美国文化探奇 风俗背后的故事PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黄奕,马琼编写
- 出 版 社:西安:西安交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7560511422
- 页数:334 页
Chapter 1 Believe It or Not 信不信由你 1
Friday the 13th 星期五,13号 3
Black Cat 黑猫 5
Walking under a Ladder 梯下走 7
Opening an Umbrella Indoors 屋内打伞 8
Broken Mirrors 碎镜子 9
Spilling Salt 撒盐 11
Knocking on Wood 敲木头 14
Horseshoes 马掌 15
Saying"God Bless You"to a Sneezer“上帝保佑”打喷嚏的人 17
"Break a Leg" “祝你摔断腿” 19
Burning Ears 发烧的耳朵 21
Chapter 2 Behave Gentlemanly 绅士风度 24
Farewells 再见 26
Ladies First 女士优先 28
Bowing 鞠躬 30
Tipping One's Hat 脱帽礼 32
The Military Salute 军礼 34
The ManWalks on the Side of the Road 男女同行 36
Business Cards 名片 37
Elevator Behavior 电梯中 40
Chapter 3 Body Language 身体语言 43
Shaking Hands 握手 45
Crossing Your Fingers 交叉手指 47
The"V"Sign 手势“V” 49
Giving the Finger 中指的禁忌 52
Thumb Up/Thumb Down 拇指向上/拇指向下 54
Crossing Your Heart 胸前划十字 56
Shrugging Your Shoulders 耸肩 57
The OK Sign 手势“OK” 59
Chapter 4 Wedding and Funeral 婚礼与葬礼 63
June Weddings 六月新娘 65
The Marriage Proposal 求婚 66
Why the Groom Can't See the Bride 婚礼前 68
Wedding Attendants 傧相 70
Giving the Bride Away 交付新娘 73
All Dressed in White 白色的婚礼 75
Something Old,Something New... 旧与新 78
Flowers and Bouquets 婚礼鲜花 79
Kissing the Bride 亲吻新娘 80
Rice and Cakes 大米与蛋糕 83
The Bride's Family Paying for the Wedding 付帐 87
The Honeymoon 蜜月 88
Carrying the Bride over the Threshold 过门槛 90
Black for Mourning 黑色的葬礼 92
Flowers for the Dead 葬礼鲜花 94
Chapter 5 Fashion 时尚 97
High-heeled Shoes 高跟鞋 99
Blue Jeans 牛仔裤 102
Pocket Handkerchief 手帕 105
Women's Heads Covered in Church 面纱 107
Earrings 耳环 109
Caps and Gowns 学位帽与学位服 110
Male and Female Buttoning 钮扣 113
Last Button Undone 不系扣 116
Suntanning 日光浴 119
Chapter 6 Eating Affairs 餐饮 122
Three Meals a Day 一日三餐 124
The Business Lunch 商业午餐 125
TV Dinners 电视晚餐 128
Why Forks 叉子 130
Zigzag Eating 右叉右刀 133
Elbows off the Table 餐桌礼仪 135
Salad before the Entree 主菜前的色拉 137
Backyard Barbecue 后院烧烤 140
Men and Meat 男人与肉 143
Dutch Treat AA制 145
Tipping(Ⅰ) 小费(Ⅰ) 148
Tipping(Ⅱ) 小费(Ⅱ) 149
Dieting(Ⅰ) 节食(Ⅰ) 151
Dieting(Ⅱ) 节食(Ⅱ) 154
Why Don't Americans Eat Horsemeat 马肉 157
Chapter 7 American Food 美国食品 160
Bacon with Eggs—Traditional American Breakfast 咸肉和鸡蛋 162
Cornflakes for Breakfast 麦片粥 164
Hot Dogs 热狗 166
Fish on Friday 星期五的鱼 170
Potato Chips 薯条 172
Popcorn at the Movies 爆米花 175
Coca-cola(Coke) 可口可乐 178
"As American as Apple Pie" 苹果馅饼 182
Sandwich 三明治 184
Ice Cream(Ⅰ) 冰淇淋(Ⅰ) 187
Ice Cream(Ⅱ) 冰淇淋(Ⅱ) 189
White Bread and Black Bread 白面包与黑面包 191
Chewing Gum(Ⅰ) 口香糖(Ⅰ) 194
Chewing Gum(Ⅱ) 口香糖(Ⅱ) 197
Chapter 8 Drinking Affairs 酒文化 200
Red Wine with Red Meat 红酒配红肉 202
Sniffing the Cork 瓶塞 204
Letting the Wine Breathe 让酒透气 206
Wine Tasting 品酒 207
Drinking a Toast and Toast 祝酒与面包片 209
Clinking Glasses 碰杯 211
Drinking to Seal a Deal 干杯成交 214
Chapter 9 Family Affairs 家庭琐事 216
Kiss It to Make It Better 亲一下,好得快 218
Dogs and Cats as Pets 宠物 220
Sunday Drive 周日出游 223
Spring Cleaning 春季大扫除 224
Sibling Rivalry 手足之争 227
The Tooth Fairy 牙齿仙女 228
Tooth Brushing 刷牙 230
An Apple for the Teacher 献给老师的红苹果 232
Bedtime Stories 催眠故事 234
Coupons 购物赠券 236
The Weekly Allowance 零花钱 238
Ridgepole Trees 房梁上的常青树 241
Kitchen Witches 厨房女巫 243
Trimming Lawns 剪草坪 245
Chapter 10 Entertainment 娱乐与休闲 248
Baseball—the National Game 国球 250
The National Anthem at Ball Games 赛前国歌 253
Chain Letters 连环信 256
Red for Hunting 红色猎装 258
Spelling Bees 拼写游戏 261
Matches at Concerts 音乐会上的萤光 263
Dance Partners 舞伴 265
Drive-in Movies 汽车电影院 267
Demolition Derby 撞车比赛 270
Smoking 吸烟 272
Hitchhiking 搭便车 274
Chapter 11 Holidays 节庆日 277
The Grounddhog's Shadow 土拨鼠的影子 279
Washington's Birthday Sales 华盛顿日大甩卖 282
Easter Eggs 复活节彩蛋 285
The Easter Bunny 复活节的长耳兔 287
The Easter Lily 复活节的百合 289
April Fool's Day 愚人节 290
Mother's Day 母亲节 292
Father's Day 父亲节 295
Halloween Trick-or-treat “不招待,就捣蛋” 297
Jack-ó-lanterns 鬼节的南瓜灯 300
The Thanksgiving Turkey 感恩节火鸡 303
The Christmas Tree 圣诞树 306
Red and Green for Christmas 圣诞节的红与绿 308
Christmas Stockings 圣诞节的长筒袜 309
Kissing under the Mistletoe 槲寄生下的亲吻 312
Yule Log 圣诞柴 313
Chapter 12 Miscellaneous 什锦 316
Striped Barber Poles 理发店招牌 319
Mounting Horses from the Left 上马规矩 320
White Flag for Truce 求和的白旗 321
Baker's Dozen 面包师的“打” 322
Red-letter Days 红字日 322
Blue Ribbon 蓝色绶带 323
Driving on the Right 右行规则 324
Traffic Lights 红绿灯 325
Happy Birthday and Birthday Cakes 生日快乐 327
Hazing 新生的磨难 329
Ground-breaking 破土动工 330
The Tolling of Bells 鸣钟 331
Something about Ships 轮船轶事 332
Flags at Half-mast 降半旗 333
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