- 电子书积分:46 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马洪,孙尚清主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国发展出版社
- 出版年份:1991
- ISBN:7800870081
- 页数:2026 页
早期和古典管理理论 2
国外古代管理思想(foreign ancient management thought) 2
(early and classic management theory) 2
目录 2
国外中世纪管理思想(foreign mediaeval management thought) 3
阿尔法拉比有关管理者品质的论述(Alfarabi on managers character) 4
格扎里有关管理者品质的论述(Ghazali on managers character) 4
帕西奥利簿记法(Paccioli bookkeeping) 4
威尼斯商人的管理经验(managerial experiences of Venetian merchants) 5
威尼斯兵工厂的管理经验(managerial experiences of Venetian arsenal) 5
莫尔论管理的重要性(More on the importance of management) 6
马基雅维利论管理方法(Machiavelli management methods) 7
资本主义国家的企业管理思想(enterprise management thought in capitalist countries) 8
资本主义早期的企业管理和控制(enterprise management and control of early capitalism) 8
早期提出劳动分工的斯图亚特(Steuart early on division of labour) 9
斯密论分工和控制(Smith on division of labour and control) 9
阿克赖特的管理实践(managerial practice of Arkwright) 10
李嘉图和群氓假设(Ricardo and the rabble hypothesis) 10
索霍厂的早期科学管理(early scientific management in Soho Plant) 10
欧文和新拉那克厂的管理(Owen and the management of New Lanark factory) 11
法国制造业的早期科学管理(early scientific management in French manufactory) 12
十八九世纪一些经济学家的管理思想(management thought of some economists in 18 and19 centuries) 12
克劳塞维茨军事思想在管理中的应用(application of Clausewitz s military thought to man-agement) 13
尤尔的有机系统(organic systems of Ure) 14
早期管理教育家杜平(Dupin—early management educator) 14
科学管理先驱者巴贝奇(Babbage—pioneer of scientific management) 15
动作研究先驱者杰文斯(Jevans—pioneer of motion study) 16
惠特尼的早期科学管理(early scientific management of Whitney) 16
普尔的管理原则(Poor s management principles) 17
麦卡勒姆的铁路管理经验(McCallum s management experiences in railway) 17
汤的收益分享制(Towne s gain sharing system) 18
梅特卡夫在兵工厂的科学管理(Metcalfe s scientific management in arsenal) 18
哈尔西奖金方案(Halsey s premium plan) 19
史密斯—泰罗的先驱者之一(Smith—a forerunner of Taylor) 20
沃顿同最早的管理学院(Wharton and the first management college) 20
科学管理理论(scientific management theory) 21
西方古典管理理论(western classic management theory) 21
标准化原则(principle of standardization) 23
授权原则和部门化原则(principle of authorization and principle of departmentalization) 24
第一流的工人(first class man) 24
职能工长制(functional foremen) 25
科学管理创始者泰罗(Taylor—father of scientific management) 25
把数学应用于管理的巴恩(Barth applied mathematics to management) 26
重视人的因素的甘特(Gantt paid attention to human factor) 27
动作研究专家吉尔布雷思(Gilbreth—motion study expert) 28
管理学第一夫人莉莲(Lillian—first lady of management) 30
动作经济原则(principle of motion economy) 30
灯光示迹影片(chronocyclegraph) 31
疲劳研究(fatigue study) 31
效率专家埃默森(Emerson—efficiency expert) 32
科学管理应用专家库克(Cooke—expert of scientific management application) 33
哈撒韦在泰伯厂对科学管理的应用(the application of scientific management at Tabor fac-tory by Hathaway) 34
科学管理的宣传者布兰代斯(Brandeis—propagandist of scientific management) 35
珀森和科学管理在学术界的推广(Person and the spread of scientific management in aca-demic circles) 35
道奇在链带公司推广科学管理(the application of scientific management at Belt Company byDodge) 36
法林和零售业科学管理(Filene and the scientific management in retailing) 36
管理教育家金布尔(Kimball—management educator) 37
汤普森和建筑业科学管理(Thompson and architectural scientific management) 37
管理教材学者迪默(Diemer—management textbook writer) 38
霍克西调查(Hoxie investigation) 39
劳资关系专家瓦伦丁(Valentine—expert of labour relation) 39
威廉斯和弹性预算(Williams and flexible budget) 40
早期的办公室管理(early office scientific management) 40
麦金西和管理的会计控制(Makinsey and the management control through accounting) 41
诺普尔的盈亏转折图(breakeven chart by Knoeppel) 41
美国早期的管理学教科书(early management textbooks in the US) 42
福特制(Ford system) 42
法国的古典管理理论(French classic management theory) 43
一般管理理论首创者法约尔(Fayol—pioneer of general management theory) 44
法国科学管理先驱者夏特里尔(Chatelier—pioneer of scientific management in France) 45
科学管理在法国的宣传者弗雷门维尔(Freminville—scientific management propagandist inFrance) 46
米什林公司的管理经验(management practice of Michelin Company) 47
多特里的管理改革(management reform of Dautry) 47
德国古典管理理论(German classic management theory) 48
古典管理理论家韦伯(Weber—classic organization theorist) 49
拉瑟瑙的管理理论和实践(management theory and practice of Rathenau) 50
科特根和德国的合理化运动(Kottgen and the rationalization movement in Germany) 51
………………………………………………………………………………………5l 51
赫格纳和德国的工作研究(Hegner and work study in Germany) 51
迈恩伯格的动作和工时研究(motion study and time study of Meyenberg) 52
赫尔米希和德国的标准化运动(Hellmisch and the standardization movement in Germany) 52
古典管理理论在英国等国的发展(the development of classic management theory in Englandand other countries) 53
英国管理学家罗恩(English management scholar Rowan) 53
刘易斯和工场管理(Lewis and factory management) 54
赫福德等人的“工业管理纲要”(“Outline of Industrial Management”by Herford and others) 55
约翰·李和“工业管理词典”(John Lee and the“Industrial Management Dictionary”) 55
古典管理理论在奥地利(classic management theory in Austria) 56
埃尔伯恩和管理职业(Elbourne and management as a profession) 56
古典管理理论在瑞士(classic management theory in Swiss) 57
比利时生产率运动先驱者索尔韦(Solvay—pioneer of productivity movement in Belgium) 58
杰勒德和比利时的科学管理(Gerald and the scientific management in Belgium) 58
古典管理理论在波兰(classic management theory in Poland) 59
兰多尔和科学管理的应用(Landauer and the application of scientific management) 59
古典管理理论在意大利(classic management theory in Italy) 60
