- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:呼文亮,崔学军主编;孙浩,李永芹,邵明,王增田副主编;王凌,王静,韦薇,朱江扥编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民军医出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787509149188
- 页数:220 页
第1章 常见外科疾病救治 1
第一节 颅脑外伤 1
一、Epidural Hematoma硬脑膜外血肿 1
1.Background 1
2.Pathophysiology 1
3.Physical Examination 2
4.Treatment 2
5.Further Inpatient Care 4
6.Transfer 4
7.Deterrence/Prevention 4
8.Complications 4
9.Prognosis 4
二、Brain Herniation脑疝 6
1.Introduction 6
2.Causes 6
3.Symptoms 6
4.Exams and Tests 6
5.Treatment 7
6.Prognosis 7
7.Possible Complications 7
三、Skull Fracture颅骨损伤 7
1.Introduction 7
2.Anatomy of Fracture 8
3.Treatment 8
4.Follow-up 10
第二节 脊柱骨折 11
Compression Fractures of the Spine脊柱压缩骨折 11
1.Introduction 11
2.Symptoms 12
3.Diagnosis 12
4.Treatment 12
第三节 胸部创伤 13
一、Pneumothorax,Tension andTraumatic压力气胸 13
1.Introduction 13
2.Pathophysiology 13
3.Physical Examination 14
4.Causes 15
5.Treatment 16
6.Consultations 18
7.Medication 18
8.Follow-up 18
9.Complications 19
10.Prognosis 19
二、Pneumothorax气胸 20
1.Introduction 20
2.Pathophysiology 20
3.Physical Examination 22
4.Causes 23
5.Treatment 25
6.Medication 30
7.Follow-up 31
8.Complications 32
9.Prognosis 32
三、Penetrating Chest Trauma穿透性气胸 33
1.Introduction 33
2.Etiology 33
3.Pathophysiology 34
4.Presentation 35
5.Relevant Anatomy 36
6.Treatment 36
7.Complications 42
8.Outcome and Prognosis 44
第四节 腹部损伤 45
Abdominal Trauma,Blunt腹部钝伤 45
1.Introduction 45
2.Pathophysiology 45
3.Physical Examination 46
4.Diagnostic Procedures 47
5.Treatment 49
6.Follow-up 51
第五节 泌尿系统损伤 52
一、Fracture,Pelvic骨盆骨折 52
1.Introduction 52
2.Pathophysiology 52
3.Physical Examination 53
4.Causes 54
5.Treatment 54
6.Medication 55
7.Follow-up 57
8.Transfer 57
9.Deterrence/Prevention 57
10.Complications 57
二、Bladder Trauma膀胱损伤 58
1.Introduction 58
2.Pathophysiology 58
3.Relevant Anatomy 60
4.Treatment 61
5.Complications 63
6.Outcome and Prognosis 63
三、Urethral Trauma尿道外伤 64
1.Introduction 64
2.Pathophysiology 64
3.Relevant Anatomy 65
4.Diagnostic Procedures 65
5.Treatment 65
6.Complications 68
第六节 四肢骨折 69
Ankle Injury,Soft Tissue踝关节损伤 69
1.Background 69
2.Pathophysiology 69
3.Physical Examination 70
4.Treatment 71
5.Medication 72
6.Complications 74
7.Prognosis 74
第七节 Face Fracture面部骨折 75
1.Introduction 75
2.Pathophysiology 75
3.Physical Examination 77
4.Treatment 78
5.Medication 79
6.Follow-up 83
7.Transfer 84
8.Deterrence/Prevention 84
9.Complications 84
第2章 灾害常见专科疾病 86
第一节 妇产科 86
Pregnancy Trauma妊娠创伤 86
1.Introduction 86
2.Pathophysiology 86
3.Physical Examination 87
4.Causes 88
5.Procedures 88
6.Treatment 89
7.Consultations 91
8.Medication 91
9.Follow-up 91
10.Transfer 91
11.Complications 92
12.Prognosis 92
第二节 耳鼻喉科 93
一、Outer Ear Injury外耳损伤 93
二、Laryngitis喉炎 94
1.Introduction 94
2.Pathophysiology 94
3.Physical Examination 95
4.Causes 95
5.Treatment 96
6.Medication 97
7.Prognosis 98
三、Fractures of the Nose鼻骨折 99
1.Introduction 99
2.Diagnosis 99
3.Treatment 99
第三节 皮肤科 100
一、Impetigo脓疱病 100
1.Introduction 100
2.Pathophysiology 100
3.Physical Examination 100
4.Causes 101
5.Treatment 101
6.Medication 102
7.Complications 103
8.Prognosis 104
二、Phytophotodermatitis植物光皮炎 105
1.Introduction 105
2.Pathophysiology 105
3.Physical Examination 106
4.Causes 107
5.Treatment 107
6.Medication 107
第3章 灾害特殊疾病救治 111
第一节 Burns烧伤 111
1.Introduetion 111
2.Classification 111
3.Symptoms and Diagnosis 112
4.Complications 113
