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  • 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:许卓荪编著
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1986
  • ISBN:13324·108
  • 页数:633 页
标签:编著 物理

Contents 1

Chapter One Statics 1

§1—1 Force 1

§1—2 Force of Gravity.Elastic Force.Frictional Force 3

1.Forces of Grayity 3

2.Elastic Forces 4

3.Frictional Forces 5

§1—3 Newton's Third Law Actions and Reactions 8

1.Composition of Concurrent Forces 13

§1—4 Composition and Resolution of Forces 13

2.Resolution of a Force 16

3.Composition by Rectangular Resolution 18

§1—5 Newton's First Law of Motion.Equilibrium 19

§1—6 Moment of a Force Equilibrium of a Body with Fixed Axis.Couple 23

1.Moment of a Force 23

2.Condition for Equilibrium of a Body with a Fixed Axis 25

3.Couples 26

Questious 29

§2—1 Motions 31

Chapter Two Kinematics 31

§2—2 Displacement 33

§2—3 Uniform Motion on a Straight line 35

§2—4 Average Velocity.Non-Uniform Motion 38

§2—5 Instantaneous Velocity 39

§2—6 Acceleration 42

§2—7 Uniformly Accelerated Motion Along a Straight Line 44

§2—8 Relative Motion 51

§2—9 Rotation 53

§2—10 Uniform Circular Motion 54

Questions 58

Chapter Three Newton's Second Law.Curvilinear Motion.Gravitation 60

§3—1 Inertia Mass 60

1.Inertia 60

2.Mass 61

§3—2 Newton's Second Law 63

§3—3 Applications of Newton's Second Law to Rectilinear Motions 68

1.Fundamental Problems 68

2.Combining Newton's Second Law and Newton's Third Law 72

§3—4 Newton's Second Law and Curvilinear Motion 79

1.Condition for Curvilinear Motion 79

2.Motion of a Projectile 79

§3—5 Newton's Second Law and Uniform Circular Motion 84

§3—6 Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation 88

1.Kepler's Law of Planetary Motion 88

2.Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation 89

3.Weight and Mass 93

4.Motion of Satellites 96

§3—7 Acceleration and Deformation 99

1.Forces of Contact 100

2.Forces of Grayity 102

§3—8 Ranges of Validity of Newton's Laws of Motion 105

Questions 106

Chapter Four Conservation Laws 109

§4—1 Impulse and Momentum Theorem of Momentum 110

§4—2 Conservation of Momentum 117

§4—3 Applications of Conservation of Momentum 119

§4—4 Work and Kinetic Energy 126

§4—5 Power 134

§4—6 Gravitational Potential Energy 136

1.Gravitational Potential Energy 136

2.The Path-Independence of the Work of Gravity 139

§4—7 Conservation of Mechanical Energy 145

§4—8 Generalized Work-Energy Theorem 149

§4—9 Elastic Potential Energy 152

§4—10 Collisions 156

1.Head-on Elastic Collision 156

2.Inelastic Collision 160

§4—11 Conservation of Energy 162

Questions 164

Chapter Five Mechanical Oscillations and Waves 167

§5—1 Oscillations 167

1.Periodic Motions 167

2.Oscillations 167

§5—2 Simple Harmonic Motion 169

1.Spring-Mass System 169

2.Qualitative Analysis 172

3.Energy Considerations 173

§5—3 Description of SHM 178

1.Period of SHM 178

2.Displacement-Time Relation 179

3.Phase 180

§5—4 Simple Pendulum 184

§5—5 Damped Oscillation,Forced Oscillation,and Resonance 187

1.Damped Oscillation 187

2.Forced Oscillation 187

3.Resonance 188

§5—6 Mechanical Waves 189

§5—7 Transverse Waves 191

§5—8 Longitudinal Waves 194

Questions 197

Chapter Six Gases.Molecules and the First Law of Thermod ynamics 199

§6—1 State Parameters of a Gas 199

1.State Parameters 199

2.Equilibrium State 201

3.Process 202

§6—2 Equation of State of Ideal Gas 203

§6—3 The Gas Laws 204