奥利佛拉和巴西全国科学管理学会(Oliveira and Brazilian National Society of ScientificManagement) 61
里贝罗和科学管理在圣保罗的应用(Ribeiro and the application of scientific management inSaint Paul) 62
科学管理在巴西的早期实行者西蒙森(Simonsen—early practioner of scientific manage-ment in Brazil) 62
厄威克和古典管理理论的系统化(Urwick and the systemization of classic management theo-ry) 63
古利克的管理理论(Gulick s management theory) 64
古典管理理论的管理原则论(classic management theory on management principles) 64
古典管理理论的管理职能论(classic management theory on management functions) 65
组织设计和组织模型(organizational design and organizational models) 66
一些奖金制(some premium plan) 68
管理学者对古典管理理论的评价(evaluation of classic management theory by some man-agement theorists) 69
销售研究(sale research) 69
(theory of behaviour sciences) 72
行为科学(behaviour sciences) 72
行为科学理论 72
福莱特——古典管理理论和行为科学之间的桥梁(Follett—a bridge between classic man-agement theory and behaviour sciences) 73
利益结合原则(principle of integration) 74
形势规律(law of situation) 75
工业心理学创始人芒斯特伯格(Munsterberg—creator of industrial psychology) 75
人事管理学家斯科特(Scott—scholar of personnel management) 76
职业心理学家索利尔(Sollier—scholar of vocational psychology) 77
英国工业心理学先驱迈尔斯(Myers—pioneer of industrial psychology) 77
把工业心理学应用于管理的穆斯西奥(Muscio and the application of industrial psychologyto management) 78
英国行为科学先驱者朗特里(Rowntree—pioneer of behaviour sciences in England) 79
把人的因素和科学管理相结合的谢尔登(Sheldon integrated scientific management withhuman) 81
重视人的企业家哈特内斯(Hartness——entrepreneur who pays attention to human) 82
人事管理运动先驱者布卢姆菲尔德(Bloomfield—pioneer of personnel management move-ment) 82
把心理学应用于工业的蒂德(Tead applied psychology to industry) 83
职工咨询的先驱者巴布科克(Babcock—pioneer of employee consultation) 83
重视职工积极性的丹尼森(Dennison paid attention to employee activeness) 84
发展了甘特思想的克拉克(Clark developed the thought of Gantt) 85
最优学的倡导者霍普夫(Hopf—initiator of optimization) 85
美国管理协会的倡导者刘易森(Lewisohn—initiator of AMA) 87
行为科学的奠基者梅奥(Mayo—founder of behaviour sciences) 87
人际关系学说大师罗特利斯伯格(Roethlisberger—master of human relation theory) 88
霍桑调查(Hawthorne investigations) 89
社会人(social man) 90
非正式组织(informal organization) 91
职工满足度(employee s degree of satisfaction) 93
人际关系学说(human relation theory) 93
企业中人的特性的有关理论(theories of human nature in enterprises) 96
组织行为学(organizational behaviour sciences) 96
人类基本需要等级论(theory of human needs hierarchy) 97
激励因素—保健因素理论(motivation—hygiene theory) 99
生存、关系、发展理论(ERG theory) 99
阿特金森的成就需要激励理论(Atkinson s theory of achievement motivation) 101
成就需要理论(theory of achievement need) 102
期望机率模式理论(theory of expectancy model) 102
坎贝尔的期望机率模式(Cambell s model of expectancy) 103
波特——劳勒期望机率理论(Porter—Lawler s theory of expectancy) 105
公平理论(equity theory) 106
归因理论(construct theory) 106
强化理论(reinforcement theory) 107
需要、动机和激励理论(theories of needs,motives and motivation) 108
x理论—Y理论(X theory—Y theory) 109
不成熟—成熟理论(theory of immaturity—maturity) 111
有关人类特性的四种假设(four hypotheses of human nature) 113
个体行为理论(theory of individual behaviour) 114
团体行为理论(theory of group behaviour) 116
组织行为理论(theory of organization behaviour) 116
团体动力学(group dynamics) 117
团体压力理论(group pressure theory) 118
团体规范分析法(group rorm analysis method) 118
团体内聚力(group cohesion) 119
团体士气(group morale) 120
信息交流的重要性及其误区(importance and erroneous zones of communication) 121
信息交流的分类(classification of communication) 122
正式信息交流网络(networks of formal communication) 123
非正式信息交流渠道(channels of informal communication) 123
信息交流效率的提高(raise communication efficiency) 124
良好信息交流十诫(ten commandments of effective communication) 124
社会关系计量学(sociometry) 125
社会关系计量图表(sociogram) 125
团体成员相互影响分析法(members inter-influences analysis method) 126
团体竞争学说(group competition theory) 127
团体冲突学说(group conflict theory) 127
领导者品质理论(leaders character theory) 128
领导方式双因素理论(two-dimensional model of leadership) 128
管理方格法(managerial grid) 129
支持关系理论(supportive relationship theory) 130
团体目标—维持关系理论(group objective—supportive relationship theory) 132
卢因的组织变革论(Lewin s organization change theory) 132
卡斯特的组织变革论(Kast s organization change theory) 133
沙恩的组织变革论(Schein s organization change theory) 133
唐纳利的组织变革论(Donnelly s organization change theory) 134
敏感性训练(sensitivity training) 135
工作生活质量学说(working life quality theory) 136
Z理论(Theory Z) 137
企业文化(corporate culture) 138
权变理论学派(contingency theory school) 139
超Y理论(beyond theory Y) 140
权变理论的思想结构(ideological structure of contingency theory) 141
权变管理变数(variables of contingent management) 142
权变变数的影响(influences of contingency variables) 142
权变理论概念模式(conceptual model of contingency theory) 144
计划制定的权变论(contingency planning theory) 145
有目标的计划和指导性的计划(objective plan and directive plan) 146
计划中的模糊性和灵活性(vagueness and flexibility in planning) 146
伍德沃德的权变组织论(Woodward contingency organization theory) 147
皮尤—希克森权变组织论(Pugh——Hickson contingency organization theory) 148
劳伦斯—洛希权变组织论(Lawrence—Lorsch contingency organization theory) 150
赫里格尔—斯洛坎姆权变组织论(Hellriegel—Slocum contingency organization theory) 151
菲德勒权变领导模式(Fiedler contingency leadership model) 151
菲德勒权变领导图表(Fiedler contingency leadership chart) 152
雷定的三因素领导效率模式(Reddin three-dimensional leadership efficiency model) 154
目标—途径领导理论(path—goal leadership theory) 154
领导方式连续统一体理论(leadership continuum theory) 156
