- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘智勇著
- 出 版 社:成都:西南交通大学出版社音像部
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:781104904X
- 页数:224 页
Chapter 1 Meeting And Meeting Organization 1
1.1 The meaning of a meeting 1
1.2 Integrant parts of a meeting 4
1.3 Types of a meeting 7
1.4 Function of a meeting 12
1.5 Organization work of a meeting 16
Chapter 2 Preparations Before A Meeting 23
2.1 Investigation before a meeting and determination of the meeting's topic 23
2.2 Establishment of meeting institutions and providing of staff 28
2.3 Draft of meeting agenda, schedule and procedure 31
2.4 Determination of attendants and groups organizing 34
2.5 Choice of the meeting place and the decoration of the meeting hall 37
2.6 Determination of the meeting time, making and sending the meeting notice 43
2.7 Other preparation work before the meeting 46
Chapter 3 Organization Work During A Meeting 50
3.1 Registration and sign-in of the meeting 50
3.2 Coordination during the meeting 52
3.3 Service in the meeting hall 57
3.4 Arrangement of speeches and group discussion 59
3.5 Meeting record and meeting report 62
3.6 Other organization work during the meeting 66
Chapter 4 Organization Work After A Meeting 69
4.1 Leaving work of the paricipants 69
4.2 Paper checking up and meeting record sorting out 71
4.3 Draft of meeting summary 72
4.4 News report of the meeting 75
4.5 The printing and urging of the meeting's decisioninformation 78
4.6 Activity arrangement after the meeting 81
4.7 Summary of the meeting 82
Chapter 5 Skills For Presiding A Meeting 84
5.1 Requirements for presiding a meeting 84
5.2 A meeting host's authority 88
5.3 Ordinary meeting hosting skills 92
5.4 Cultures of the meeting hosts 99
Chapter 6 Paperwork Of A Meeting 107
6.1 General introduction to meeting paperwork 107
6.2 Disposal of meeting papers 114
6.3 Management of the meeting papers 124
6.4 Writing of important meeting papers 128
Chapter 7 Safeguarding And Secrecy Maintaining Of A Meeting 139
7.1 Safeguarding of the meeting 139
7.2 Secrecy maintaining of the meeting 144
Chapter 8 Financial Affairs Management For A Meeting 155
8.1 The funds budget of a meeting 155
8.2 Meeting cost accounting 159
Chapter 9 Meeting Etiquette 167
9.1 Meeting and seeing off 167
9.2 Introducing etiquette 171
9.3 Address etiquette 172
9.4 Wear etiquette 175
9.5 Banquet etiquette 179
Chapter 10 Organization Of Conventional Meetings 186
10.1 Organization of delegation meetings 186
10.2 Organization of decision-making meetings 194
10.3 Organization of work meetings 202
10.4 Organization of academic meetings 207
10.5 Organization of ceremony and celebration meetings 210
10.6 Organization of press briefing 214
Bibliography 221
Postscript 222
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