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中医基础理论  下
中医基础理论  下

中医基础理论 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:史兰华,张恩勤,王敏编著;胡兆云,韩毓昉译
  • 出 版 社:上海:上海中医学院出版社
  • 出版年份:1990
  • ISBN:7810101056
  • 页数:127 页
《中医基础理论 下》目录

Chapter One Pathogenic Factors 2

第一章 病因 3

Section 1 Six Exogenous Factors 4

第一节 六淫 5

1.Wind 8

风 9

2.Cold 10

3.Summer-heat 12

暑 13

4.Dampness 14

湿 15

5.Dryness 18

燥 19

6.Fire 20

火 21

Section 2 Epidemic Pathogenic Factors 22

第二节 疠气 23

Section 3 Parasites 26

第三节 寄生虫 27

Section 4 Internal Injury by Seven Emotions 28

1.Relationship tetween Seven Emotions and the Viscera 28

七情与内脏的关系 29

第四节 七情内伤 29

2.Pathogenic Characteristics of Seven Emotions 30

七情致病的特点 31

Section 5 Diet, Work and Rest 32

1.Improper Diet 32

饮食不节 33

第五节 饮食、劳逸 33

2.Maladjustment of Work and Rest 36

劳逸失度 37

Section 6 Surgical Trauma 38

Section 7 Retention of Phlegm and Fluid,and Blood Stasis 38

第七节 痰饮、瘀血 39

第六节 外伤 39

1.Retention of Phlegm and Fluid 40

痰饮 41

2.Blood Stasis 42

瘀血 43

1.The Deficiency of the Vita-qi Is the Internal Basic Cause of the Occurrence of a Disease 46

Section 1 Pathogenic Mechanism 46

Chapter Two Pathogenesis 46

第一节 发病原理 47

正气不足是发病的内在根据 47

第二章 病机 47

2.The Invasion of Pathogenic Factors Is External Cause of the Occurrence of a Disease 48

Section 2 Basic Pathogenesis 48

邪气侵袭是发病的重要条件 49

第二节 基本病机 49

1.Conflict between Zheng and Xie 50

正邪斗争 51

2.Imbalance of Rin and Rang 56

阴阳失调 57

3.Disturbance of Ascending and Descending 66

升降失常 67

Chapter Three Prevention 72

Section 1 Taking Preventive Measures 72

1.Building up the Vital-qi s Power to Resist Pathogenic Factors 72

第三章 预防 73

第一节 未病先防 73

增强正气的抗邪能力 73

Section 2 Preventing the Progression of a Disease 78

2.Taking Precautions against the Invasion of Pathogenic Factors 78

第二节 既病防变 79

防止病邪的侵害 79

Section 1 Principles of Treatment 82

1.Searching for the Primary Cause of a Disease in Treatment 82

Chapter Four Treatment 82

第四章 治疗 83

第一节 治则 83

治病求本 83

2.Strengthening the Body Resistance and Eliminating Pathogenic Factors 90

扶正祛邪 91

3.Regulation of Rin and Rang 96

调整阴阳 97

4.Treatment in accordance with Seasonal Conditions, Local Conditions and the Physique of an Individual 98

因时、因地、因人制宜 99

Section 2 Therapeutic Methods 102

1.Diaphoresis 102

第二节 治法 103

汗法 103

2.Emesis 106

3.Purgation 106

吐法 107

下法 107

4.Mediation 110

和法 111

寒 111

5.Warming 112

温法 113

6.Heat-reducing 114

清法 115

7.Elimination 116

消法 117

8.Tonification 122

补法 123

Editor s Notes 126

编写说明 127