领导—参与模式(leadership—participation model) 157
领导生命周期理论(leadership life cycle theory〕 158
唐纳利的领导模式(Donnelly leadership model) 159
建议制度(suggestion system) 159
作业加强(job intensification) 160
管理价值模式(managerial value models) 160
林肯计划和斯坎伦计划(Lincoln Plan and Scanlon Plan) 160
解决问题的不同风格(different styles of problem-solving) 161
工作满足(job satisfaction) 161
心理合同学说(psychologic contract theory) 161
当代管理理论 164
(modern management theory) 164
国外当代管理理论(foreign modern management theory) 164
管理理论的丛林(management theories jungles) 165
管理过程学派(management process school) 167
组织效率三原则(three principles of organization efficiency) 168
穆尼的管理理论(Mooney s management theory) 169
戴维斯的“有机职能”论(Davis theory of organic functions ) 170
孔茨的管理职能论(Koontz s management function theory) 171
健全组织工作原则(principles of sound organization work) 172
孔茨论人事和指挥(Koontz on personnel and direction) 173
控制职能的基本原则(basic principles of control) 174
管理过程学派在美国的代表者丘奇(Church-representative of management process 174
school in US) 174
奥福德的管理学原则(Alford s principles of management) 175
马丁德尔论管理评价标准(Martindell on management evaluation standard) 176
布朗的管理三阶段论(Brown s theory of three management stages) 176
纽曼的管理职能论(Newman s theory of management functions) 177
特里论管理(Terry on management) 177
管理职能表(management functions table) 177
社会系统学派(social system school) 178
杰出的管理学家巴纳德(Barnard-outstanding scholar of management) 179
巴纳德的方法论(Barnard s methodology) 180
作为协作系统的组织(organization as a cooperative system) 181
组织的环境(organizations environment) 182
个人与组织(individual and organization) 183
巴纳德论正式组织和非正式组织(Barnard on formal and informal organizations) 184
协作意愿(willingness to cooperative) 184
组织的共同目标(common purpose of organization) 185
信息联系七原则(seven principles of communication) 186
经理人员三项职能(three functions of executives) 188
经营管理与领导艺术(management and leadership art) 189
决策理论学派(decision making school) 191
组织决策网状结构(organization decision making network) 192
决策过程四阶段(four stages of decision making) 193
计划、审查同决策(planning,auditing and decision making) 193
决策过程中的信息联系(communication in decision making) 195
决策的准则和标准(norm and standard of decision making) 195
决策的防范分析(preventive analysis of decision making) 196
程序化决策和非程序化决策(programmed and unprogrammed decision making) 197
程序化的决策技术(programmed decision making technique) 198
非程序化的决策技术(unprogrammed decision making technique) 199
决策中的思维过程(thinking process in decision making) 200
决策和组织机构(decision making and organizational structure) 200
决策同集权和分权(decision making and centralization and decentralization of power) 201
决策者品质(characters of decision maker) 202
价值判断和事实判断(value judge and fact judge) 203
决策人模式(decision-maker model) 204
决策和组织影响(decision making and organizational effect) 204
系统理论(system theory) 205
系统管理学派(system management school) 205
系统观点(system approach) 207
系统分析(system analysis) 208
系统管理(system management) 209
系统模型(system model) 211
系统管理中的管理职能(management functions in system management) 212
福莱斯特和工业动态学(Forrester and industrial dynamics) 213
工业动态学的应用步骤(application steps of industrial dynamics) 213
系统动态学(system dynamics) 215
社会—技术系统学派(socio—technical system school) 215
塔维斯托克研究所(Tavistock Institute) 217
格拉西尔调查(Glacier investigations) 218
社会系统与技术系统的关系(relationship between social system and technical system 218
社会—技术系统中的管理等级制度(management hierarchy in socio-technical system) 220
社会—技术系统与环境的关系(relationship between social-technical system and itsenvironment) 221
环境因果结构(causal structure of environment) 222
社会—技术系统的发展趋向(trend of social-technical system) 224
社会—技术系统中的矩阵组织(matrix structure in socio-technical system) 224
社会—技术系统理论的新应用(new application of social-technical system) 225
经验主义学派(empirical school) 226
德鲁克等论管理的性质(Drucker on the nature of management) 227
管理的任务(management task) 228
管理的职责(management duty) 229
管理技能之一:作出有效决策(effective decision making) 229
管理技能之二:有效地进行信息联系(effective communication) 231
管理技能之三:正确地运用控制和衡量(correct control and evaluation) 231
管理技能之四:正确运用分析工具—管理科学(correct analytic instrument—manag- 232
ement science) 232
目标管理(management by objective) 233
目标管理的三个阶段(three stages of MBO) 234
斯隆与事业部制(Sloan and division system) 235
管理的组织结构(organizational structure of management) 236
职能制组织结构(functional structure) 237
矩阵组织结构(matrix structure) 237
联邦分权制组织结构(Federal structure) 238
模拟分权制组织结构(Simulated federal structure) 239
高层管理的任务(task of top management) 240
系统组织结构(system structure) 240
高层管理的战略(strategy of top management) 241
管理的比较研究法(comparative management research method) 243
以比较为基础的一般管理原则(general management principles based on comparison) 244
管理科学学派(management science school) 245
管理科学的定义和目的(definition and objectives of management science) 247
管理科学的特点(characteristics of management science) 247
管理科学关于组织的看法(management science on organization) 248
管理科学七步骤(seven steps of management science) 248
管理科学的方法(methods of management science) 250
计划评审法和关键线路法(PERT CPM) 251
线性规划(linear programming) 252
动态规划(dynamic programming) 252
整数规划(integer programming) 253
目标规划(objective programming) 253
最优规划(optimal planning) 254
运输方法(transportation method) 254
马尔可夫分析(Markov analysis) 255
排队论(waiting line theory) 255
对策论(same theory) 256
概率论(probability theory) 256
模拟(simulation) 256