§6—4 Molecular Theory 211

1.The Molecule 211

2.Molecular Thermal Motion 213

3.Molecular Forces 215

§6—5 Kinetic Theory of Gases 217

1.The Ideal Gas Model 217

2.The Pressure of Gases 218

3.Temperature 221

§6—6 The First Law of Thermodynamics 222

1.Internal Energy of a Body 222

2.Ways of Changing the Internal Energy of a Body 224

3.The First Law of Thermodynamics 226

4.Application of the First Law to Ideal Gases 229

Questions 231

Chapter Seven Electric Field 233

§7—1 Coulomb's Law 233

1.Electric Charge 233

2.Coulomb's Law 237

§7—2 The Electric Field 241

1.The Concept of Field 241

2.Electric Field Intensity 242

§7—3 Lines of Force 247

§7—4 Electric Potential 252

1.Electric potential Energy 252

2.Electric Potential 255

4.Equipotential Surface 259

3.Potential Difference 259

§7—5 Relation Between E and PD 263

§7—6 Motion of Charged Particles in Electric Field 265

§7—7 Conductors in Electric Field 269

1.Conductors and Insulators 269

2.Electrostatic Equilibrium 270

3.Hollow Conductors 273

§7—8 Capacitors and Capacitance 276

Questions 281

1.Electric Current 285

§8—1 Electric Current 285

Chapter Eight Direct Current Circuit 285

2.Condition of the Existence of a Current in a Conductor 286

3.Direction of Current 286

4.Current Intensity 287

5.Electron's Motion in Conductors 288

6.Quantitative Analysis 289

§8—2 Ohm's Law 292

1.Resistance 292

2.Ohm's Law for a Section of a circuit 293

1.Resistors in Series 294

3.Calculation of R 294

§8—3 Resistors in Series and in Parallel 294

2.Resistors in Parallel 297

3.Rheostat 299

§8—4 Galvanometer.Anmeter and Voltmeter 302

1.Galvanometer 302

2.Ammeter 302

3.Voltmeter 305

4.Measuring Resistance with Voltmeter and Ammeter 307

5.Ohmmneter and Multimeter 309

§8—5 Electromotive Force 311

1.The Function of a Source in Maintaining a Steady Current 311

2.Electromotive Force 316

§8—6 Work and Power in a Complete Circuit 317

1.Work and Power in a Seat of EMF 317

2.Work and Power in the External Circuit 317

3.Power Balance in a Complete Circuit 318

§8—7 Ohm's Law For a Complete Circuit 319

1.Ohm's Law For a Complete Circuit 319

2.Terminal Voltage of a Cell 320

3.Cells in Series and in Parallel 322

Questions 328

Chapter Nine Electromagnetic Phenomena 332

§9—1 A Review of the Fundamentals of Magnetism 332

1.Basic Magnetic phenomena 332

2.Ampere 's Hypothesis for the Origin of Magnetism 335

§9—2 Magnetic Field 336

1.The Magnetic Field 336

3.Direction of the Magnetic Field 337

2.Magnetic Induction 337

4.The Magnitude of B 340

§9—3 Lines of Induction 341

1.Lines of Magnetic Induction 341

2.Magnetic Field Around a Long Straight Wire Carrying Current 344

3.Magnet Field of a Circular Current Loop 345

4.Solenoid 346

5.An Important Feature of the Magnetic Field 346

§9—4 Magnetic Flux 347

6.The Earth's Magnetic Field 347

§9—5 Magnetic Force in a Uniform Field 348

1.Force On a Straight Conductor Carrying a Current 348

2.Force and Torque on Wire Loops 351

3.Force on Moving Charges——Lorentz Force 355

§9—6 Electromagnetic Induction 362

1.Basic Induction Phenomena 362

2.Condition of Appearauce of Induced Current 365

§9—7 Lenz's Law 366

2.Faraday's Law of Induction 370

§9—8 Faraday's Law of Induction 370

1.Induced EMF 370

§9—9 Self-Induction 374

1.Self-Induction 374

2.Self-Inductance 375

Questions 378

Chapter Ten A.C.Circuits 383

§10—1 Generation of Alternating EMF 383

1.Measurement of A.C 387

