制冷技术 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:华泽钊,张华,刘宝林等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:科学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787030243041
- 页数:295 页
Part Ⅰ Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Introduction to Refrigeration 1
1-1 A Sample of Refrigeration System——Split Room Air Conditioner 1
1-2 Definition and Scope of Refrigeration 2
1-3 Main Applications of Refrigeration 4
1-4 History of Refrigeration in the World 20
1-5 Refrigeration in China 28
1-6 Academic Organizations and Journals of Refrigeration in the World 29
1-7 Academic Organizations and Journals of Refrigeration in China 32
References 36
Part Ⅱ The Principles of Refrigeration 37
Chapter 2 Thermodynamic Analyses of Refrigeration Cycle 37
2-1 The Laws of Thermodynamics and Their Relation to Refrigeration 37
2-2 The Refrigeration Cycle and its Main Components 40
2-3 The Performance of Refrigeration System 43
2-4 Entropy Analyses Method of Refrigeration System 44
2-5 Work and Heat Operated Refrigerators 46
2-6 Lorenz Cycles for Variable Temperature Heat Source and Heat Sink 47
References 48
Chapter 3 Methods of Decreasing Temperature(Ⅰ)——Related to Gas and Liquid Refrigerants 49
3-1 Decreasing Temperature by Adiabatic Throttling——J-T Effect 49
3-2 Decreasing Temperature by Pressure Reduction in Two Phase Region 53
3-3 Decreasing Temperature by Adiabatic Expansion of Gas with Doing Work 54
3-4 Decreasing Temperature by Adiabatic Vortex Ranque Effect 56
3-5 Decreasing Temperature by Variable Mass System in Unsteady Flow 59
3-6 Decreasing Temperature by Thermo-Acoustic Effect 65
References 69
Chapter 4 Methods of Decreasing Temperature(Ⅱ)——Related to Solid Refrigerants 70
4-1 Decreasing Temperature by Thermo-Electric Peltier Effect 70
4-2 Decreasing Temperature by Magnetocaloric Effect(Adiabatic Demagnetization) 74
4-3 Decreasing Temperature by Photo Method 80
References 85
Chapter 5 Vapor and Gas Refrigeration Cycles 87
5-1 Mechanical Powered Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle 87
5-2 Heat Powered Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle(1)——Vapor Absorption Refrigeration 89
5-3 Heat Powered Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle(2)——Vapor Adsorption Refrigeration 101
5-4 Heat Powered Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle(3)——Vapor Jet Refrigeration 106
5-5 Refrigeration Cycle by Gas Compression and Adiabatic Expansion 110
References 116
Chapter 6 Cycle Analyses of Vapor Compression Refrigeration 117
6-1 Single-Stage Vapor Compression Refrigeration Systems 117
6-2 Multi-Stage Vapor Compression Systems 136
6-3 Cascade Vapor Compression Systems 144
6-4 Auto Cascade Vapor Compression Systems 147
References 149
Part Ⅲ The Refrigerants and Other Substances for RefrigerationChapter 7 Introduction of Refrigerants 151
7-1 Refrigerant in Vapor Compression Refrigeration 151
7-2 Refrigeration Characteristics of Refrigerants 152
7-3 Some Important Physical/Chemical Properties of Refrigerants 154
7-4 Classification and Nomenclature of Refrigerants 160
7-5 Secondary Refrigerants 167
References 169
Chapter 8 Environmental Friendly Refrigerants 171
8-1 Ozone Depletion by CFCs in Stratosphere 171
8-2 Montreal Protocol and its Amendments 178
8-3 Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming 180
8-4 Kyoto Protocol 184
8-5 Global Warming Impacts of Refrigerants 188
8-6 Fluorinated Refrigerants 190
8-7 Environmental and Thermal Properties of Natural Refrigerants 196
8-8 Alternative Refrigerants 199
References 200
Chapter 9 Psychrometry and Air Processes 201
9-1 Composition and Thermal Properties of Moist Air 201
9-2 Thermal Properties of Saturated Water and Saturated Moist Air 204
9-3 Adiabatic Saturation Process and Wet Bulb Temperature 206
9-4 Approximate Calculation of the Thermal Properties of Moist Air 207
9-5 Psychrometric Chart 209
9-6 Air Handing Processes 212
9-7 Heat and Mass Transfer Between Moist Air and Solid Surface 213
References 215
Part Ⅳ The Equipment for Refrigeration Cycles 216
Chapter 10 Compressors 216
10-1 Main Types of Compressors 216
10-2 Reciprocating Compressors 217
10-3 Scroll Compressors 225
10-4 Screw Compressors 228
10-5 Turbo Compressors 231
10-6 Roller Type Compressors 234
10-7 Vane Type Compressors 236
10-8 Inverter Technology and Inverter Driven Compressors 237
References 240
Chapter 11 Condensing Equipment 241
11-1 Function and Classification of Condensers 241
11-2 Water-Cooled Condensers 242
11-3 Cooling Tower 248
11-4 Air-Cooled Condensers 252
11-5 Evaporative Condensers 254
References 255
Chapter 12 Evaporators 256
12-1 Function and Classification of Evaporators 256
12-2 Dry-Expansion Evaporators and Flooded Evaporators 256
12-3 Main Types of Evaporator Construction 259
12-4 Air Cooler and Spray Air Cooler 266
12-5 Direct and Indirect Refrigeration Systems 269
References 270
Chapter 13 Refrigerant Flow Control 272
13-1 Hand Expansion Valves 272
13-2 Capillary Tube 273
13-3 Thermostatic Expansion Valves-Superheat Control 277
13-4 Automatic Expansion Valves-Evaporator Pressure Control 280
13-5 Electronic Expansion Valves 282
13-6 The Practical Refrigeration System and its Temperature and Pressure Control 285
References 287
Index 288
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