一些调查分析法(investigation and analysis methods) 257
安东尼模型(Anthony model) 259
电子计算机在管理中的应用(application of computer to management) 259
管理信息系统(MIS) 260
生产信息与控制系统(COPICS) 261
经理角色学派(managerial role school) 262
经理工作六特点(six characteristics of managers work) 263
经理角色图(managerial role chart) 265
人际关系方面的角色(interpersonal roles) 266
信息方面的角色(informational roles) 267
决策方面的角色(decision making roles) 268
经理的六项基本目标(six basic objectives of manager) 269
影响经理工作的环境因素(environmental factors affecting managers duty) 270
影响经理工作的职务因素(job s factors affecting managers duty) 271
影响经理工作的个人因素和情景因素(personal factors situational factors affectingmanagers duty) 272
经理职务的八种类型(eight types of managers job) 273
提高经理工作效率十要点(ten essentials to raise managers efficiency) 274
变动管理(change management) 276
彼得原则(Peter s principle) 276
七S管理模式(7S management model) 277
七C管理模式(7C management model) 278
十一C管理模式(11C management model) 279
比较管理理论(comparative management theory) 279
生态方法导向(ecological approach) 280
行为科学方法导向(bchavioural approach) 281
法默—里奇曼模式(Farmer-Richman model) 283
瑞典的企业管理(enterprise management in Sweden) 284
联邦德国的企业管理(enterprise management in Federal Germany) 285
莱维特等论未来管理(Leavitt and others on future management) 286
惠斯勒等论未来的组织和职能(Whisles and others on future organization and functions) 287
卡斯特论未来的组织和环境(Kast and others on future organization and environment) 288
管理经济学 292
(managerial economics) 292
管理经济学(managerial economics) 292
机会成本(opportunity cost) 293
经济利润、会计利润和正常利润(economic profit,accounting profit,normal profit) 294
外显成本和内含成本(explicit cost,implicit cost) 295
边际分析法(marginal analysis) 295
利润理论(profit theory) 296
需求量概念及其影响因素(the concept of quantity demanded and the determinants 297
of demand) 297
需求函数(demand function) 298
需求曲线(demand curve) 299
需求规律(law of demand) 300
需求的变动和需求量的变动(change in demand,change in quantity demanded) 300
供给量概念及其影响因素(the concept of quantity supplied and the determinants ofsupply) 302
供给函数和供给曲线(supply function,supply curve) 302
供给规律(law of supply) 303
供给的变动和供给量的变动(change in supply,change in quantities supplied) 303
供求法则(the laws of demand and supply) 304
需求-供给分析法(the demand-supply analysis) 306
蛛网定理(cobweb theorem) 307
需求弹性及其种类(demand elasticity and its classification) 308
价格弹性的概念及其计算(the concept of price elasticity and its calculation) 309
价格弹性与销售收入之间的关系(relationship between price elasticity and revenue) 311
需求曲线按价格弹性大小分类(classification of demand curve in terms of price elasticity) 312
影响价格弹性的因素(factors influencing price elasticity) 313
需求的收入弹性(income elasticity of demand) 313
需求的交叉弹性(cross elasticity of demand) 314
需求的估计与预测:数据来源(demand estimation and forecasting:sources of data) 315
需求的估计与预测:趋势推测(demand estimation and forecasting:trend projection) 316
需求的估计与预测:计量经济学方法(demand estimation and forecasting:econometricmethods) 318
生产函数(production function) 321
单一可变投入要素的最优利用(optional level of single variable input) 322
总产量、平均产量和边际产量的相互关系(relationships among the total,average andmarginal product) 323
边际收益递减规律(law of diminishing returns) 325
生产的三个阶段(the three stages of production) 325
等产量曲线(equal-product curve) 326
等成本曲线(isocost curves) 329
多种投入要素最优组合的确定(determination of optional combinations of multiple inputs) 330
价格变动对投入要素最优组合的影响(the effect of change in factor price on the 332
optional combination of inputs) 332
生产扩大路线(the expansion path) 333
规模收益及其类型(return to scale and its classification) 333
规模的经济性和不经济性(economies and diseconomies of scale) 334
规模收益类型的判定(testing production functions for returns to scale) 335
技术进步的测定(measurement of technological change) 335
产品产量最优组合决策的理论(decisions regarding optimal output combination:Theory) 336
产品产量最优组合决策的实践(decisions regarding optimal output combination:Practice) 338
增量成本和沉没成本(incremental cost and sunk cost) 340
成本函数与生产函数之间的相互关系(the relationship between cost and production 340
functions) 340
短期成本函数(short-run cost functions) 341
长期成本函数(long-run cost function) 344
收入函数(revenue function) 346
贡献分析法(contribution analysis) 348
线性盈亏分界点分析法(linear break-even anaiysis) 349
多产品盈亏分界点分析法(multi-product break-even analysis) 351
经营杠杆(operating leverage) 352
短期成本的估计(short-run cost estimation) 353
长期成本的估计(long-run cost estimation) 356
学习曲线(learning curves) 357
市场结构及其类型(market structure and its classifications) 359
完全竞争条件下企业的短期产量决策(short-run output decision under perfect compet-ition) 360
完全竞争条件下企业的停业条件(the firm s shut-down point under perfect competition) 361
完全竞争条件下企业的长期均衡(long-run equilibrium of firms under perfect compet-ition) 361
competition) 363
完全竞争条件下行业的长期供给曲线(long-run industry supply curve under perfect 363
企业的短期供给曲线(short-run supply curve of firms) 363
供给弹性(elasticity of supply) 365
对完全竞争市场结构的评价(evaluating market structure of perfect competition) 365
完全垄断条件下企业的价格和产量决策(the firm s price/output decision under 366
perfect monopoly) 366
对自然垄断企业的价格管制(price regulation of natural monopoly firm) 367
对完全垄断市场结构的评价(evaluating market structure of perfect monopoly) 368
垄断性竞争条件下企业的价格和产量决策(the firm s price/output decision under 368
monopolistic competition) 368
垄断性竞争条件下企业的长期均衡(the firm s long-run equilibrium under monop- 369
olistic competition) 369
对垄断性竞争市场结构的评价(evaluating market structure of monopolistic competition) 370
