组织学与胚胎学 双语版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李淑波,王朝辉,周艳主编
- 出 版 社:长春:吉林大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:7560176901
- 页数:253 页
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.Definition and research levels 1
2.Histological techniques 1
3.Learning methods 5
Chapter 2 Epithelium 6
1.Covering epithelia 6
2.Epithelial specializations 10
3.Glandular epithelia and glands 15
Chapter 3 Connective Tissue 18
1.Loose connective tissue 18
2.Dense connective tissue 26
3.Adipose tissue 26
4.Reticular tissue 27
Chapter 4 Cartilage and Bone 29
1.Cartilage 29
2.Bone 31
3.Bone formation 35
Chapter 5 Blood 39
1.Plasma 39
2.Blood cells 39
3.Hemapoiesis 45
Chapter 6 Muscle Tissue 48
1.Skeletal muscle 48
2.Cardiac muscle 53
3.Smooth muscle 55
Chapter 7 Nervous Tissue 57
1.Neurons 57
2.Synapses 61
3.Glial cells 63
4.Nerve fibers 65
5.Nerves 68
6.Nerve endings 68
Chapter 8 Nervous System 73
1.Cerebral cortex 73
2.Cerebellar cortex 75
3.Gray matter of spinal cord 77
4.Ganglia 78
5.Meninges 79
6.Blood-Brain Barrier 80
Chapter 9 Eye and Ear 81
1.Eye 81
2.Ear 88
Chapter 10 Circulatory System 94
1.Heart 94
2.Arteries 98
3.Capillaries 102
4.Veins 104
5.Lymphatic vascular system 105
Chapter 11 Skin 107
1.Epidermis 108
2.Dermis 112
3.Hypodermis 113
4.Skin appendages 114
Chapter 12 Immune System 119
1.Immune cells 119
2.Lymphoid tissues 121
3.Lymhoid organs 122
Chapter 13 Endocrine System 132
1.Thyroid glands 132
2.Parathyroid glands 135
3.Adrenal glands 137
4.Pituitary glands 140
Chapter 14 Digestive Tract 148
1.General features of the digestive tract 148
2.Oral cavity and pharynx 149
3.Esophagus 150
4.Stomach 152
5.Small intestine 156
6.Large intestine 160
Chapter 15 Digestive Glands 162
1.Salivary glands 162
2.Pancreas 165
3.Liver 169
4.Gall bladder and biliary ducts 174
Chapter 16 Respiratory System 176
1.Trachea and primary bronchi 176
2.Lungs 179
Chapter 17 Urinary System 188
1.Kidneys 188
2.Renal calyces and renal pelvis 196
3.Ureters 197
4.Urinary bladder 197
Chapter 18 Male Reproductive System 199
1.Testis 199
2.Genital ducts 205
3.Accessory sex glands 207
Chapter 19 Female Reproductive System 210
1.Ovaries 210
2.Oviducts 215
3.Uterus 215
4.Vagina 218
5.Mammary glands 219
Chapter 20 Introduction 221
1.Definition and research fields 221
2.Birth defects 221
Chapter 21 Early Embroy 224
1.Germ cell and fertilization 224
2.Blastocyst formation and implantment 228
3.Formation of germ layer 232
4.Differentiation of three germ layers 236
5.Formation of embryo proper 243
6.Fetal membrane and placenta 245
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