§10—2 Effective Values 387

2.Effective Values 389

§10—3 A.C.Circuits 392

1.A.C.Circuits 392

2.Purely Resistive Circuits 393

§10—4 Purely Inductive Circuit 394

§10—5 Purely Capacitive Circuit 399

§10—6 Transformer 402

Questions 406

§11—1 Electromagnetic Oscillation 409

Chapter Eleven Electromagnetic Waves and Simple Electronics 409

§11—2 Electromagnetic Waves 414

1.Maxwell's Theory 414

2.Electromagnetic Field and Electromagnetic Waves 416

§11—3 Radiation of EM Waves Modulation 419

1.Radiation of EM Waves 419

2.Modulation 422

§11—4 Semiconductors 425

1.Intrinsic Semiconductors 425

2.P—and N-Semiconductors 427

§11—5 Diodes and Rectification 429

1.Semiconductor Diodes 429

2.Rectification 431

§11—6 Transistors and Amplifiers 434

1.Transistors 434

2.Currents in Transistors Current Amplification 435

3.Amplifiers 438

1.Receiving Antenna 441

2.Tuning Circuit 441

§11—7 Receivers 441

3.Detector 442

4.Block Diagram of a Receiver 444

Questions 444

Chapter Twelve Geometrical Optics 446

§12—1 The Rectilinear Propagation of Light 446

§12—2 Laws of Reflection and Refraction 447

1.Reflection,refraction and Absorption 447

2.Laws of Reflection 448

3.Laws of Refraction 449

§12—3 Dispersion 454

§12—4 Total Internal Reflection 456

§12—5 Images 461

1.How Our Eyes Locate an Object 461

2.Virtual Images 461

3.Real Images 463

4.Images Formed By Reflection At Plane Surfaces 463

5.Image Formed By Refraction At a Plane Surface 465

1.Prism 468

§12—6 Lenses 468

2.Lenses 469

3.Ray Diagram For Images 473

4.Thin Lens Formula 475

5.Typical Cases of Image Formation by a Converging Lens 476

§12—7 Spherical Mirrors 478

Questions 480

Chapter Thirteen The Nature of Light 482

2.The Wave Theory 483

1.Corpuscular Theory 483

§13—1 Corpuscular Theory and Wave Theory 483

§13—2 Interference of Light 485

1.Superposition of Waves 485

2.Interference of Waves 485

3.Coherent Conditions 490

4.Interference of Light Young's Double-Slit Experiment 491

§13—3 Interference in Thin Films 497

§13—4 Diffraction of Light 500

1.Diffraction of Waves 500

2.Diffraction of Light Single Slit Diffraction 503

§13—5 Polarization of Light 507

§13—6 Photoelectric Effect 510

§13—7 Einstein's Photon Theory 513

§13—8 Wave-Particle Duality 515

1.Wave-Particle Duality of Light 515

2.Statistical Interpretation 516

3.Wave-Particle Duality of Matter 519

Questions 520

§14—1 Nuclear Model of the Atom 523

Chapter Fourteen Atoms and Nuclei 523

1.The Alpha-Particle Scattering Experiment 524

2.Rutherford's Nuclear Model 526

§14—2 Spectrum and Hydrogen Atom 528

1.Spectra 528

2.Spectrum of the Hydrogen Atom 530

§14—3 The Bohr Atom 532

1.Troubles With Rutherford's Atom 532

2.The Bohr Atom 533

3.Ex planation of the Spectrum of Hydrogen Atom 535

§14—4 Laser 538

§14—5 Radioactivity 539

§14—6 Detection of Radiation 543

1.Wilson's Cloud Chamber 543

2.Geiger Couinter 545

3.Photographic Emulsion 545

§14—7 Nuclear Reactions and Transmutation of Nuclei 546

§14—8 Structure of the Nucleus 547

§14—9 Artificial Radioactivity 549

§14—10 Binding Energy and Mass Defect 550

§14—11 Fission and Fusion 553

§14—12 Chain Reaction and Thermonuclear Reaction 556

1.Chain Reaction 556

2.Thermonuclear Reaction 560

§14—13 Elementary Particles 562

1.Elementary Particles 562

2.Classification of Elementary Particles 562

3.Some Important Facts About Elementary Particles 563

Questions 566

Appendix Vocabulary/Index 568