寡头垄断条件下企业的价格和产量决策:曲折的需求曲线模式(the firm s price/ 371
output decisions under oligopoly:kinked demand curve model) 371
寡头垄断条件下企业的价格和产量决策:价格领导模式(firm s price/output decision 372
under oligopoly:Price leadership) 372
寡头垄断条件下企业的价格和产量决策:博弈论模式(firm s price/output decision 372
under oligopoly:Game theory model) 372
卡特尔(cartel) 373
非价格竞争(nonprice competition) 374
企业行为的销售收入最大化模式(the revenue maximization model of business behavior) 375
成本加成定价法(cost-plus pricing) 377
增量分析定价法(incremental analysis in pricing) 378
差别定价法(price discrimination) 379
多产品定价:需求上有关联性的产品(multiple-product pricing:products with demandinterrelationships) 381
多产品定价:生产上有关联性的产品(multiple-product pricing:products with productioninterrelationships) 382
新产品定价法(new product pricing) 383
调拨价格的确定(transfer pricing) 385
确定最优报价的原理与实践(the principles and practices of determining the optimalbid price) 387
广告和销售量之间的函数关系(the advertising-sales relationship) 390
价格不变的情况下确定最优的广告费支出(the optimal level of advertising for a 391
given price level) 391
adjustment of price and advertising level) 392
把广告当作投资进行决策(decision of advertising as an investment) 392
价格和广告费可以同时调整的条件下的广告决策(advertising decision:simultaneous 392
投资的概念及其决策步骤(the concept of investment and procedures of investment 393
decisions) 393
净现金投资量(net cash investment) 394
净现金效益量(net cash benefits) 395
最优投资规模的确定(determining optimal investment scale) 396
内部利润率法与返本法比较(comparison of IRR and payback methods) 396
净现值法和内部利润率法比较(comparison of NPV and IRR methods) 397
对寿命不同的投资方案的评价(evaluation of investment projects with unequal lffes) 398
有风险条件下的投资决策(investment decisions under risky conditions) 399
美国企业兼并的四次高潮(four merger waves in USA) 403
兼并的分类及其经济效益分析(classifications of merger and their economic effects) 405
美国企业兼并的动机(motives of mergers in USA) 407
美国企业兼并的方式(types of mergers in USA) 408
投资银行在兼并中的作用(the role of investment banks in mergers) 408
被收购企业价格的确定(determining the price paid for an acquired firm) 409
(strategic management) 412
战略管理(strategic management) 412
战略管理 412
战略制定(strategy fomulation) 413
环境分析(environmental analysis) 413
企业宏观环境(macroenvironment) 414
行业环境(industry environments) 415
竞争情况(competitive situation) 416
跨国公司环境(multinational firms environments) 417
利益集团分析(stakeholder analysis) 418
企业内部评估(internal appraisal) 418
战略问题管理(strategic issue management) 419
环境预测(environmental forecasting) 420
目标制定(cbjective formulation) 421
企业使命(corporate mission) 422
企业社会职责(social responsibilities) 423
战略目标(strategic objectives) 424
长期目标(long-term objectives) 424
战略层次(levels of strategy) 425
战略决定因素(determinants of strategy) 426
战略形成过程(strategy formation process) 427
公司战略(corporate strategies) 428
集中型增长战略(concentric growth strategies) 429
创新战略(innovation strategies) 430
一体化发展战略(integrative growth strategies) 431
多种经营战略(diversification growth strategy) 432
进入新经营领域战略(strategies for entering new business) 433
转变、紧缩、全面改组战略(corporate turnaround,retrenchment and portfolio restruct-uring strategies) 434
放弃、分离、清理战略(abandonment,divestiture,and liquidation strategies) 435
兼并战略(merger strategies) 436
复合战略(combination strategies) 437
适应战略(fitting strategy to a firm s situation) 437
跨国公司战略(transnational corporation strategies) 438
小企业战略(strategies for small companies) 439
经营单位战略(business-level strategies) 440
低成本战略(striving to be the low-cost producer) 441
差异化战略(strategy of differentiation) 442
集中与专业化战略(focus and specialisation strategies) 443
领导型企业竞争战略(competitive strategies for leaders and dominant firms) 444
优胜企业竞争战略(competitive strategies for runner-up firms) 445
危难企业转变战略(turnaround strategies for distressed business) 446
平庸与衰退企业竞争战略(competitive strategies for also-ran and declining firms) 446
新兴行业中的竞争战略(strategies for competing in young emerging industries) 447
向成熟期转变行业中的竞争战略(strategies for competing during the transition to 448
industry maturity) 448
衰退行业中的竞争战略(competitive strategies in declining industries) 449
散碎行业中的竞争战略(strategies for competing in fragmented industries) 450
全球性行业中的竞争战略(strategies for competing in global industries) 452
进攻战略(offensive strategies) 453
防守战略(defensive strategies) 454
战略分析和选择(strategic analysis and choice) 454
波士顿矩阵(the BCG growth share matrix) 455
GE矩阵(the General Electric matrix) 456
产品/市场演变矩阵(the product/market evolution matrix) 457
产品/使命矩阵(the product/mission matrix) 458
多种经营矩阵(diversification matrix) 459
寿命周期分析(life cycle analysis) 459
关键成功因素分析(critical success factor analysis) 460
SWOT分析(SWOT analysis) 461
战略选择矩阵(grand strategy selection matrix) 462
战略聚类模型(model of grand strategy clusters) 462
影响战略选择的行为因素(behavioral considerations affecting strategic choice) 463
战略实施(strategy implementation) 464
年度目标(annual objectives) 465
职能战略制定(Functional strategy formulation) 466
企业方针(policies) 467
战略计划(strategic planning) 467
战略与组织结构(strategy and structure) 468
组织结构类型(types of organizational structure) 469
组织基本协调机制(basic coordinating mechanisms) 471
组织设计理论(theories of organization design) 472
战略与资源分配(strategy and resources allocadon) 473
战略与组织领导(strategy and organizational leadership) 475
董事会的战略职责(strategic functions of the board of directors) 476
企业计划人员的战略管理作用(role of corporate planner in strategic management) 477
