation:GAAS-IDRC interactions 28
2.3.1 CBNRM program initiative of IDRC 29
2.3.2 Learning by doing and leaming through reflection:CBNRM research in Guizhou 31
2.3.3 Ten years of action research and leaming 32
2.4 CBNRM action research 33
2.5 The research area 35
2.6 Research phases 38
Chapter 3 Theoretical debates and analytical framework 41
3.1 Natural resource dilemmas:interdependency,uncertainty and potential conflict 41
3.2 Coordination and cooperation 45
3.3 New paradigms in environmental management 46
3.4 Institutions and organizations 51
3.5 Performance 53
3.6 Beyond the local:scaling up 56
3.7 Facilitation in action research:the role of a change agency 58
3.8 Analytical framework 62
3.9 Research questions 63
Chapter 4 Research design and methodology 65
4.1 Overview of the research design 65
4.2 Main research strategies and methods 65
4.3 Negotiating my role as project team leader and as a researcher 73
Chapter 5 The stakeholders and their stake holding 79
5.1 The concept of stakeholder and stake-holding 79
5.2 The main stakeholder categories in the Guizhou CBNRM action research 80
5.3 Stakeholder interests and what is at stake 81
5.4 Administrative structure 84
5.5 Stake-holding for natural resource use—community level 86
5.5.1 Competing claims over grassland—cattle owners,goat raisers and fem harvesters 87
5.5.2 A mill house damaged collective action of Xiaozhai village 89
5.5.3 Lessons learned about stake-holding 91
5.6 Stake-holding involving deeper complexity—at a higher level 92
5.6.1 Competing claim over grassland—among farmers,township government,line ministries,and private people 92
5.6.2 Competing claims over water—farmers,township government,fish farm and iron factory 95
5.7 Discussion and conclusions 97
5.7.1 Web of conflicts over natural resource governance,management and use 97
5.7.2 Involvement of stakeholders in the CBNRM practice 99
Chapter 6 Dynamics and impacts of the CBNRM research in Dabuyang 103
6.1 General profile of Dabuyang 103
6.2 History of natural resource management in Dabuyang 106
6.3 The CBNRM research in Dabuyang:dynamics and impacts 109
6.3.1 Forestland management 111
6.3.2 Grassland management 117
6.3.3 Management of water resources 128
6.4 Discussion and conclusions 139
Chapter 7 Evaluating CBNRM outcomes 143
7.1 Evaluating CBNRM outcomes using the sustainable livelihoods approach 143
7.1.1 Introduction 143
7.1.2 Methodology 146
7.1.3 Results 149
7.1.4 Comparison between successful and non-successful villages 152
7.1.5 Discussion 160
7.2 Strengthening local institutions:a comparison between villages in Kaizuo and in Malu township 161
7.2.1 Research methods 161
7.2.2 The findings 162
7.3 Changes in vegetation over 11 years in Dabuyang and Xiaozhai 167
7.4 Conclusions 171
Chapter 8 Scaling up CBNRM:collaborative learning confronts institutional politics 173
8.1 Understanding scaling-up 174
8.1.1 Perspectives on scaling-up 174
8.1.2 Vertical and horizontal dimensions 175
8.2 The scaling-up strategy of the GAAS team 176
8.2.1 The process of developing the strategy 176
8.2.2 Strategy formulated 178
8.3 Horizontal scaling-up 181
8.3.1 Small grant project 181
8.3.2 Horizontal scaling up in practice:learning collective action through the Animal Bank 183
8.4 Vertical scaling up—cooperation with the line ministries 194
8.4.1 Cooperation with the Forestry Bureau 194
8.4.2 Cooperation with the Bureau of Water Management 199
8.4.3 Cooperation with Changshun Agricultural Office 211
8.4.4 Cooperation with the Animal Husbandry Bureau 213
8.5 Discussion and conclusion 215
Chapter 9 Learning from everyday CBNRM practice:conclusions 219
9.1 Major findings 220
9.1.1 Property right arrangements determine the way people manage their natural resources 220
9.1.2 Importance of institution development 221
9.1.3 The ever increasing competing claims of multiple stakeholders on natural resources require concerted actions to achieve sustainable management 223
9.1.4 Scaling-up CBNRM is challenged by top-down structures 225
9.1.5 Facilitation by the GAAS team was crucial 227
9.2 Discussion of the findings'relevance to the changing Chinese context 228
9.2.1 Significance of the study 228
9.2.2 Environmental challenges and environmental policies 230
9.2.3 Strengths,weaknesses,opportunities,and threats to CBNRM 234
9.3 Final thoughts 235
References 240
Annexes 252
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