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内部发行  主导英语  1
内部发行  主导英语  1

内部发行 主导英语 1PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:L.G.亚历山大
  • 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
  • 出版年份:1983
  • ISBN:9253·003
  • 页数:151 页
《内部发行 主导英语 1》目录
标签:主导 发行

ContentsPart 1:Understanding and Speaking SectionUnit 1 About you 1

The identification of self namethe alphabet and spelling 2

numbers and telephone calls 2

occupation and nationality 6

origin/domicile/work 6

Unit 2 Yourself and others 8

The identification of other people social greetings 8

names/addresses/telephone numbers/jobs  9

origin/domicile/work 9

appearance 10

age/height/weight 11

character and ability 12

jobs/origin/domicile/work(phural) 13

introductions 13

identification(from a distance) 14

physical states/ailments/mental states 15

Unit 3 Please... 17

Requests,Offers,Suggestions,Permission,Possibility to do thingsrequests 17

offers 18

suggestions 19

permission 20

possibility 20

Unit 4 Finding the way 21

Directiondirection(location/existence):out of doors,short distances 21

imperatives:out of doors,short distances 23

landmarks 24

location/existence:indoors 25

imperatives and landmarks:indoors 26

out of doors:longer distances 26

mode of transport 28

distance 28

Unit 5 Can I...?  29

Possibility,Prohibition,Necessity,Ability,Desire to do thingspermission,possibility and prohibition 29

necessity and absence of necessity 30

ability 31

desire for action 32

Locationwhere people are(at...)/have gone to 33

Unit 6 Where? 33

where people are(in...)/have gone to 35

where people have been 36

where people have gone to/are 37

where people are:various locations 38

meeting places 39

where things are(bedroom setting) 39

where things are(kitchen setting) 40

where places are 40

Unit 7 When? 41

Timethe time and points of time:general reference 41

the time and points of time:specific reference:future 41

the time and points of time:specific reference:past 43

the time and days of the week:general reference 45

the time and days of the week:specific reference:future 46

the time and days of the week:specific reference:past 46

months and seasons:general and specific references future and past 47

dates:general and specific reference:future and past 47

Unit 8 Describe it ! 50

Information about things,substances and conditions identification 50

what things are made of 51

exact description(measurements,etc.) 52

appearance of things 52

quality ratings(general and specific) 54

possession 56

Likes,Dislikes and Preferences in general 58

Unit 9 I like... 58

people in general 59

specific people 60

things in general 61

specific things 62

enjoyment:things in general 63

enjoyment:specific things 63

enjoyment:past reference 64

likes and preferences:past reference 65

Unit 10 I want... 66

Wants and Needs:People,Things and Substancesavailability/possession:general 66

possession/availability:people 67

possession/availability:borrowing/lending/using 67

availability/existence:general 68

wants and needs:general 69

wants and needs:specifying type,etc. 71

wants and needs:quantity:exact number 72

wants and needs:unspecified amount and number 72

wants and needs:measured amounts 73

wants and needs:comparatives 73

Unit 11 Doing things 75

Actionsdescribing present actions and future intentions 75

describing habitual actions 76

narrating past(completed)actions 78

reporting recent actions 81

describing completed actions 82

describing current actions 82

Unit 12 Getting things done 83

R cq uesting/persuading others to actdirect requests 83

indirect requests 83

Part 2:Grammar and Writing Section 86

Part 3:Reader:Queenie and Co. 118

Active appendix 134

Reference appendix 137

Song appendix 139

Reference appendix on intonation 140