高层经理的战略管理职责(top managers strategic function) 477
战略与组织文化(strategy and organizational culture) 478
战略控制与评价(controlling and evaluating the strategy) 479
控制系统(control systems) 480
战略控制(strategic control) 481
业务控制(operational control) 481
企业绩效监控与偏差评价(monitoring performance and evaluating deviations) 482
激励性控制与评价(motivating control and evaluation) 483
变革战略(strategy for managing change) 485
预算与战略实施(budgeting and strategy implementation) 485
战略决策(strategic decisions) 486
影响决策的社会心理因素(social and psychological factors) 487
外部权力关系(external power relationships) 487
内部权力关系(internal power relationships) 488
公司计划(corporate planning) 489
渐进模式(incremental models) 490
混合扫描(mixed scanning) 490
逻辑渐进主义(logical incrementalism) 491
经营者增量模式(a managerial incremental model) 491
良好实践模式(good practice model) 492
决策过程模式(decision process models) 493
战略决策权变理论(contingency theory of strategic decision making) 494
战略管理信息的搜集(finding strategic management information) 495
战略计划的信息系统支持(information system support for strategic planning) 496
战略管理关键信息判断(identifying critical information for strategic management) 497
决策支持系统在战略管理中的应用(decision support system for strategic management) 498
非营利组织战略管理(strategic management of not-for-profit organizations) 499
战略管理未来趋势(future of strategic management) 500
生产管理职能(functions of production management) 502
(production management) 502
生产管理 502
生产管理发展史(history of production management) 503
生产管理组织机构(organizationas of production management) 505
工业工程(industrial engineering) 507
生产管理决策(decision-making of production management) 508
生产投资决策(decision-making of production investment) 509
生产品种决策(decision-making of production variety) 511
生产管理诊断(consultation of production management) 512
厂址选择(plant location) 513
工厂布置(plant layout) 514
车间布置(workshop layout) 515
相关图布置法(layout method by correlation chart) 515
物料流向图布置法(layout by material flow chart) 517
零件从至表布置法(layout method by from-to chart) 518
分等加权厂址选择法(plant location by grading) 520
CRAFT法(computerized relative allocation of facilities tecinique) 521
生产过程(production process) 522
生产类型(types of production) 523
工序(operation) 523
工艺原则布置(principles of organization by process) 524
对象原则布置(principles of organization by product) 524
流水生产(flow production) 525
工序平衡(operation balancing) 526
单一品种流水线设计(designing assembly line of single variety) 528
多品种流水线设计(designing assembly line of multi-variety) 529
厂内运输(in-plant transport) 530
成组技术(group technology) 531
奥匹兹系统(Opitz s system) 532
成组生产作业计划(operation schedule of production by GT) 533
成组生产组织(organization of production by GT) 533
自动生产线(automated production line) 534
机器人(robot) 534
计算机辅助生产(computer-aided production) 535
人机系统(system of man-machine) 536
方法研究(method study) 536
生产过程分析(analysis of production process) 537
人—机联合分析(analysis of man-machine) 540
5W1H法(method of 5W1H) 541
搬运分析(transport analysis) 542
动作研究(motion study) 542
动作经济性原则(principles of motion economically) 543
作业测定(work measurement) 544
测时(time measuring) 545
工作抽样法(work sampling) 549
预定时间法(predetermined time standard) 553
德意志联邦共和国参与决定法(Participation and Decision Act of FRG) 1 553
工时消耗结构(classification of man-hour consumption) 561
生产总体计划(aggregate production plan) 562
订货加工生产进度计划(order production scheduling) 564
大型工程项目进度计划(large project scheduling) 566
大量生产的生产进度计划(mass production operation schedule) 566
生产能力计划(plan of production capacity) 569
订单管理(order management) 570
平衡线法(line of balance) 570
网络计划方法(program evaluation and review technique) 573
作业控制(operation schedule control) 576
甘特图(Gantt chart) 577
物资需要量计划(material requirements planning) 578
运筹学在生产管理中的应用(application of operations research to production manage-ment) 579
线性规划在生产管理中的应用(application of linear programming to production 581
management) 581
排队论在生产管理中的应用(application of queuing theory to production management) 582
生产日历标准(standard of production scheduling) 583
生产批量(batch size of production) 584
生产周期(production cycle) 586
生产提前期(lead time of production) 587
任务命令单(work sheet) 588
故障模型、影响及其严重性分析(failure mode,effect,and criticality analysis;FMECA)看板管理(card control) 589
生产排程(arrangement of operating sequence) 590
生产作业准备(pre-operation work) 590
价值工程(value engineering) 592
迈尔斯十三原则(Miles s 13 principles) 593
功能分析(function analysis) 594
功能评价(function evaluation) 595
设备管理(equipment management) 597
设备综合工程学(terotechnology) 597
设备磨损规律(law of wear and tear) 597
设备维护与修理(equipment maintenance) 598
全员生产维修(total productive maintenance) 599
设备改造与更新(equipment upgrading and renewal) 601
备件管理(spare parts management) 602
设备计划预修制(equipment planning preventive maintenance system) 602
无形磨损(obsolescence) 603
快速折旧(accelerated depreciation) 604
环境管理(environmental management) 606
安全管理(industrial safety) 607
能源管理(energy management) 609
“五S”管理( 5S management) 610
定置管理(fixed position management) 610
工效学(ergonomics) 613
“一个流”生产方式(one-flow production style) 614
物流管理(physical distribution management) 615
现场管理(workshop management) 617
柔性制造系统(flexible manufacturing system,FMS) 619
质量管理 622
(quality management) 622
质量(quality) 622
提高质量的意义:社会方面(significance of improving quality:social aspect) 623
提高质量的意义:经济方面(significance of improving quality:economical aspect) 624