5.Treatment 113
6.Prognosis 115
第二节 Toxicity,Carbon Monoxide一氧化碳中毒 117
1.Introduction 117
2.Pathophysiology 118
3.Physical Examination 119
4.Causes 120
5.Treatment 120
6.Prognosis 122
第三节 Crush Syndrome挤压综合征 123
1.Pathophysiology 123
2.Diagnosis 123
3.Treatment 123
第4章 常见内科疾病救治 125
第一节 Shock休克 125
1.Etiology and Classification 125
2.Symptoms and Signs 126
3.Diagnosis 127
4.Prognosis andTreatment 127
第二节 Coma昏迷 130
1.Causes 130
2.Symptoms 131
3.Diagnosis 131
4.Classification 132
5.Prognosis 132
第三节 AcuteUpperRespiratory TractInfection急性上呼吸道感染 134
1.Definitions 134
2.Etiology 134
3.Epidemiology 135
4.Signs and Symptoms 135
5.Treatment 135
第四节 Aspiration Pneumonia吸入性肺炎 137
1.Causes 137
2.Symptoms 138
3.Diagnosis 138
4.Exams and Tests 139
5.Treatment 139
6.Prognosis 139
7.Complications 139
8.Prevention 140
第五节 AcuteRespiratory Distress Syndrome急性呼吸窘迫综合征 140
1.Patient Presentation and Diagnosis 141
2.Pathophysiology 142
3.Treatment 143
4.Complications 144
5.Epidemiology 145
第六节 冠心病 146
一、Angina Pectoris心绞痛 146
1.Classification 147
2.Signs and Symptoms 147
3.Cause 148
4.Pathophysiology 149
5.Diagnosis 149
6.Treatment 150
7.Epidemiology 151
二、Myoeardial Infarction心肌梗死 152
1.Classification 152
2.Signs and Symptoms 152
3.Causes 153
4.Diagnosis 154
5.Prevention 155
6.Management 156
7.Complications 157
8.Prognosis 157
第七节 AcuteHeart Failure急性心力衰竭 158
1.Causes 159
2.Symptoms 159
3.Risk Factors 160
4.Complications 160
5.Tests and Diagnosis 160
6.Treatments and Drugs 161
第八节 脑血管急症 162
一、Cerebral Hemorrhage脑出血 162
1.Symptoms 163
2.Causes 163
3.Diagnosis 164
4.Treatment 165
5.Prognosis 165
二、Subarachnoid Hemorrhage蛛网膜下腔出血 166
1.Signs and Symptoms 167
2.Causes 168
3.Diagnosis 168
4.Treatment 169
5.Epidemiology 170
第5章 灾害常见传染病救治 172
第一节 呼吸道传染病 172
一、Influenza(flu)流行性感冒 172
1.Symptoms 172
2.Causes 173
3.Treatment 173
4.Prevention 174
5.Complication 174
6.H1N1 175
二、Measles麻疹 175
1.Symptoms 176
2.Complications 176
3.Diagnosis 177
4.Treatment 177
5.Prognosis 177
6.Prevention 178
7.Vaccine Side Effects 179
第二节 消化道传染病 179
一、Viral Hepatitis病毒性肝炎 179
1.Introduction 179
2.Types 180
3.Symptoms and Signs 181
4.Prognosis 182
5.Diagnosis 182
6.Treatment 184
7.Prevention 185
二、Cholera霍乱 186
1.Signs and Symptoms 186
2.Cause 186
3.Pathophysiology 187
4.Diagnosis 188
5.Prevention 189
6.Treatment 190
7.Possible Complications 190
8.Prognosis 190
第三节 虫媒及血液传播疾病 191
一、Malaria疟疾 191
1.Signs and Symptoms 192
2.Causes 193
3.Diagnosis 194
4.Prevention 196
5.Treatment 197
6.Prognosis 198
7.Possible Complications 198
二、Dengue Fever登革热 199
1.Overview 199
2.Signs and Symptoms 199
3.Cause 200
4.Diagnosis 200
5.Treatment 201
6.Prevention 201
7.Epidemiology 201
8.Prognosis 202
9.Complications 202
三、Japanese Encephalitis乙型脑炎 202
1.Definition 202
2.Causes and Symptoms 203
3.Diagnosis 203
4.Treatment 203
5.Prognosis 204
6.Prevention 204
第四节 接触性传播传染病 204
一、Bubonic Plague鼠疫 204
1.Signs and Symptoms 205
2.Pathophysiology 205
3.Diagnosis 205
4.Treatment 207
二、Anthrax炭疽 207
1.Cause 208
2.Diagnosis 211
3.Treatment 211
第6章 麻醉 214
Anesthesia麻醉 214
1.Types of Anesthesia 214
2.Anesthetic Agents 215
3.Anesthetic Equipment 215
4.Anesthetic Monitoring 215
5.AnesthesiaRecord 216
6.Anesthesia Information Management System(AIMS) 216
7.Potential Risks and Complications 216
第7章 灾害救援中的护理 218
Airway Management:Noninvasive Intervention无创气道护理介入 218
1.Assessment 218
2.Implementation 218
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