英语 全国高等医学院校检验专业专科教材PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:顾可梁主编;蒋秉坤,宋小平副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:海洋出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:750272351
- 页数:251 页
Lesson 1 1
Text:Laboratory Accuracy and Precision 1
Supplementary Reading:SI Units 6
Lesson 2 8
Text:Laboratory Chemicals 8
Supplementary Reading:Albumin Bovine 13
Lesson 3 14
Text:Thin Layer Chromatography 14
Supplementary Reading:Case Study 19
Lesson 4 20
Text:Microscopic Examination of Urine—casts 20
Supplementary Reading:Red Cells 24
Lesson 5 25
Text:Differential White Cell Counts 25
Supplementary Reading:Coverglass Method of Making Blood Smears 29
Lesson 6 31
Text:Blood Typing 31
Supplementary Reading:Subtypes 35
Lesson 7 37
Text:T Lymphocytes 37
Supplementary Reading:B Lymphocytes 40
Lesson 8 41
Text:Acid-fast Bacteria Stain 41
Supplementary Reading:Sudan Ⅲ 44
Lesson 9 45
Text:Schistosomes 45
Supplementary Reading:Morphology of Ova of Schistosoma 49
Lesson 10 50
Text:Alkaline Phosphatase 50
Supplementary Reading:Amniotic Fluid 54
Lesson 11 55
Text:The Microscope 55
Supplementary Reading:Light 61
Lesson 12 62
Text:Examination of Gastric Juice 62
Supplementary Reading:Gross Examination of Gastric Juice 67
Lesson 13 69
Text:Water Standards & Examination 69
Supplementary Reading:Steps in the Examination of Water 76
Lesson 14 77
Text:Milk Standards & Examination 77
Supplementary Reading:High-calorie, High-protein Diet 82
Lesson 15 84
Text:Carcinogens 84
Supplementary Reading:Toxic Fumes 90
Lesson 16 91
Text:Blood Collection 91
Supplementary Reading:Composition of Blood 96
Lesson 17 98
Text:Laboratory Investigation of Parasitic Disease 98
Supplementary Reading:Host/Parasite Relationship 104
Lesson 18 106
Text:Entamoeba Histolytica 106
Supplementary Reading:Life Cycle 112
Lesson 19 113
Text:Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy 113
Supplementary Reading:Staining of Bone Marrow Smears 120
Lesson 20 121
Text:Staphylococcus 121
Supplementary Reading:Micrococcus 127
Lesson 21 129
Text:The Genus Salmonella 129
Supplementary Reading:KCN Broth 133
Lesson 22 134
Text:Influenza 134
Supplementary Reading:Paramyxovirus, Parainfluenza 137
Lesson 23 139
Text:The Direct and Indirect Antiglobulin Tests 139
Supplementary Reading:The Direct Antiglobulin Test 143
Lesson 24 144
Text:Serologic Tests for Syphilis (STS) 144
Supplementary Reading:Congenital Syphilis,Diagnosis of Syphilis 147
Lesson 25 149
Text:Hepatic Dysfunction 149
Supplementary Reading:Bilirubin 153
Lesson 26 154
Text:Radioactivity 154
Supplementary Reading:Half-life of Radionuclides 159
Lesson 27 160
Text:Biuret Method 160
Supplementary Reading:Serum Protein Fractions 166
Lesson 28 167
Text:Methods for Evaluation of Hypoglycemia 167
Supplementary Reading:Insulin Tolerance Test 172
Lesson 29 174
Text:Basic Concepts of Medical Genetics 174
Supplementary Reading:Chromosomal Sex Determination 180
Lesson 30 181
Text:Use of the Reagent Pipette 181
Supplementary Reading:Use of the GEMSTARTM Pipettor 185
附录 187
Ⅰ.阅读材料 187
1.Laboratory Calculation 187
2.Control Serum and Quality Control 189
3.Direct Pregslide HCG Test 191
4.Medical Genetics 193
5.Laboratory Examination for Parasites in Feces 196
6.Haemoglobin 198
7.Transmission of Disease by Transfusion 200
8.The Anti-human Globulin Test 202
9.The Genus Vibrio 204
10.LD Isoenzymes 2055
Ⅱ.医学检验常用缩略语 209
Ⅲ.前缀、后缀及构词成份 226
Ⅳ.总词汇表 235
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