提高质量的意义:国际方面(significance of improving quality:international aspect) 624
质量管理学的形成与发展(the establishment and development of the quality management) 626
质量管理的四项基本工作(four jobs of quality control) 628
质量管理“三部曲”(the trilogy of quality management) 629
宏观质量管理与微观质量管理(macroquality management and microquality management) 630
影响产品(或服务)质量的9M因素(the 9M s:fundamental factors affecting quality) 631
管理可控差错与工人可控的差错(management-controllable errors and operator- 631
保护消费者利益(consumerism) 632
产品责任(product liability) 634
全面质量管理的含义与要求(the meaning and scope of total quality control) 635
全面质量管理在企业中的地位与作用(the place of TQC in the modern business 636
management) 636
质量职能(quality function) 638
质量特性(quality characteristic) 639
质量标准(quality standard) 640
质量控制(quality control) 641
质量保证(quality assurance) 642
质量方针(quality policy) 644
质量目标(quality objective) 645
质量计划工作(planning for quality) 647
标准化与质量管理(standardization and quality management) 648
ISO-9000,9001,9002,9003,9004“质量管理和质量保证”国际标准(quality manage- 649
ment and quality assurance international standard) 649
质量体系(quality system) 650
质量手册(quality manual) 651
质量审核(quality audit) 652
质量管理文件的收集、利用和保存(collection,application and storage of quality docu-mentation) 653
质量管理中的统计方法(statistical technology of quality control) 654
PDCA循环(PDCA circle) 655
日本质量管理中的“老七种工具”(“old seven tools”in Japan quality control) 657
日本质量管理中的“新七种工具”(“new seven tools”in Japan quality control) 658
帕累托分析(Pareto analysis) 660
因果图分析法(cause and effect diagrams) 662
试验设计(design of experiments) 663
调优运算(evolutionary operation) 665
响应面方法(response surface methodology) 666
三次设计(Taguchi methods) 668
回归分析(regression analysis) 670
假设检验(test of hypothesis) 671
新设计控制(new-design control) 672
质量的市场研究:组织、目标、计划与方式(quality-oriented market research:organiz-ation,objectives,plan and patterns) 674
设计质量(quality of design) 675
可靠性设计与管理(design and control of product reliability) 676
产品安全性设计与管理(design and control of product safety) 679
价值工程(value engineering) 682
可维修性(maintainability) 684
产品使用寿命周期费用(life cycle and use-oriented quality cost) 685
进厂材料控制(incoming-material control) 686
抽样检验(acceptance sampling) 688
抽样特性曲线:生产者风险与消费者风险(operating characteristic curve:producer s riskand consumer s risk) 689
计数标准型抽样检验(acceptance sampling:attribute) 692
(美国)军用标准105D抽样表(military standard 105D sampling tables) 693
连续型抽样方案(continuous sampling plans) 697
(美国)军用标准414抽样表(military standard 414 acceptance sampling tables:variables) 698
散货抽样验收(bulk material acceptance sampling) 702
供应商资格评审(vendor qualification review) 706
供应商评级(vendor ratings) 707
供需双方的联合计划(joint planning for vendor and purchaser) 709
产品控制(product control) 710
4M1E——影响工序质量的因素(4M1E——factors affecting process quality) 711
工序质量波动性分析(process-variation analysis) 712
工序能力的分析及工序能力指数计算(process capability analysis and measurement) 713
控制图:?714—R、p、c(control chart:?715—R,p,c) 714
产品检验:合格性判断与适用性判断(product inspection:the conformance decision andthe fitness for use decision) 715
破坏性检验与非破坏性检验(destructive inspection and undestructive inspection) 717
检验计划与质量检验(inspection planning and quality inspection) 717
感官检验(sensory tests) 718
质量缺陷严重性分级(quality defects seriousness classification) 719
检验人员的误差及分析(inspector s errors and its analysis) 720
计量基准与手段(criterion and means of measurement) 722
计量误差及其分析(measure deviation and its analysis) 723
校准工作的控制(calibration control) 724
可追查性(traceableness) 725
质量信息体系(quality information system) 726
售后服务质量(post-sale service quality,or post-production quality service) 726
产品包装、运输和储存的质量控制(quality control of packaging,transportation andstorage) 727
顾客投诉的分析与处理(analysis and handling of customer complaints) 729
质量改进十四步(14 steps to quality improvement) 730
质量许诺(quality commitment) 731
controllable errors) 733
急性质量故障与慢性质量故障(sporadic and chronic quality troubles) 734
质量突破及其步骤(quality breakthrough and it s universal sequence) 735
质量教育与培训(quality education and training) 736
质量意识及自我评定(quality consciousness and self-evaluation) 738
质量经理的职责和作用(the role and responsibilities of quality manager) 741
现场生产人员的职责和作用(the shop operator and supervisor s responsibilities inquality control) 742
质量管理机构的组织(organizing for quality organization) 742
无缺陷规划(zero defect program) 744
质量管理小组(QC小组)(quality control circle) 746
萨拉托夫制(Saratov system) 748
多罗制(Doro system) 749
质量成本(quality cost) 750
质量成本的分析、研究(quality cost analysis) 751
通过成本优化改进质量(quality improvement through cost optimization,QUICO) 753
质量管理在第三产业中的应用(applying quality management in the tertiary industry) 754
医院医疗差错的控制(error control in hospitals) 755
电话服务的质量控制(quality control in telecommunications) 757
饭店质量控制(quality control in hotel) 758
运输业的质量控制(quality control in transport industry) 759
工业发达国家质量管理的共性与个性:美国、日本、西欧、苏联、东欧(general and 760
specific character of quality management in developed countries:U.S,Japan,WestEurope,Soviet Union,East Europe) 760
跨国公司质量管理的“6c”要求(6c s requirements of quality control in a multinationalcompany) 761
跨国公司质量管理的组织原则(principles of organizing quality control in a multin-ational company) 762
市场营销 764
(marketing) 764
市场营销(marketing) 764
需求状态与市场营销任务(various states of demand and the corresponding marketingtasks) 765
市场经营观念(marketing concept) 767
市场营销系统(marketing system) 768
