吸气溅射装置 1
Resistive Transition and Pinning Potential in YBa2Cu3O7 Thin Film 104
Anisotropy of Jc,Hc2 and Flux Pinning in c-axis Oriented Epitaxial YBa2CuO7 Thin Film 111
Thermally Activatde Dissipation and Critical Field Hc2 in C-oriented High -Tc Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin Film 122
Preparation of 110 K Bipbsrcacuo thin films by d.c. magnetron sputtering and their transport properties 127
Epitaxial Growth of Yttria-stabilized Zirconia Films on silicon by R.F. Magnetron Sputtering 132
Photoemission Studies of Interface Reactions between Metals and Superconductors:Fe and Cs on a Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Thin film 139
A Study of Sputterde Nb-Ge Films 14
Important Factors Affecting Jc in Bulk Yba2Cu3O7-б 145
In-situ Preparation of YBa2Cu3O7 Superconducting Thin Films by Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser Deposition 149
The Pinning Process of GdBa2Cu3O7-x Films 156
Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in a YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3O7 Superlattice 161
On-axis dc Magnetron Sputtering of Large Area High Quality YBa2Cu3O7 Superconducting Thin Films 167
ac susceptibility and weak-link-free behavior in an epitaxial film of GdBa2Cu3O7-5 170
Critical Current Density and Flux Pinning of YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Films Deposited on Y-stabilized ZrO2 Substrates by DC-magnetron Sputtering 175
不同衬底温度下GdBa2Cu3O7超导薄膜在(100)SrTiO3单晶衬底上的生长 178
High Field Critical Current Density and Flux"Melting"in C-oriented High-Tc Phase BiPbCaSrCuO Thin Film 182
Heteroepitaxial Multilayer of Yba2 Cu3O7 and PrBa2 Cu3O7 on SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 Substrates by Sputting 187
GdBa2Cu3O7 超导薄膜在晶格失配的MgO衬底上的生长(Growth of GdBa2Cu3O7 Superconducting Thin Films on Nin-Latice-Matce-matched MgO Substrate) 190
A study of Dimensional Crossover in YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa3CU3O7 Multilayers 196
Amorphous phase Formation of Mo1-xGex, Mo1-x Six Films and Their Superconducting Properies 20
Thermally Activated Flux Dissipation in c-axis-oriented YBa2Cu3O7/PrBa2Cu3O7 Multilayers 204
The Effects of Laser Energy Density and Target-substrate Distance on the Quality of YB2Cu3O7-x Thin Film 210
Substrate Temperature Effects on the Preparation of YBa2Cu3O7 Superconducting Thin Films 216
Improvement of the Surface Roughness of LaAlO3 Substrate by Depositing Another Layer of LaAlO3 220
Propertiesof DC SQUIDs Made from YBCO and TBCCO Films 227
含铅秘系2223相成相规律的研究(Investigation on Formation of 2223 Phase in the Bi-system Superconductor Containing P6) 231
New Evidence of Stabilization of High Tc A15 Nb3 Ge Phase by Nb5 Ge3 24
Composition Dependence of the superconucting Properties of the Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O System 240
Structural Study on C6o Material 248
Ultrasonic Investigation on High-Tc Superconductor CaLaBaCu3O7-y 252
Structural Features of the Incommensurate Modulation in the Pb-doped Bi-2223 High-Tc Phase Revealed by Direct-method Electron Diffraction Analysis 257
溅射 Nb--Ge 膜中高 Tc A15相的形成规律(The Formation of High Tc A15 Phase in Sputterde Nb-Ge Films 26
Subsolidus Phase Relations of the Y2O3-SrO-CuO System 261
准静水冷压处理后的Bi0.8Pb0.2SrCaCu2Ox超导材料* 264
Microstructure and Superconductivity in Cold-pressed Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO 275
Frequency Variation of the Two-magnon Scattering Peak in YBa2Cu3-xZnxOy and YBa2-xLax Cu3Oy 278
Synthesis and Crystal Structures of New Bismuth Oxychlorides 283
Rare-earth Ionic Size Effect on the Pr-induced Tc Depression in the Series R1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-5 (R=Sm,Gd,Y,Er,Tm) 289
(B,Cu)Sr2YCu2O7,a New Layered Copper-Oxide Based on the Boron-oxygen Group 293
Superconductivity and Microstructure of Infinite-layered (SrNd)CuO2 Prepared under High Pressure 298
MBE-GaAs on Si,Comparison between Two GaAs Crystal Orientations on Vicinal Si(100) Surface 305
Superconductivity of Sr-La-Cu-O Thin Films 31
An Approach to Structure Determination for Minute Crystals★ 310
Pr对RBa2Cu3O7相超导转变温度的影响(The Effect Pr Substiution for R on the Superconductivity of RBa2Cu3O7) 326
Electron Crystallographic Study of Incommensurate Modulation in the Pb-doped Bi-2223 High Tc Superconducting Phase★ 333
Investigation of the Growth Mechanism of Diamond(111)Facets Using High Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy 344
Flux Pinning Behaviour in HIgh-Jc Single Crysal YBa2Cu3Oy Thin Film 347
Superconductivity at 89K of Ba-Y-Cu-O Thin Films 35
Establishment of Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction Experimental System with Synchrotron Radiation under High Pressure 353
YBaCuO Grain-boundary Junctions and Sensitive DC SQUID Magnetometers 357
Solid State Amorphization Reaction in Polycryatalline Ni and Amorphous SI Multilayer 364
Internal Fricton Related to Carriers High-Tc Superconductors 369
High Tc Superconductivity of Sr-Y-Cu-O and Ba-La-Cu-O Thin Films 38
Photoreflectance Study of AlAs/GaAs Gradient Period Superlattice 385
High-Pressure Sistering and Structural Study of Nd1.85Ceo.15CuO4-y 388
Study of Ba-Y-Cu-O Thin Films with Zero Resistance at LN2 Region Prepeared by Magnetron Sputtering★ 42
Superconducting and Normal State Properties of YBaCuO Thin Films Sputtered On ZrO2 Substrates and Their Morphology 46
Superconducting and Normal-state Properties of MoNx Thin Films 52
The Study of Critical Current in YBaCuO Thin Films 56
Preparation and Analysis of High--Tc Nb-Ge Films 6
High Tc Y-Ba-CuO Thin Films by Ion Beam Sputtering 60
取向Ba-Y-Cu-O薄膜的显微结构与电流密度(Microstructure and Critical Current of Orientated YBaCuO Thin Films) 62
The Hall Coefficient of YBa2Cu3O7-x Thin Films with (100)Orientation 65
Epitaxially Grown YBCO Thin Films ON Low Loss LaAlO3 Substrate 70
Synthesis and Properties of High Tc YBa2Cu3O7-y Oriented Thin Films 75
Preparation of Superconducting Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Films by DC Magnetron Sputtering Method 80
Electron Diffraction and Lattice Image Study of High Jc YBCO and GBCO Thin Films 87
Anomalous Hall Effect in C-oriented High-Tc phase BiPbSrCaCuO Thin Film 95
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