- 电子书积分:45 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:《俄英汉石油大词典》编辑部编
- 出 版 社:北京:石油工业出版社
- 出版年份:1997
- ISBN:7502120793
- 页数:1999 页
Text 正文 1
∏peдиcлoвиe 1
Foreword 3
前言 5
Oпо?ьзоваHииc?οваpeM 7
Guide to use the dictionary 9
使用说明 11
Abbreviations used in the dictionary 词典中使用的缩写词 13
Russian alphabet 俄文字母表 13
Appendixes 附录 1885
1 Phonic comparative list of Russian-English-Chinese letters 俄英汉字母对照表(拼音) 1887
2 Table of transliteration 音译表 1888
3.1 Table of declension for nouns 名词变格表 1890
3 Tables of declension 变格表 1890
3.2 Table of declension for adjectives 形容词变格表 1892
3.3 Table of declension for numeral 数词变格表 1893
4 Searching table of morphemes 词素检索表 1894
5 Countries,regions,capitals and currencies 国家,地区,首都(或首府)及货币 1920
6 Geochronometric scale 地质年代表 1946
7 Mathematical symbols 数学符号 1948
7.1 Geometric symbols 几何符号 1948
7.2 Symbols of set theory 集合论符号 1948
7.3 Symbols of mathematical logic 数理逻辑符号 1949
7.4 Other symbols 其他符号 1950
7.5 Openrational symbols 运算符号 1951
7.6 Functional symbols 函数符号 1952
7.7 Symbols of exponetial and logarithmic functions 对数函数和指数函数符号 1953
7.8 Symbols of trigonometric functions and hyperbolic functions 三角函数和双曲函数符号 1954
7.9 Symbols of complex 复数符号 1955
7.10 Symbols of matrix 矩阵符号 1955
7.11 Symbols of vectors and tensors 矢量和张量符号 1956
7.12 Symbols of special functions 特殊函数符号 1957
8 Quantities and units 量和单位 1959
8.1 Basic quantities and their SI units 基本量及其SI单位 1959
8.2 Auxiliary quantities and their SI units 辅助量及其SI单位 1959
8.3 Quantities of space and time and their derived SI units 空间和时间量及其SI导出单位 1960
8.4 Quantities of mechanics and their derived SI units 力学量及其SI导出单位 1961
8.5 Quantities of electricity and magnetics and their derived SI units 电学和磁学量及其SI导出单位 1964
8.6 Quantities of thermodynamics and their derived SI units 热力学量及其SI导出单位 1967
8.7 Quantities of light and electro-magnetic radiantion and their derived SI units 光辐射和电磁辐射量及其SI导出单位 1969
8.8 Quantities of acoustics and their drived SI units 声学量及其SI导出单位 1973
8.9 Quantities of physical chemistry and molecular physics and their derived SI units 物理化学和分子物理学量及其SI导出单位 1974
8.10 Quantites of atomic and neclear physics and therie derived SI units 原子物理和核物理量及其SI导出单位 1977
8.11 Quantities of neclear reaction and ionizing radiation antd their derived SI units 核反应和电离辐射量及其SI导出单位 1978
8.12 units,allowed to be used equally with SI units 可与SI单位并用的单位 1982
8.13 SI prefixes SI词头 1985
9 Table of chemical elements 化学元素表 1986
10 acids,salts,chain hydrocarbons and cyclic nucleus 酸,盐,链烃及环核 1990
10.1 Name of common inorganic acids and their salts 常见无机酸及其盐的名称 1990
10.2 Name of chain hydrocarbons 链烃的名称 1997
10.3 Name(popular name) of common organic acids 常见有机酸的名称(俗名) 1999
10.4 Name of carbocyclic and heterocyclic stem nucleus 碳环及杂环母核的名称 2002
Index(English) 索引(英文) 2011
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