市场营销管理(marketing management) 770
市场机会(market opportunity) 770
市场机会数量分析(quantitative analysis of market opportunity) 771
买方市场与卖方市场(buyer s market and seller s market) 772
市场(market) 772
消费者行为(consumer behaviour) 773
企业生存理论(theory of company surviving and prospering) 775
消费者购买行为类型(types of consumer s buying behaviour) 776
购买决策过程(buying decision process) 777
消费者评估模型(evaluation models of consumer decision) 778
消费者满意度(satiability of consumer needs) 780
工业品市场的购买行为(buying behaviour in industrial market) 780
政府市场的购买行为(buying behaviour of the government market) 782
市场细分化(market segmentation) 782
市场细分化的基础(bases for market segmentation) 783
目标市场(target market) 784
策略性规划程序(the strategic planning process) 785
市场营销环境:微观环境(marketing environment:microenvironment) 787
市场营销环境:宏观环境(marketing environment:macroenvironment) 788
产品(product) 789
产品线(product line) 790
产品组合(product mix) 791
劳务品与其决策(service-product and its decisions) 792
新产品开发(development of new product) 792
新产品开发诸阶段(stages of the new product development process) 793
消费者行为与新产品(consumer behaviour and new products) 795
产品生命周期(product life cycle) 795
家庭生命周期(family life cycle) 797
包装(packaging) 798
厂牌和厂牌决策(brand and brand decisions) 798
定价方法(pricing method) 799
价格调整策略(price modification strategies) 801
边际成本和边际收益(marginal cost and marginal revenue) 803
需求弹性(elasticity of demand) 804
销售促进(sales promotion) 806
促销组合(promotion mix) 806
广告(advertising) 808
广告媒体与媒体选择(advertising media and its choice) 809
广告的管理环境(the regulatory environment of advertising) 810
公共关系(public relations) 811
销售渠道(channel of distribution) 812
市场营销功用与市场营销流(marketing functions and flows) 813
零售(retailing) 814
零售管理的战略决策(strategic retail management decisions) 815
批发(wholesaling) 815
批发管理的战略决策(stategic wholesale management decisions) 816
超级市场(supermarkets) 817
购物中心(shopping centers) 817
邮购商店(mail-order houses) 818
折扣商店(discount stores) 819
连锁商店(chain stores) 819
日本企业经营管理现代化的标志(indices of the modernization of business managementand administration in Japan) i 820
百货商店(department store) 820
期货市场(futures markets) 820
代理(agents) 823
销售渠道管理(management of distribution channel) 823
销售渠道修正决策(decision of distribution channel modification) 825
实体分配(physical distribution) 826
零售业的轮式循环(wheel of retailing) 828
销售管理(sales management) 828
销售力量规划(planning of sales force) 830
销售力量管理(management of sales force) 831
人员推销(personal selling) 833
人员销售的原则(principies of personal selling) 834
营销中介(marketing intermediaries) 835
垂直销售系统(vertical marketing systems) 835
横向销售系统(horizontal marketing systems) 836
多渠道销售系统(multi-channel systems of distribution) 836
市场调研(marketing research) 837
市场营销信息系统(marketing information system) 838
市场预测(forecasting future market) 839
市场营销中的决策(decision-making in marketing) 840
市场评价(measuring and estimating market) 840
战略规划(strategic planning) 841
市场营销规划(marketing planning) 842
市场营销监控(marketing control) 843
战略监控(strategic control) 844
盈利性监控(profitability control) 844
市场营销部门的演化(evolution of marketing department) 845
市场营销道德规范(marketing ethics) 846
市场营销对消费者福利的影响(affects of marketing on welfare of consumers) 846
市场营销对社会的影响(affects of marketing on society) 847
消费者主义(consumerism) 848
服务产品营销(services marketing) 849
非赢利机构的市场营销(marketing in nonprofit organizations) 850
事业性市场营销(cause-related marketing) 850
国际市场营销(international marketing) 851
材料、物料、物资(materials,supplies,means of production) 854
材料管理(materials management或logistics management) 854
(materials management) 854
材料管理 854
物流、商流、信息流(materials flow,business flow,information flow) 855
材料管理职能(functions of materials management) 856
材料管理组织(materials management organization) 857
配送、配送中心(distribution,distribution center) 858
材料管理人员的培训与资格考核(education and training of materials staff and the 859
qualifying examination) 859
材料管理与企业规划(materials management and corporate planning) 860
材料管理与企业经营环境(materials management and corporate environmental influen-ces) 862
材料的分类与编号(classification and symbolization of materials) 863
日本企业的资材管理(materials and equipments management in Japanese company) 864
苏联企业的物资技术供应(organization s materials and technical equipment 866
supply in U.S.S.R.) 866
采购(purchasing) 866
采购组织(purchasing organization) 867
采购部门的职责(duties of purchasing department) 868
采购部门与其它业务部门的关系(purchasing vis-à-vis other departments) 868
采购政策(purchasing policies) 869
采购市场调查(study of supply markets) 871
采购预算(purchase budget) 871
采购计划(purchasing planning) 872
采购方法(purchase method) 872
材料采购与价值分析(purchasing and value analysis) 872
材料采购的质量保证(purchase quality assurance) 873
采购程序(purchasing process) 874
供应厂商的选择(selection of the right suppliers) 876
谈判(negotiation) 878
购货合同(purchase contract) 879
废旧和剩余材料处理(disposal of scrap and surplus) 880
采购记录(purchasing department record) 881
采购绩效评价(measuring purchasing performance) 881
库存及其分类(inventory and its classification) 882
库存控制(inventory control) 883
库存的功能(functions of inventory) 883
库存管理系统(inventory management system) 884
定量(定点)库存控制系统(fixed order quantity system) 884
库存论(inventory theory) 885
定期库存控制系统(fixed order interval system) 885
库存模型及其类型(inventory models and t
- 《管理信息系统习题集》郭晓军 2016
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